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Solved Various Questions

Ok I think I need exorcisms it can't be coincidence :)
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@ANSEL, just in case you didn't do it, make sure to extract that 7-Zip archive and then remove the archive.
This is the route (s) into Cozumel - these screenshots are from Beta 3-4 ( I did them ages ago) - I don't think any additional rocks have been added to block the entrances since then - but am not certain.

PotC_Cozumel_1.JPG PotC_Cozumel_1a.JPG PotC_Cozumel_1b.JPG PotC_Cozumel_1c.JPG PotC_Cozumel_2.JPG PotC_Cozumel_3.JPG PotC_Cozumel_4.JPG PotC_Cozumel_5.JPG PotC_Cozumel_6.JPG PotC_Cozumel_7.JPG PotC_Cozumel_8.JPG PotC_Cozumel_9.JPG

You have to be careful and sail in the middle between the rocks to get through.
Thanks Talisman, but its really unaccesible. I've seen the way on my free game. I wonder if its supposed to like that in other storylines? Wasn't it like that in Hawk's story?
It is indeed blocked in the Hawk storyline until it is opened at the opportune moment.
I had to rename the savegame because it's a Quicksave and does not show up in the game-loading interface.

And now I know why @Gunnar can't get into the bay and can't land. What I can't figure out is how it happened. That savegame has the wrong Cozumel.

Cozumel is indeed blocked by default so you can't land there until the appropriate point in "Tales of a Sea Hawk", near the end of the story. The way this is achieved is that there are two models of the island, one with the bay blocked by rocks as seen in the savegame, and one with a few rocks removed so that there is a narrow channel.

Other storylines which need you to go to Cozumel have a function call 'Reinit_KhaelRoa(); in their "StartStoryline.c". The "Assassin" storyline has this, which is why I've been able to get to Cozumel whenever I play the storyline. The function sets Cozumel to use the accessible model with the beach enabled and the rocks removed, and also sets up a lot of reloads on the island itself to give you the expanded layout. So now the question becomes, how did Cozumel revert to the inaccessible model in @Gunnar's game? o_O

Anyway, there is a fix. Add this to "PROGRAM\console.c" just below the line int limit;
Go to worldmap, press F12 to activate the console, then return to Cozumel, and you should now have the accessible model of the island; you should find that there's a channel into the bay, or you can Sail-To the "port".
Grey Roger Sir this song below is especially for you and (of course all that tried to help:cheers)
If you guys ever come to Cracow, Poland all your drinks are on me ;)

Ahh and yes the galleon indeed was a property of the LATE Roche Brasiliano, God rest his soul :ship

Finally got some time to play again. And ... while on Cannons of Mona quest, on the island itself after leaving the warehouse the entrance to the tunnel was locked. Reloaded - same result. After 3rd attempt it was open ...
You were probably caught on the first two attempts. If you are hit by any of the soldiers, including if they shoot at you, there's an alarm sound and various exits are locked. You'll have faced similar situations before, starting with the mission to sabotage the French ship at Sao Jorge much earlier in the story. A similar trap is set in the port area right after leaving the warehouse on Isla Mona.
I was just about to post that, same thing happened to me in the tunnel. So yes, not a bug just me not being quick enough.
Maybe I should make another thread for this ... but how to get unnoticed through the fort to sabotage the cannons? No items seem to work, poisoned knives, cobblestones, ether bottles cause alarm on use ...
Stay off the path. If you're careful with the timing, you can skirt round the guards by walking on the grass. (Or, if you want to cheat, edit "InternalSettings.h", go down to the bottom and change "SIDESTEP_ENABLED" to 1, then you can sidestep well outside their range, including into open space over the edge of the cliff. xD But I've got past the guards by walking on the grass without sidestepping, so it's possible.)
I prefer to do it legit way but there are some points where guards are just standing(like the entrance to jungle area or top of a stairs in the fort) and theres no way to sneak past them ...
Sneak past all the other guards in the clearing before the jungle. Then run past the one standing by the exit and press F3 to get to the jungle before he has time to hit you.

Inside the fort, you don't need to sneak any more. You need to kill the guards. In fact, you probably won't be able to place the bombs until you do.
The main problem is the lobster in jungle area, he is standing behind me when I enter and immiediately raises the alarm ...