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Wacky News Stories

Guests at the new Vdara Hotel & Spa have complained that the glass skyscraper can magnify and reflect the sun's rays onto an area of the pool at temperatures hot enough to singe hair or melt plastic drink cups. It's a phenomenon that some hotel employees call the Vdara "death ray," the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.
Archimedes melting ships again?
Bethlehem man's "balls ripped off"

A young man in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania has been admitted to hospital with serious genital injuries following a domestic dispute.

26-year-old Ezekiel A. Ashman allegedly slapped his girlfriend during an argument on Tuesday night. The girlfriend, Amanda Victor, retaliated by grabbing hold of Ashman’s testicle sack and tearing the scrotum open with her hands.

According to the court records police officers arrived at the couple’s home to find Ashman covered in blood and with lacerations to his ballbag. The records state that Ashman told the police officers “She ripped my balls off”.

The couple had allegedly been arguing over Ashman seeing his ex-girlfriend.

Both parties were arrested and charged with assault.

Yes, there were pictures. And no, I'm not posting them. Trust me, you don't wanna see them anyways. :eww
What kind of a woman would you call that.

Every one I know would have made sushi out of it for his lunch.

BTW the moral of this story

Never slap your girlfriend while you are nekkid
Michael Jackson the MMORPG

Did these guys drink their lunch?
trolling is pretty darn old, it seems. first thing i thought was that it sounded like something 4chan would do.

The Berners Street Hoax was perpetrated by Theodore Hook in the City of Westminster, London, in 1810.

On 27 November, at five o’clock in the morning, a sweep arrived to sweep the chimneys of 54 Berners Street, the home of Mrs Tottenham. The maid who answered the door informed him that no sweep had been requested, and that his services were not required, and the disappointed tradesman went on his way. A few moments later another sweep presented himself at the door, then another, and another, 12 in all. After the last of the sweeps had been sent away, a fleet of carts carrying large deliveries of coal began to arrive, followed by a series of cakemakers delivering large wedding cakes, then doctors, lawyers, vicars and priests summoned to minister to someone in the house they had been told was dying. Fishmongers, shoemakers, and over a dozen pianos were among the next to appear, along with “six stout men bearing an organ”. Dignitaries, including the Governor of the Bank of England, the Duke of York, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Mayor of the City of London also arrived. The narrow streets soon became severely congested with disgruntled tradesmen and onlookers. Deliveries and visits continued until the early evening, bringing a large part of London to a standstill.

Hook had bet his friend Samuel Beazley that he could transform any house in London into the most talked-about address in a week. To achieve his goal he had sent out 4,000 letters purporting to be Mrs Tottenham, requesting deliveries, visitors, and assistance. Hook had stationed himself in the house directly opposite 54 Berners Street, and he and his friend had spent an amusing day watching the chaos unfold.
The end of an era: RIP Sony Walkman


I still have my old one. :yes Most of my tapes have passed into the digital afterlife, though. xD:
Alberta building inspector caught red-handed with somebody else's vibrator

EDMONTON - A former building inspector with the City of Edmonton who was caught coming out of a woman's bedroom closet after playing with her vibrator has been found guilty.

Robert Shostak, 55, was convicted of unlawfully being in a dwelling house Friday in Court of Queen's Bench.

Justice Terry Clackson also found Shostak guilty of mischief, but issued a conditional stay on that charge because it stemmed from the same offence.

The judge ruled Shostak initially had the right to be in the northeast Edmonton home during the Dec. 24, 2007, incident, but lost that right once he handled the vibrator.

"Plainly, the accused's authority was overstepped when he took hold of the vibrator," said Clackson. "At that point his intention was obvious, and, at that same point, his authority expired."

Testifying in his own defence, Shostak had denied doing any impropriety, but the judge rejected his testimony and said he believed the victim's evidence over his.

The woman, who cannot be identified under a publication ban, testified she went into her bedroom after feeling Shostak had been in there too long and discovered him coming out of the master bedroom's closet.

She then heard the sound of her vibrator coming from the closet and went in and found it had been turned on.

She also testified he later asked if she had a boyfriend.

Court heard the woman also found a package on her doorstep the next day, Christmas Day, containing a pair of soiled underwear and a crude note.

Clackson ruled it was likely Shostak who left the note.

Shostak was acquitted of stalking the woman, as well as other charges relating to allegations he had gone into another home and watched a woman exit a shower.

That victim also testified she later got a package at her home containing a porn magazine and a note referring to the shower incident signed by a "secret admirer."

Clackson ruled it was "suspicious," but said he had a reasonable doubt.

During the trial, court heard Shostak lost his job as an inspector as a result of his charges. A date for a sentencing hearing is slated to be set on Oct. 29.

Wisconsin Politician Believes Gay Marriage Will Lead to People Marrying Furniture

There have been a lot of slippery slope arguments regarding the subject of gay marriage, and 100 percent of them have been ridiculous. We've been told that gay marriage will cause earthquakes, that gay marriage will cause straight people to commit adultery, that gay marriage will turn elementary schools into same-sex wedding chapels, and that gay marriage will cause the economy to collapse.

But a Wisconsin politician running for Lieutenant Governor has a new theory, one that puts any of the above to shame. Her name is Rebecca Kleefisch, and her warning if Wisconsin ever decides to make a move toward marriage equality? That gay marriage will result in people marrying furniture like clocks and tables.

"This is a slippery slope. In addition to that, at what point are we going to okay marrying inanimate objects? Can I marry this table or this, you know, chair? Can we marry dogs?" Kleefisch said in a recent television interview, no doubt taking some talking points from the Rick Santorum fan club.

One hates to say Kleefisch has a point. But have you ever seen a coffee table after it's been treated with some Lemon Pledge? Rawr.

Kidding, of course. One actually has to wonder if any red flags will be raised in the minds of Wisconsin voters who just saw a leading statewide candidate boil civil rights down to something as ludicrous as marrying furniture. Sure, maybe not everyone sees eye to eye on the subject of same-sex marriage. But can't we at least talk about the issue without suggesting that the topic is akin to people marrying their ottomans?
If you're allowed to marry furniture then you're also allowed to divorce it. In that case, who gets custody of the silverware? :)

Somewhere between gay marriages and furniture marriages is appliance marriages. With that in mind, take another look at the report about the Alberta building inspector. xD:
So we should let homosexuals marry, but should we let... single people marry themselves???



Bride-to-be set to say 'I do' — to herself
Chen Wei-yih has posed for a set of photos in a flowing white dress, enlisted a wedding planner and rented a banquet hall for a marriage celebration with 30 friends.

But there is no groom. Chen will marry herself.

Uninspired by the men she's met but facing social pressure to get married, the 30-year-old Taipei office worker will hold the reception next month in honor of just one person.

"Age thirty is a prime period for me. My work and experience are in good shape, but I haven't found a partner, so what can I do?" Chen said.

"It's not that I'm anti-marriage. I just hope that I can express a different idea within the bounds of a tradition," she added.

Her $5,675 wedding comes after online publicity that has netted 1,800 largely sympathetic comments.

"I think there will be more and more girls like this," said "divagirl," who did not elaborate.

Taiwanese women are marrying later and less often as their economic status advances, fuelling government concerns about a drop in the birth rate and its impact on productivity.

Australian holiday
Only 40 percent of women surveyed earlier this year by the education ministry said they imagined married people could live better than singles, local media said.

"I was just hoping that more people would love themselves," said Chen, who will go on a solo honeymoon to Australia.

Chen said her mother had insisted on a groom at first but later jumped aboard the solo marriage plan.

But as Chen cannot officially register a marriage to herself, if she finds a man later she will wed again.

"If I had a steady boyfriend, I wouldn't do this," Chen said. "It would be offensive to him, anyway."
Mafia boss arrested while playing "The Godfather" X-Box game
Tues., Nov. 2, 2010 7:33AM

There have been plenty of "mafia" or "mobster" related games available these days: on gaming consoles, on mobile devices and (especially) on social networks. It kinda makes you wonder what real mobsters think of them all. Well, at least in one case, we have an idea. Glyn Moody points us to the news that Gerlandino Messina, described as "Sicily's no.2 boss," was arrested last weekend and when police showed up to take him away, he was playing The Godfather game on his X-Box. The game, of course, is based on the movie of the same name and is all about the mafia. You see, in the virtual world, you don't actually go to jail (or get shot). Seems safer.

STOCKHOLM – People linked with the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm have performed surveillance activities in Sweden without the knowledge of the host nation's authorities, a government officials said Saturday.

The surveillance has been going on since 2000, but Swedish authorities are still not aware of how widespread the practice was, said Justice Minister Beatrice Ask.

"It seems as though we haven't been fully informed and that's not good," Ask said.

Ask said it is not clear whether Swedish law has been violated, but that she expects U.S. authorities to cooperate with the Swedish investigation on the matter.

She did not disclose who were the targets of the surveillance operation carried out by people who had been "assigned by the embassy to undertake the measures."

Ask said the activities "seem to be similar" to those unveiled in Norway earlier this week, which included photographing and gathering information about individuals for surveillance and security purposes. That information was then sent to the United States.

"We welcome that those countries that have a heightened threat risk apply their own measures to reduce the risk for attacks, but of course it has to be done in line of what the Swedish law says and permits," she said.

The Foreign ministry summoned the U.S. Ambassador to Sweden, Matthew Barzun, on Saturday in connection with the surveillance program, said Teo Zetterman, the ministry spokesman.

U.S. Embassy staff in Stockholm were not immediately available to comment on the matter.

Earlier this week, Norwegian media reported that the U.S. had systematically monitored Norwegian residents deemed potential security risks to the U.S. for the past 10 years. Similar to the case in Sweden, Norwegian government officials said they had not been informed about it.

THere's spah sapping mah IKEA!