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Extreme difficult missions

If your fantasy of challenge would really come true, then i would prefer a submarine instead of a frigate. xD

Here is the maximum result that i could get out of the whole game after 7 playthroughs all in all. I won´t start another one till the release of the next DLC for shure. Each playthrough let´s you age for years in hours. xD


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    Final results.jpg
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How to kill Gregoire and his team in Final Lesson?
Level 14 with good armor, musket & blade and lots of small and few big health items.
Durun and Trubal always die and I managed to kill hardly 2 of them :( after running & running..................

And how to slow down the game(which key)?
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i would prefer a submarine instead of a frigate. xD

I just noticed this!

Someone told me they wanted a nuclear submarine in the game. Ok, that's beyond ludicrous, right?

Well, maybe not. Check out the Disney version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. There is a bona-fide steampunk nuclear submarine, and it is gorgeous. If you know the story, Captain Nemo attacked slaver ships. Everyone thought it was some kind of whale.

We could put something like that in the game without messing up the story. If you've ever sold slaves, you might encounter this leviathan.

And how to slow down the game(which key)?

Use the plus and minus keys on the numpad. I'm not sure what keys to use if you have a laptop without a numpad.

Check out the Disney version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. There is a bona-fide steampunk nuclear submarine, and it is gorgeous.
Seconded and thirded! That is one awesome submarine.
My personal preference is for surface ships, but that particular one could change my mind. ;)
Yes, now I am using laptop with a numpad. Have to see. But I have doubt, most games dont support lap numpad.
But how to kill Gregoire & team? Any tricks?
If you play the quest Just Like Home in Tortuga after you reach level/rank 10 and not before, you have the option to hire boarding officer Clod Duran who will join you during the fight against Gregoire and his mercenaries. At the beginning of the fight i always run behind the broken tree to escape from the deadly shots of the indian´s mortar. At the end of the way behind the tree i start fighting aqgainst the two mercenaries till Clod Duran is joining me and let him take care of Gregoire. Then i run back to the beach and assist Prosper in killing the indian. If you save your game at the beginning of the fight, you can reload it till everything went well for you. Good luck!
At the beginning of the fight i always run behind the broken tree to escape from the deadly shots of the indian´s mortar. At the end of the way behind the tree i start fighting aqgainst the two mercenaries till Clod Duran is joining me and let him take care of Gregoire. Then i run back to the beach and assist Prosper in killing the indian. If you save your game at the beginning of the fight, you can reload it till everything went well for you. Good luck!

Having tried multiple tactics on second-hard-mode I find serious flaw in this one: the Indian is scripted to take a certain position on the beach and fire from there. Saving, even if you put your weapons way, is disabled. Therefore, even if you do away with our good friend Gregoir and his two girls, when you step out of cover Indian will one-shot either you, our one of your comrades.

My preferred way of dealing with this bunch is a good saber, Omelotochi Tincture, dragging whole group to the Indian shooting positions and then putting them down with several circle swings.
This requires building char for this combat from Day 1 - leveling Sabers to 90 at least, procuring Tincture via Price of Consumption quest and so on.
But at least its reliable.
Thanks for reply.
I managed to kill Gregoire and co. Thanks to @Hook, slow motion did the trick. Otherwise it's almost impossible. Trubal is save but Durun dead. I tried several times. But Durun always die. I gave him good armor, tried to lure everyone on me. Result is same. At least I managed to save Trubal.
I don't know if Durun is linked with any other mission in future gaming or not! I am carrying forward...:keith
I heard some mention of the pirate saga earlier in this thread, I was just wondering at what point does the one year timer for the mission start? Also is there a way to stop the accelerated rep loss after finishing the Jolly Roger DLC?
I heard some mention of the pirate saga earlier in this thread, I was just wondering at what point does the one year timer for the mission start?

At the moment when Helen Sharp is joining you as an officer in Blueweld.

Also is there a way to stop the accelerated rep loss after finishing the Jolly Roger DLC?

Can´t answer this because i don´t like and therefore will never play this DLC.
Can´t answer this because i don´t like and therefore will never play this DLC.

I wasn't a fan of it either but I still wanted to experience the story of it which was not half bad, and I though the ending to the quests was quite good. I would say there might have been some real character development even if it seemed a bit forced at times.
Thanks @SD.
Can any one know how can I acquire Fleet Carbine or Naval Carbine(with bayonet)??
EXCEPT Dutch Gambit for Dutch and Secret Org.
Best time to do the side quest 'Long Way To The Gallows'?? Any one know?
I did it after Dutch Gambit. But the problem is no one is dropping Sea Saber or Claybeg :(
I can see 4 Sea Saber and 1 Claybeg during 'Long Way To The Gallows' mission. But no one dropping them. I tried several times. :modding
Do I need to finish main quest line first?
Started a new game last week.. now I reached lvl 21 and was hoping to do the privteer or secret organization.. only to find out that lvl 15 is deadline!

So now I gonna rank to lvl 30 before I start any missions to avoid the overly difficult challenges that await...

Anyone suggest the best weapon for broadside/axe category and where to get?
Definitely the Horseman´s Axe (my absolutely favorite weapon for the whole game) and you can get it at the earliest if you play the Secret Organization (which is also offering you one of the best boarding officers of the game) or much later during the mainquest Seeking for Guardian of Truth.
My screenshot is showing you it´s best possible values (they are random generated). If you want to have this one, you must save your game before the bossfight and repeat it till you are lucky.


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