• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Solved Various Questions

Indeed that helped, thank you. Now another minor one: in quick sail option theres #stown_name# instead of actual town name. Other locations display properly. Can't remeber exaclty at which point that started I am 100 % sure it wasn't like this before.
That's a strange one. Several people have reported that, but nobody can seem to figure out how or when it gets triggered.
We do have a manual "solution" though: Fixed - "#stown_name#" Showing in 3D Sailing Mode (Sail-To + Spyglass) | Page 2 | PiratesAhoy!
Heh I think its better to browse forums first before posting known problems next time, sorry for that. Theres one thing thats haunting me, is it possible to add more active officers like in COAS where you can have one for every "proffesion" ? Not that I really need bonus to skills I just want to have some unique characters with me just beacause I like them:drunk
eh I think its better to browse forums first before posting known problems next time, sorry for that.
No worries; you're not the first and you won't be the last. I don't mind. :doff

Theres one thing thats haunting me, is it possible to add more active officers like in COAS where you can have one for every "proffesion" ?
You mean more officers in your shore party?

Unlike in the stock game, officers who remain on your ship ALSO contribute their skills.
So even if you don't see them, they're still fulfilling their job.
Pay attention to the "effective" skills shown for your player character in F2>Passengers and F2>Ship.
Those are the numbers that are actually being used for you.

The officers who follow you ashore serve purely to help you in fights.
Other than, there's no need to take them with you.
Good thing too as that saves your carpenter from potentially getting killed by accident!

If you really want more characters around you ashore, go onto your ship's deck and talk to a crewmember there.
You can ask some of them to follow you ashore, which is IN ADDITION to your officers.
Warning though: If you do that, you WILL attract more attention.
Which means that this enables some extra random encounters that you normally don't get.
Thanks, I wasn't aware that they do anything if they are not in shore party. I can leave my navigator on deck and fit in Fred Bob :aar
Theres one thing thats haunting me, is it possible to add more active officers like in COAS where you can have one for every "proffesion" ? Not that I really need bonus to skills I just want to have some unique characters with me just beacause I like them:drunk
Yes, but it's highly experimental. Someone else had the same idea and decided to do something about it, and I'm not sure how successful he was. If you want to find out, edit "PROGRAM\globals.c" and change the value of "OFFICER_MAX". If you do, we're not going to accept any liability for the results, which may include and are not limited to the game becoming unbalanced and too easy, the game becoming unstable and crashing, or just plain weirdness. You have been warned!

But you can certainly change the officers in your shore party any time you like. So if you get bored of looking at the same three faces and want someone else for a change, you can swap anyone else into the party. The newcomer probably won't be as good in fights as you and your veterans, so keep an eye on him and look after him - he'll learn to fight eventually, if you can keep him alive, but it will take time.
As I said its for pure roleplaying purposes. So if the navigator on deck will do his job anyway its good enough for me. I will not mess around with the things I do not have a clue of but thanks for information
Yes, but it's highly experimental. Someone else had the same idea and decided to do something about it, and I'm not sure how successful he was. If you want to find out, edit "PROGRAM\globals.c" and change the value of "OFFICER_MAX". If you do, we're not going to accept any liability for the results, which may include and are not limited to the game becoming unbalanced and too easy, the game becoming unstable and crashing, or just plain weirdness. You have been warned!
Technically true. But while that kind-of works for Companions, for Officers it really doesn't.
The code supports it in some way, but there is no interface to put officers in higher slot numbers.

As I said its for pure roleplaying purposes. So if the navigator on deck will do his job anyway its good enough for me.
He most definitely will do his job even from the ship!

I will not mess around with the things I do not have a clue of but thanks for information
The Shore Crewmembers Mod might still be worth investigating for you. That works fine and adds some extra gameplay value.
And you can disable it again by talking to one of those crewmembers if you don't like it.
Is it a build in mod or i have to download it separately? I don't see it anywhere in the forum. Speaking to the crew only give me an option to make them follow me ashore
Is it a build in mod or i have to download it separately?
It is in the Build Mod. :yes

Speaking to the crew only give me an option to make them follow me ashore
That's exactly the option I mean. ;)

If you do tell them to follow you ashore, you'll have more characters with you.
Plus it enables some extra encounters.
Ahh ok, I thougt theres something more to it. 4 persons in shore party is too much sometimes, especially in towns ;)
Now let's talk about luck :) I have basic score of 3, with Drow's book I should have 4 total but its still 3. I don't have any other items with - luck attribute. Unless some of quest items like satanist amulet is not showing negative luck modifier or Cooking with albatross gives a permanent modifier. Any ideas?
Now let's talk about luck :) I have basic score of 3, with Drow's book I should have 4 total but its still 3. I don't have any other items with - luck attribute. Unless some of quest items like satanist amulet is not showing negative luck modifier or Cooking with albatross gives a permanent modifier. Any ideas?
Cooking With Albatross does give -1 Luck, but only as long as you have it. That disappears when you get rid of it.

Maybe you can upload your savegame? Zip it up first.
I myself have no time to check it, but maybe @Grey Roger could have a quick look?
"Cooking with Albatross" does indeed give a -1 modifier to "Luck". Also, have you any gems, crystals or Aztec idols? Those also affect skills and a couple of them give -1 to "Luck", but their modifiers don't show up in the inventory.

Edit: @Pieter Boelen got there first with confirmation of "Cooking With Albatross". I won't have much time to look at a savegame, but you can easily check "Cooking with Albatross", or for that matter any other item, by either dropping it in a chest or giving it to an officer. If your "Luck" then changes (and if the officer's "Luck" also changes if you gave it to him) then you know that item is responsible.
Those also affect skills and a couple of them give -1 to "Luck", but their modifiers don't show up in the inventory.
Depending on realism mode. On Arcade Game Mode, all of those show; but in Realistic, their contributions are hidden.

@Gunnar: Which realism mode are you playing on?

It isn't unheard of that the "skill modifiers" don't update when they should.
If so, just do ANYTHING that changes your Luck skill; such as take "Cooking With Albatross", take it out of a chest and then put it back.

I think @ANSEL reported this before and I know very well WHY that can happen; I just don't know WHEN.
If only somebody could figure that out, fixing it would be as easy as adding in one line of code...
I believe smoky quartz also gets you +1 on "Repair", so it's not a complete liability. Check that by handing it to one of your officers, especially if you're about to get into a card game. ;) If it does boost "Repair", give it to the carpenter permanently.
Ha! Thats what I will try ... as soon as ill get another one :)
And now to my duties Sir, situation was as follows:
attacked small convoy of protected merchants from Holland: merchant pinnace, snow brig and raa frigate under spanish flag(playing assassin storyline). Forced the pinnace to surrender and suddenly my reputation got hit by 15 and two other vessels became neutral ...
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