1: That code in "Fadrique Castillo_dialog.c" should produce a line similar to the line in "Salvadore Xalmiento_dialog.h".
dialog.text = TimeGreeting() + " " + GetMyAddressForm(NPChar, PChar, ADDR_POLITE, false, false) + DLG_TEXT[6];
Function 'TimeGreeting()' is defined in "PROGRAM\Dialog_func.c". It returns "Good day", "Good morning" or "Good evening" depending on the time of day, all translated by 'XI_Convertstring' which means you'll find them in "common.ini". 'GetMyAddressForm(NPChar, PChar, ADDR_POLITE, false, false)' is used directly here, and exactly the same is used in "Salvadore Xalmiento_dialog.c" to fill in preprocessed variable "#ssir#". DLG_TEXT[6] is line 8 in English "Fadrique Castillo_dialog.h":