One thing I haven't seen elsewhere is that all those starting characters you can choose from (135 or so last time I counted and they were planning to add more) will be encountered in the game, each with their own agendas. You can interact with them in various ways. They're all off doing their own thing. You can team up with them or fight them at some point (I'm guessing on this last one) or just ignore them. The only down side is that updating all these characters periodically takes a while. I
That's a feature of CoAS itself and is not limited to any mod.
I myself am not convinced that is actually a good feature though.
If we'd try to do that with the PotC:NH character selection, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of sense.
This is because there the character selection isn't limited to a specific number of characters at all.
Instead there are several suggestions, but you're free to create your own instead.
New Horizons is still being updated, and Sea Dogs: To Each His Own is still in development with new DLC being added occasionally. It hasn't been officially opened for modding, but people are finding ways to mod it anyway. I haven't kept up with the GOF mod here.
CoAS modding here is dead, so that's why I can certainly believe that Eras is the best English CoAS mod that is still being worked on.
By process of elimination it HAS to be, because it is literally the ONLY one!
Of course that doesn't mean that CoAS+Eras is the best pirate game you can find.
SD:TEHO and PotC:NH are probably at least on the same level.
What people prefer between those three is mostly personal preference.
And that is perfectly fine.
Plus there's a German mod for CoAS too that is still being worked on.
I strongly suspect that one is easily as good as Eras, though I do not know that for certain and it is definitely not available in English.
Every game and every mod has bad ideas that made it into the game, New Horizons included. The major difference between New Horizons and all the others is that Pieter has weeded out most of the bad stuff from New Horizons at one time or another.
I can't take all the credit for PotC:NH.
That mod has always been very, very much a team effort.
Also, I'd be curious to hear what people consider to be "bad ideas" that are still currently in PotC:NH.
Removing content is easier than adding content, so if removing content can make things better, that is probably easily arranged.