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Solved Various Questions

Now this one is annoying, Quest to escort expedition ship to Cozumel in Assassin story. Can't get to the bay, road is blocked by rocks. Also "sail to" just showing my companion ship. Is there something wrong or just me being stupid ? :)
Now this one is annoying, Quest to escort expedition ship to Cozumel in Assassin story. Can't get to the bay, road is blocked by rocks. Also "sail to" just showing my companion ship. Is there something wrong or just me being stupid ? :)
Are you sure it's the right spot, you are trying to land on? I have no problem with access to
Cozumel in the Assassin storyline.
Well sailed around the whole island, just in case. The gap which should lead you into bay is blocked ...
Well sailed around the whole island, just in case. The gap which should lead you into bay is blocked ...
This is how the entry to Cozumel looks : seadogs2_0098.jpg
More less, it's the same place just with additional rocks blocking the way ... I can't upload a screenshot, too big ...
After compressing its still 3,4 mb
I use "7 Zip" . Thats a good program, free to download on the internet. I use it for a lot of things
in my work with POTC. I couldn't do with out it.
During the Assassin questline when you visit Guadelupe to see plantation owner there is a weird situation. You can't enter the port under spanish or holland flag, the fort is hostile(shouldn't be according to relations). You can moor under french or portugese flag but the fort turns hostile when you try to leave. Ships present in bay remain neutral.
According to compile.log, you have been using a lot of different flags.
So chances are that the fort saw you with a different flag and now thinks you're an enemy.

But this compile.log cannot be from when the issue occurred; if it was, there would be a line in there about a fort turning hostile.
The only line about anything turning hostile is for the "HMS 'Racehorse'" though....

After compressing its still 3,4 mb
What file format do you use for your screenshots? :shock
With a JPG, it should be easily less than 500 kB. With PNG, perhaps 1-2 MB.
But 3.4 is HUGE! :shock
You're thinking laptops. My jpeg screenies run in the 1.9-2.2 mb range until I use Paint shop pro to compress them further. But 3.4 mb is very large unless he is using png or something.
Ok, lower resolution helped. Thats how the lagoon entrance looks to me


  • seadogs2_0048.7z
    752.1 KB · Views: 190
You're trying to post the .tga original screenshot - no wonder it's so big! Here's the same image converted to .jpg format.

See that channel just under the compass in this screenshot? That's probably your way in. You would probably have an easier time getting in there if you were still in the xebec which you got early in the game. But what you have there is a fast war galleon, probably formerly the property of Roche Brasiliano, which should still be agile enough to get through the narrow passages.
Its not a channel, just a small rocky bay. Even a tartane won't help here. Posting save, maybe I am really blind :)


  • -=Player=- QuickSave.7z
    759 KB · Views: 195