Sorry if I offended anyone as I sometimes speak bluntly. 
In the time you have had that 9600GT I have played POTC on a 6600GT, 8800GTS, and GTX275. Then switched to AMD and a 6950, 2-6950, 280X, and the current 290X. What I have seen is not so much any improvement in frame rates but a dramatic improvement graphics. There have been times when I was not seeing even 20fps with this 290X and POTC was unplayable.
In POTC the video card isn't that important outside of image quality. What is important is the cpu and there is no such thing as too much cpu for this game. Oh, and ram. The Storm engine has memory leaks and uses a lot more ram than it shows being used.
For showing frame rates I use Fraps. I also use it to take screenshots and movies, but now that Rivatuner is working I may have to rethink that.
In fullscreen mode POTC is limited to 60 fps and in windowed mode the frame rate is unlocked and the brightness sliders are disabled. Win X puts POTC in windowed mode for some reason which might have damaged my GPU as it is now showing artifacts in modern games.

In the time you have had that 9600GT I have played POTC on a 6600GT, 8800GTS, and GTX275. Then switched to AMD and a 6950, 2-6950, 280X, and the current 290X. What I have seen is not so much any improvement in frame rates but a dramatic improvement graphics. There have been times when I was not seeing even 20fps with this 290X and POTC was unplayable.
In POTC the video card isn't that important outside of image quality. What is important is the cpu and there is no such thing as too much cpu for this game. Oh, and ram. The Storm engine has memory leaks and uses a lot more ram than it shows being used.
For showing frame rates I use Fraps. I also use it to take screenshots and movies, but now that Rivatuner is working I may have to rethink that.
In fullscreen mode POTC is limited to 60 fps and in windowed mode the frame rate is unlocked and the brightness sliders are disabled. Win X puts POTC in windowed mode for some reason which might have damaged my GPU as it is now showing artifacts in modern games.