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That sounds pretty good. No actual pennants then though?Diff. Flags mod works similar one from Build_14 with serious differences in code ( in SeaLoad() function at sea.c )
Every ship has nation flags and one special flag - Merchant, Warrior, FlagShip or Hero flag (owned by main Hero and it's companions).
Found a bug. On my way over to the bug tracker to report it. More (not really) importantly, though, I have gripes with the patch. As far as I can tell from a few hours of testing, the most common start ships are the Barque and the Bounty... That's fine, I suppose, except that both of those ships are mediocre for the class, you start with 50% hull, and a full rack of 4lb guns. With the new cannon prices, you have little choice but to depart from port with 14 or 16 4 lb cannons... To put that in perspective, I'll provide an image that I took for the sake of bug reporting but which also portrays the source of my frustration at this... In this particular savegame, this screenshot was taken at the end of my first naval encounter.
I'm aware that I was slightly overmatched, but for the sake of testing, this game was started on Sailor. I started that fight with all 14 4 lb cannon equipped, 600 grape shot, 90% hull and 75 crew (pretty much the average start I have had thus far). This means that I fired ~150 times at that opponent, lost every last gun on the starboard side, took about 22% hull damage and 7% sail damage, and when I was finally unable to outmaneuver the opponent and was boarded (the other ship was faster and more maneuverable, if not by much) I lost 70 crew (I had lost 3 in the very long pointless firefight leading up to the boarding). Then I started a new game. Not sure if I've got terrible luck or perhaps the wrong attitude on the difference between "challenging" and "sadistic and unfun," but I'm thinking the changes I've experienced thus far this patch most definitely lean toward the latter.
Well, this is to be expected. As a privateer would be just starting out, the resources they have access to would be quite limited. For the first little while, the only way to get out of a battle unscathed would be to run. Granted things are a bit tough at the beginning, but it wont take long until you the most fear pirate in the seas
In CMV3 the ships was reworked, in previous version you would have a full crew and almost everyone would board, that is unrealistic and was fixed, you need to be able to have some crew left because on the more difficult levels you can't use sail to or exit to the world map in less you have at least minimum crew. So this had to be done for that reason.
You battled a ship that was out of your class really and you was lucky to win that battle, you was out crewed not only by maximum crew for each ship but the amount of crew you could board with. You was out gunned, your was weak in every departement.
Who boarded who?
How much crew did you have to start with?
How much crew did the enemy have when boarding? (in less you cheated and have one of the best spy glasses you can't answer that question)
4Ibs cannons aren't ment to deal heavy blows to enemy ships or there crew. As i said the better your skills the more damage you will do. You can have around 119 to mayve 140 while they have 152 to 190. There is a big difference there, and no matter how easy the game you will loose alot of crew. I see you have 64 weapons, you need to have weapons for each and every crew, so if you have 10 crew you will need 10 weapons. If that was your first encounter then i'm guessing you couldn't afford any weapons which ment you was weak there too. If you have for example 100 crew and only 60 weapons you are going to loose anything from 50+ of your crew.
If they boarded you then that explains why you lost almost all your crew, however the same would be said if you had boarded them, you may have had a few extra crew but i don't think it would have been many more.
You certainly had enough weapons for the battle. The spy Glass was done like that to make it more realistic, i think at some point it will be made as an option you can turn on or off, but we need a coder for that.
In the PotC Build mod we've got Realistic and Arcade game modes.
That shouldn't be too hard to implement in CoAS.
In the "worst" case, you'll just stick in some if-statements with #defines,
like the old BuildSettings.h from the PotC Build mod.
That's not hard to do.![]()
If they boarded you then that explains why you lost almost all your crew, however the same would be said if you had boarded them, you may have had a few extra crew but i don't think it would have been many more.
You certainly had enough weapons for the battle. The spy Glass was done like that to make it more realistic, i think at some point it will be made as an option you can turn on or off, but we need a coder for that.
What kind of code are we talking about? C++, Python? Do you know? I was very sad indeed to find that my shiny new excellent spyglass was roughly exactly the same as my regular one, though I figured it had to do with realism. So what you're saying is that the person actually doing the boarding uses a smaller percentage of their crew? How exactly does that work? Do you have it set so it uses all but the minimum crew requirement? Or is it more complicated than that?
The code in your PROGRAM folder is close to C and can be edited with Notepad.![]()
i think the 4Ibs cannons did very well, i was out gunned, out crewed, out everything but i wasn't trying to capture a new ship i was testing the cannons, more spacifically the 4Ibs cannons. And as you can see from the Barque they had better cannons than me, not to mention 8 more than me too.
We have taken the amount of gunner's 1 crew member per gun, and 2 cannoners per gun and the minimum crew. Added all that together and what ever is left out of the maximum crew is for boarding. Not complicated at all.
For myself, I avoid ship to ship fights like the plague when I'm starting a new game no matter how easy the difficulty setting - that is until I have gone up a couple/three levels and have a few officers to use as support fighters. I run merchant and passenger missions only and avoid all confrontations. Once I feel I can take on a little lone merchant I will, but still avoiding a gunnery fight and closing to board as quickly as possible.
The way I look at it is that when you start out you are at a kindergarten level on gunnery - period: meaning you're gonna miss a whole heck of a lot and the enemy no matter how wimpy is gonna have the advantage. Only until I pick up a few levels, have a cannoneer and pick up some gunnery perks and experience do I try to slug it out with anyone. This may be boring I know, but it allows you to pick up sailing and commerce experience as well as swordsmanship experience in caves, with robbers/rapists and with enemy guards outside and just inside the city gates of their towns. This is also a quick way to level up and pick up additional items for sale/ for yourself. In the words of the great JEDI Master Yoda, "patience, learn you must, mmmmm".![]()
We have taken the amount of gunner's 1 crew member per gun, and 2 cannoners per gun and the minimum crew. Added all that together and what ever is left out of the maximum crew is for boarding. Not complicated at all.
So, current crew - (minimum crew + (3 x cannons)) = crew used in boarding? Seems fair enough, particularly on larger ships, though on smaller ships I could see a disproportionate number of crew staying behind. Haven't had an issue yet, so it seems to be working well enough. Just out of curiosity, if, say for the sake of both realism and convenience, I wanted to modify those numbers on smaller ships specifically, while leaving them in place on larger ones... Would that even be possible, and if so, how complicated would it be?
refShip.MaxCrew = xx;
refShip.MinCrew = xx;
refShip.BoardingCrew = xx;
refShip.GunnerCrew = xx;
refShip.CannonerCrew = xx;
refShip.SailorCrew = xx;
We have taken the amount of gunner's 1 crew member per gun, and 2 cannoners per gun and the minimum crew. Added all that together and what ever is left out of the maximum crew is for boarding. Not complicated at all.
So, current crew - (minimum crew + (3 x cannons)) = crew used in boarding? Seems fair enough, particularly on larger ships, though on smaller ships I could see a disproportionate number of crew staying behind. Haven't had an issue yet, so it seems to be working well enough. Just out of curiosity, if, say for the sake of both realism and convenience, I wanted to modify those numbers on smaller ships specifically, while leaving them in place on larger ones... Would that even be possible, and if so, how complicated would it be?
No its not difficult to change the crew value's. In your game directory for COAS go to Program\Ships and open ships_init, You'll need to etit each of these lines of codes for the ships you wish to edit.
Code:refShip.MaxCrew = xx; refShip.MinCrew = xx; refShip.BoardingCrew = xx; refShip.GunnerCrew = xx; refShip.CannonerCrew = xx; refShip.SailorCrew = xx;
Min crew and max crew obviously do as they say, boarding crew is how many crew will board, gunnery crew is how many crew will fire the guns, cannon crew is how many will reload the guns. Sailor crew is how many crew you can have at max. There is some where in another file a code that effects this line of code, for example all ships are set bellow there max crew yet you can still carry more than the max crew because the sailor crew has so many % added on so 100 sailor crew could mean 125 crew at max for that given ship.
By increasing the amount of crew a small ship can carry will make it more unrealistic for the battles with large ships because no small ship ever carried enough crew to capture large ships like Frigates, Corvette's, MOW's etc. An example is the crew on the Soleil Royal )quest version) is bassed on the Soleil Royal after it was refitted, the none quest version is based on the ship before it was refitted. The Victory's crew is also based of real value's and all MOW's have had there crew's based around that of the Victory and early Soleil Royal. Slamm ships have had there value's based as close as we can to realistic as we dare go, if we had it any more realistic then we would have even less boarding crew.
In small ships almost all the crew would board, in large military ships the crew was more organised so many fired the swival guns and musketeers fired from the rigging and onboard deck. They also had musketeers on each of the gun decks to try and stop any one from getting down and killing the gunnery crew. In most battles the crew continued firing bradsides into one another even though there crew had boarded each other. And if we calculated to a more realistic value it would have taken anything from 2 to 6 crew to load those cannons depending on calibure, but unlike COAS in real life the ships didn't have just 1 calibure mounted. They had as many as 5 different calibures mounted throughout there ships (depending on ship type and amount of guns capable of been mounted). So if we worked out how many crew was firing all of say Victory's guns we would see that it would be lower than if we increased the crew for the cannons, due to not all there guns requiring the same amount of crew to load the guns. This is why the 2 per cannon was ellected as been a better trade off.
Anyway back to the editing. letg go with an example ship, the ship has 200 max crew, and a boarding parts of 90, you will need to edit the sailor crew aswell since that effects how many more crew of the maximum you can carry. The sailor crew in this example is say 150, you increase the max crew to say 250 that means boarding party is increased by 50 from 90 to 140, sailor crew is increased from 150 to 200. Minimum crew, gunnery crew and cannon crew shouldn't need editing in less you want to have more crew remain onbaord your ship while your boarding enemy ships.
Hope this helps.![]()