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Solved Various Questions

attacked small convoy of protected merchants from Holland: merchant pinnace, snow brig and raa frigate under spanish flag(playing assassin storyline). Forced the pinnace to surrender and suddenly my reputation got hit by 15 and two other vessels became neutral ...
Compile.log is generally more relevant.... :unsure

Often your Ship's Log should contain an entry if large changes to reputation/relations occur, so you may want to have a look through that.

How did you force the Pinnace to surrender? Did you pound them with cannons?
If so, were you using Manual Aim?
Ha! Thats what I will try ... as soon as ill get another one :)
And now to my duties Sir, situation was as follows:
attacked small convoy of protected merchants from Holland: merchant pinnace, snow brig and raa frigate under spanish flag(playing assassin storyline). Forced the pinnace to surrender and suddenly my reputation got hit by 15 and two other vessels became neutral ...
That would be another case of the bug whereby, when the flagship of a group surrenders, the rest of the group turns neutral. My guess is that your reputation dropped after that had happened - firing on a ship which is not actively hostile is regarded as very treacherous. So, the pinnace was probably the lead ship, it surrendered, the rest of the group turned neutral, you fired at one of them, and your reputation dropped like a stone.

This bug has been around for a long time and nobody has managed to figure out what causes it. But there is a workround. If everyone has turned neutral then the battle is effectively over, which means you can save game. If you then reload that savegame, the ships which hadn't surrendered are now hostile again and the battle can resume.
Compile.log is generally more relevant.... :unsure
How did you force the Pinnace to surrender? Did you pound them with cannons?
If so, were you using Manual Aim?
yeah cannons, last salvo wasn't manual just mashed "fire" i was quite close :)
the rest of the group turned neutral, you fired at one of them, and your reputation dropped like a stone
well shouldn't they turn hostile? They did not ...


  • compile.log
    209.5 KB · Views: 198
well shouldn't they turn hostile? They did not ...
Normally yes; but probably not when you're being affected by that annoying temporary bug.

yeah cannons, last salvo wasn't manual just mashed "fire" i was quite close :)
That means they MUST have been hostile prior to you pressing the Spacebar.
Perhaps the ship surrendered in the middle of the salvo, but the salvo lasted relatively long and therefore you exceeded the "grace period" and the game figured you were firing on a surrendered ship on purpose?
That is technically possible, but should be really very unlikely to happen! :shock
That is technically possible, but should be really very unlikely to happen! :shock
I feel so special :dance
On Tortuga i can' quicktravel to shipyard even after visiting it(minor - at least for me, just letting you know)
After you drop the sails and still have some speed ship stops answering the helm. Is it supposed to be like that?
On Tortuga i can' quicktravel to shipyard even after visiting it(minor - at least for me, just letting you know
Maybe I misunderstand what you mean, but that sounds quite normal....

After you drop the sails and still have some speed ship stops answering the helm. Is it supposed to be like that?
I think that's the game engine being too simplistic.
Of course in real life it doesn't work like that.

Or do you mean when dropping anchor by any chance?
Usually you can just quick travel to some locations like tavern, shop, church etc. after you have found them. That doesn't work for shipyard on Tortuga.
And no, I meant sails not anchor :D
Usually you can just quick travel to some locations like tavern, shop, church etc. after you have found them. That doesn't work for shipyard on Tortuga.
Ah, they're was a 't' missing from the 'can't', so I got confused.
Indeed that doesn't sound quite normal. Have you asked any citizens for directions to the shipyard?
@Jack Rackham, any thoughts?

And no, I meant sails not anchor :D
Just making sure.... :wp

In that case, I think it is probably because of the way the game engine works.
The game was never designed with the idea of a "rudder" at all.
The modded Realistic Game Mode "fakes" that quite well.
But it is still faking it...
Its confirmed, at least for me. Just paid a visit to Tortuga shipyard, still no quicktravel option. If it's only my case - I don't care :)
I get lots of crashes there but the quick travel works for me to all locations. In fact QT is the best way to get around there to avoid the crashes.
Its confirmed, at least for me. Just paid a visit to Tortuga shipyard, still no quicktravel option. If it's only my case - I don't care :)
Was there not some quest involved that might have messed things up?
I also checked the fast reload in Tortuga. All work except to the brothel but I tested other cities with brothels
and the fast reload seems to be off for all. However I found a bug in WoodesRogers in Tortuga brothel so
it gave something.
During the Assassin questline when you visit Guadelupe to see plantation owner there is a weird situation. You can't enter the port under spanish or holland flag, the fort is hostile(shouldn't be according to relations). You can moor under french or portugese flag but the fort turns hostile when you try to leave. Ships present in bay remain neutral.
"good itmname_bladeC36" is blank in inventory and invisible while equipped
That's one of those new Katana's; @ANSEL noticed that too.
@Grey Roger released a new zip last week that should fix that.

During the Assassin questline when you visit Guadelupe to see plantation owner there is a weird situation. You can't enter the port under spanish or holland flag, the fort is hostile(shouldn't be according to relations). You can moor under french or portugese flag but the fort turns hostile when you try to leave. Ships present in bay remain neutral
Please post a compile.log for that.
Hopefully that contains an explanation of what is going on there.