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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 4 Internal WIP For Testing

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Opening post EXE updated

As promised, the new version is now available. Some quick initial tests by me suggest it is most definitely better than that last one.

New game is ENFORCED again because of some important corrections made during the initialization phase.

Effectively the most important updates are the ones that further improve game performance and fix the still-standing issues with the Skill System.
The only real issue that I know still needs to be addressed there is "officer salary". Hopefully @Levis can sort that one out next week.

Another really cool accomplishment is that some BuildingSet structures now have COLLISION DETECTION at long last!
This is especially nice now that the WIC Office has a larger part to play in the game. Thanks also @Levis! :woot

However, that is by far not the only thing done. @Jack Rackham tied up many loose ends and I've done a thing or two as well.
Just have a look at the impressive list of changes below:

- BuildingSet colliders added for circular (Windmill) and 4-point polygon (Barracks) structures by @Levis
- Makes sure you won't get an opium ambush when vcskip is enabled by @Levis
- Little bit more optimilization for load times by @Levis
- Tweaked some of the values for officer price and level by @Levis
- Officer prices won't increase anymore when they level up (still working on an "I want a raise!" option) by @Levis
- Added apothecary to the fetch quests. So please test this! by @Levis
- Remove officer from post fixed by @Levis
- Several "Tab" buttons in Passengers Interface not working fixed by @Levis
- Gain XP also for attacking immortal characters by @Levis
- Custom grass texture added to Kralendijk Port by @Levis

- Ammo supply on ship also when going direct from land to sailing mode by @Jack Rackham
- LongRifle_C works now also for NPC:s and officers by @Jack Rackham
- 8 muskets moved closer to the back by @Jack Rackham
- GoldenHind deck: characters removed by @Jack Rackham
- Swedish and danish flags improved by @Jack Rackham
- 7 new pirate flags added by @Jack Rackham
- Sidequests disabled in WoodesRogers by @Jack Rackham

- Fixes the bug with data not being available for the player and officers at game start by me
- Hostile pirates start at -89 points instead of -60 by me
- Difficulty influence restored to False Flag Recognition chance by me
- Piracy Warning skipped when attacking pirate ships by me
- Correction to Speighstown "Unlock Fast Travel" by me
- Fix for Personal Nation Free Play start by me
- Jack Sparrow opening scene dialog fixed by me
- Escort Quest Companions use supplies same as any other companions by me
- Food and Rum Consumption more evenly distributed over all ships in your fleet by me
- "Acts of Piracy" renamed to "Unrespectable Acts" in the Relations Tutorial Book by me
- Realistic Game Mode: Officers contribute to ship tier/fleet command again (extra code added to hopefully restore @Levis' warning dialog to proper working order again)
- Raise Crew Morale cost takes into account officers again
- Officers do NOT affect the money you get from the estates you are awarded after some promotions
TO ALL TESTERS: We've got quite a substantial number of "Needs Testing" and "Unconfirmed" issues on Build Mod Bug Tracker | PiratesAhoy!
So please keep a special eye on those particular issues as I'd really like to be able to mark them "Fixed" if they are indeed solved now! :cheers

I don't see any update of the new version @Pieter Boelen. Have you checked if you have changed the date? Or it is still uploading the new .exe?
It was already uploaded (I wouldn't publicly post the announcement if it wasn't), but got distracted by updating all the relevant forum threads. :oops:
Attached file contains several fixes that I made today.
Hopefully they'll help with making the game more playable and more accurate too.

Changes included:
- ResetPartySkill and ResetShipSkill reset captain AND character skills: this helps with getting the correct numbers when assigning companions in Realistic Game Mode
- CalcShipSkill uses CheckFleetShips instead of GetCompanionQuantity: this should mean that doing an Escort Quest should NOT affect your Leadership skill
- CalcPartySkill modified so that all captains always contribute ALL their skills (same as the player) regardless of their "captain type"
- Alternate check added to SetUpCharacterWeapons which should solve the general non-violence observed throughout the game
- GetSquadronTotalCrewQuantity simplified; should do the same as it always did
- GetUnremovableCrewQuantity function added; this is used to include escort quest crews in food/rum consumption as they also contribute their supplies now
- CheckFleetShips changed so that it can handle a "one ship more" case (needed when assigning companions in Realistic Game Mode)
- Underlying interface code for assigning companions in Realistic Game Mode substantially rewritten to allow @Levis' warnings to show in succession
- UpdateRMRelation simplified and now returns whether this was a valid attack or not
- AI type for quest captains changed; this was originally to fix the non-violence issue with them, but now doesn't make a difference anymore; I kept it just in case...
- A whole bunch of character flags reassigned; just for fun! :cheeky


  • b14_b4_wip18Oct2015.zip
    310.9 KB · Views: 297
I seem to be running into issues loading games from the main menu, not sure if this is a known issue as i've not been active in a while, i select load game and it does nothing if i try to scroll between saves it stutters along and if i try to change profile i get a CTD. This issue also occurs when i die and try to load.

Edit:Fixed issue was running Engine.exe in compatibility mode.
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Opening post EXE updated

It seems my quick attempt at restoring a bit of older code to the game did meet with some success.
So I have made a new Installer that should make for at least a more reliable game version than the last one.

This DOES include:
- New pirate flags by @Jack Rackham and @Grey Roger
- Various corrections my me

This does NOT include:
- Game loading performance improved by @Levis
- BuildingSet colliders added for circular (Windmill) and 4-point polygon (Barracks) by @Levis

It isn't perfect yet and I've got my work cut out for me over the weekend. But hopefully this is at least again a step in the right direction.
I'd appreciate everyone testing this and letting me know what errors are NOT yet fixed in this version.
Opening post EXE updated

Today a more well-considered version. I have high hopes that this one actually is the version we've been waiting for!
All recent code that caused brand new bugs has been caught and restored to its previous state.

This update DOES include:
- New pirate flags by @Jack Rackham and @Grey Roger
- Various corrections my @pedrwyth, @Jack Rackham and me

This does NOT include:
- Game loading performance improved by @Levis
- BuildingSet colliders added for circular (Windmill) and 4-point polygon (Barracks) by @Levis

So please DELETE YOUR SAVEGAMES (or move them to a backup folder) and start a New Game with this update for testing!
Only exception is if you were using yesterday's update (23 Sep 2015); I think you'll be OK to continue from that savegame.

If you do run into weirdness again, of course be sure to let us know.
But I myself am going to focus now on the items on my to-do list that still needed finishing. :doff
I think something is wrong with this link: http://www.piratesahoy.net/build/b14_beta4_installer.exe
Get a NSIS error when opening, downloaded it for the 5th time still a NSIS error.

Update: Downloaded it for the 6th time installer works now, strange though.
You must have been EXTREMELY unlucky and downloaded it at the same time I was uploading the new version.
I just posted it a moment ago. :facepalm

Unless there is some connection b/w the combat the freezes /hangs and load times. Which is happening pretty frequently
Maybe. In any case, new version is out and I think that is about as good as I'm going to get it for a while.
I'll be interested to know how this one plays. :doff
Played for a couple of hours (yesterdays installer) , lots of rushing to sea encounters on world map dropping out to the encounter then running away again. No crashes with that.

Did have one crash walking across a tavern (error log in dialogue.c looked to be a problem with an NPC generated dialogue supposed to interrupt me) - which I suppose it did but in a big way. I had a save from a minute earlier and it wouldn't replicate - so just one of those random things - I never used to get many of them before. Anyway looks fairly stable to me - so back to NPC's in taverns (or not) for me.

Have now installed today's version.
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