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Wacky News Stories

Ghostly surge sees park ride moved

A new ride at one of the country's biggest theme parks has been moved after fears that it had disturbed an ancient burial ground, prompting paranormal activity.

Workers creating the water ride at Thorpe Park in Surrey for the new season said they started noticing ghostly sightings nearby, including what appeared to be a headless monk.

There were reports of objects being moved, workers feeling like someone was watching over their shoulders and sudden cold feelings being experienced. A paranormal detection agency was called in to carry out tests and found that an ancient burial ground or settlement could have been disturbed.

Managers at the park decided to relocate the ride to another area of the park and also called in a forensic team to carry out further investigations.

The 64ft-tall water ride, Storm Surge, was originally planned for an area known as Monk's Walk, an old footpath that has linked the ruins of nearby Chertsey Abbey to Thorpe Church since AD666. The ride's foundations would have been over 15 metres deep in an area of the park where stone coffins have previously been excavated.

Mike Vallis, divisional director of Thorpe Park, said: "It became apparent that something strange was going on when teams started clearing Storm Surge's initial site.

"Staff reports of eerie goings-on shot up and the only physical change in the park, at that time, was the beginning of ground preparation work for the new ride. As employees were getting freaked out, we decided to call on an expert to see whether there was anything to report but had no idea of the dramatic effects."

Jim Arnold, of South West London Paranormal, said: "We carry out these kinds of investigations quite regularly, with medium to weak results being reported on a weekly basis.

"Thorpe Park, however, was more striking as results were picked up immediately, with orbs, ghostly images in photography and ouija reaction results being strongest around the site where they were proposing to build Storm Surge.

"The results were so strong, we felt the only explanation could be that an ancient burial ground or settlement was being disturbed, prompting the extra paranormal activity."

Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20110207/tuk-ghostly-surge-sees-park-ride-moved-6323e80.html
An insane find in Portugal

A New York man retired. He wanted to use his retirement money wisely, and decided to buy a home and a few acres in Portugal. The modest farm house had been vacant for 15 years. The owner and his wife both had died and there were no heirs. The house was sold to pay taxes. There had been several lookers but the large barn had steel doors that were welded shut. Nobody wanted to go to the extra expense to see what was in the barn, and it wasn't complimentary to the property anyway. So nobody had made an offer on the place.


The New York guy bought it at just half of the property's worth, moved in and set about to tear in to the barn. Curiosity was killing him. So he and his wife bought a generator and a couple of heavy duty grinders and cut through the welds.


What was in the barn?



It's estimated there's at least 180 classic cars and trucks in it, from makers on both sides of the pond.
No kidding. :yes :shock

In other, unrelated news, Activision is planning on buying Take Two. You know, the guys who own Rockstar. :shock:
I hope they don't do it - Activision seems to be a little too into buying up other companies, making them pump out a couple half-finished games, then shutting them down. :yes From what I've been reading, it's more than just a rumour. :shock

Police Tell Wanna-Be Superhero to Stop His Nonsense

It seems like there’s been a rash of people pretending to be superheroes recently. They pop up, get a bit of news coverage, then fade off into obscurity. They usually don’t even do anything that would make the cops take any interest (and they’re usually pretty interested in masked mystery men). But the superhero that “patrols” Columbia, Tennessee, The Viper, has gotten the police’s attention…they’ve just told him to stop his silliness.

When cops recently stopped The Viper on his patrol and found him armed with a utility belt filled with a screwdriver, wrenches and a cell phone, which he said that he’d use to report any crimes he saw. But it turns out there are laws in Columbia against wearing a mask in public. So, it looks like The Viper will be hanging up his bootleg “Kick Ass” costume and going back to his college classes.
A PC version of the upcoming Crysis 2, which was scheduled for release on March 22nd, has allegedly been leaked online according to reports from RPS and Facepunch.

Forum reports confirm that torrents of Crysis 2 are now 'all over pirate bay'.

We haven't downloaded files to check for ourselves because, as readers have already pointed out, that would only damage the future prospects of the game, especially on the PC platform. Besides; a demo is on the way.

The illegal build of Crysis 2 allegedly contains the full PC game, as well as full multiplayer functionality and has been leaked a full 49 days ahead of release.

Most worrying of all, the leak apparently contains the SolidShield master key for online authentication, potentially creating an even larger security problem for Crytek and Electronic Arts.

The leak is also said to contain the CryEngine 3 editor and is being labelled as a developer build, rather than review or final gold code.

Yikes. :shock
oddly enough, yet strangely amusingly, that last article seems like a good thing to me. i dunno. my inner machinae supremacy fan, maybe.
Those guys are pretty lippy when it comes to piracy anyways. xD: They blame all their supposed lost sales on that - maybe if they hadn't made a game that was mediocre at best, and that computers four years down the road still can't max out, they'd be in better shape financially.
almost as funny as Bethesda including a no-dvd starting program
on their distribution disks of Fallout 3

and they only found out about it when it was published by
BREAKING NEWS! North Korea has attacked Russia!

Specially trained "micro-commies" have begun actions against innocent civilians.

The first recorded footage:

Disclaimer: This isn't really happening. :no