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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Can you upload a savegame from before you talk to the governor? I want to try this, with some code added to unlock the door so you can leave and change outfit, then re-enter and try again. If you try a second time with the wrong outfit, the door won't unlock, the Dutch sergeant will attack you and he'll be immortal so you can't win and you can't escape.

Also, the first screenshot shows that you have a choice of two answers - what is the second?
Can you upload a savegame from before you talk to the governor? I want to try this, with some code added to unlock the door so you can leave and change outfit, then re-enter and try again. If you try a second time with the wrong outfit, the door won't unlock, the Dutch sergeant will attack you and he'll be immortal so you can't win and you can't escape.

Also, the first screenshot shows that you have a choice of two answers - what is the second?
The second option is that I'm already leaving.


  • -=Тест1=- Кюрасао.7z
    613 KB · Views: 66
After arriving from the ship, I can also change my appearance, but the governor will not suspect anything.
Also "Carlos Ardenta" is not translated.


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Try these versions of "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Hans Kloss_dialog.c" and "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\quests\quests_reaction.c". If the governor has recognised you without the uniform, the door will unlock so you can go out and change outfit. If you're stupid enough to go in again without the uniform, the governor still says the same because I've yet to write more dialog, but this time the door doesn't unlock and the sergeant, now immortal, will attack you. There's also a correction to allow "Carlos Ardenta" to be translated - the name is assigned in two pieces of quest code and only one of them translated it.

The governor's detection isn't foolproof. Generally the game doesn't care about outfits - you can go into a French town wearing a British uniform and nobody will take any notice. So this was just a bit of fun in case someone didn't like the uniform and decided to choose a different outfit immediately after arriving. Maybe the governor, having previously seen you in uniform, now recognises your face and thinks you're still a genuine officer who for some reason has decided to change into civilian clothes.

But I will want to add some more dialog for the governor. Partly if he's told you to get out for not wearing a uniform, then you return still without the uniform, so he should now order the sergeant to attack. And partly because later on, there's another mission to Willemstad where you meet the governor again and he thinks you look a bit familiar because you look like the soldier he met during the convoy mission. If you weren't in uniform the first time you visited him during the convoy mission, the conversation in the next mission will be different - fortunately you have the governor's son to back you up and assure the governor that everything is fine.


  • Hans Kloss_dialog.c
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"Madame" is not translated in line 36 French_Contre-Amiral_dialog.h


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Try this version of "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\French_Contre-Amiral_dialog.c". This version uses 'TranslateString' on "Madame". And also on "Mademoiselle" - if you had chosen to marry Edmundo earlier in the game then Valerie couldn't have married him, so she'd still be "Mademoiselle" and the dialog file checks for that.

Also included are English "interface_strings.txt" and "models_description.txt". "models_description.txt" includes new lines 215 and 340. "interface_strings.txt" includes new lines 1242 and 1248.


  • French_Contre-Amiral_dialog.c
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I found a bug that breaks the quest. If you go and talk to the governor after loading, he will tell you to arrest you and the guards will burst in. If we are killed by the guards before we are moved to the prison, then I will end up in the tavern room because I have revives turned on. This is where the quest breaks down, here is the save.


  • -=Тест1=- Ямайка. Порт-Роял. Center.7z
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That is correct. Stay alive for 10 seconds, then you'll be transferred to prison. If you fail to stay alive, you die. There are a few other places in the game where death means end of game, either because resurrection breaks the quest or because there is nowhere to resurrect from the location of the fight.
I found a bug that breaks the quest. If you go and talk to the governor after loading, he will tell you to arrest you and the guards will burst in. If we are killed by the guards before we are moved to the prison, then I will end up in the tavern room because I have revives turned on. This is where the quest breaks down, here is the save.
1) The same thing happens at this moment if the guards kill me:
Go to the town centre where Piers Downing (*) will be standing near the residence. Talk to him. When he summons a guard, you can either surrender or fight until you're arrested anyway.
I can also be killed by a soldier in a prison cell and the quest will break. In real conditions, this is impossible to achieve, since he punches and it takes a very long time.
2) Madame and pirate are not translated into Remy Gatien_dialog.h. (100 and 103 lines)


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I've re-uploaded "quests_reaction.c" in post #1008 with some more code to disable resurrection, then reenable it when it is safe.

Here's "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Remy Gatien_dialog.c" with 'XI_ConvertString' commands to translate "Madame" or any other title which may apply to Piers or Valerie Downing. It does not translate "pirate" because that's taken from attribute "PChar.quest.background", which is set right at the start of the game when you talk to the Inquisitor to choose your character. So it's best to do the translating there, then it will be translated whenever your background is needed. It also means you'll need to start a whole new game for it to take effect. I'm hoping to put out an update soon which will include the change in "Inquisitor_dialog.c". If you want to try a new game before then, I can upload the file here.


  • Remy Gatien_dialog.c
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For some reason, people may appear at night after I steal documents from the naval academy. Their blow sends me to prison, although it should be done by soldiers.


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People can indeed appear at night, in any town, not just here. They shouldn't attack you unless you attacked one of them first, in which case they're happy to help arrest you. The check on who knocked you out doesn't care who did it, so if you don't want the night citizens becoming the local militia, don't provoke them! For preference, try to be sneaky - don't attack the citizens and try to avoid the soldiers.
People can indeed appear at night, in any town, not just here. They shouldn't attack you unless you attacked one of them first, in which case they're happy to help arrest you. The check on who knocked you out doesn't care who did it, so if you don't want the night citizens becoming the local militia, don't provoke them! For preference, try to be sneaky - don't attack the citizens and try to avoid the soldiers.
I didn’t attack them, you can check it yourself in my save. They attack me right after I jump out the window. It may take more than one try for them to appear.


  • -=Тест1=- Гваделупа.7z
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Starting with that save, the first time I left the academy, no citizens appeared. The second time I loaded the save and left, they did appear and were harmless until I talked to one and was recognised as a pirate, which turned them all hostile. The third time, random citizens appeared, I talked to one, and was offered a treasure map. They still weren't hostile, though the soldiers were.
Something strange is happening with the interface after line 114 of romance_dialog.h
Line 332 of blaze_dialog.h appears, but it is covered by the interface icon.


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  • -=Тест1=- Куба.7z
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Clementine Arguelles - not translated.
quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.h (4 line)
Same for Gilles Clouzot_dialog.h (5 line)


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Something strange is happening with the interface after line 114 of romance_dialog.h
Line 332 of blaze_dialog.h appears, but it is covered by the interface icon.
Odd. Chains of dialogs seem to work correctly, as in the wedding scene. But a self-dialog immediately following a dialog seems to put the interface portrait there. If the dialog triggers an intermediate quest case which then triggers the self dialog, it seems to work. Try the attached "quests_reaction.c".

Clementine Arguelles - not translated.
quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.h (4 line)
Same for Gilles Clouzot_dialog.h (5 line)
You'll need this version of "quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.c". You'll also need to add translations:
... to the end of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Ardent\characters_names.txt", after the translation for "Helen".

Your false name is set as an attribute in "quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.c", so no change should be needed to "Gilles Clouzot_dialog.c" - that reads the attribute set by "quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.c" so that you give the same false name to both characters.


  • quests_reaction.c
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  • quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.c
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Odd. Chains of dialogs seem to work correctly, as in the wedding scene. But a self-dialog immediately following a dialog seems to put the interface portrait there. If the dialog triggers an intermediate quest case which then triggers the self dialog, it seems to work. Try the attached "quests_reaction.c".

You'll need this version of "quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.c". You'll also need to add translations:
... to the end of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Ardent\characters_names.txt", after the translation for "Helen".

Your false name is set as an attribute in "quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.c", so no change should be needed to "Gilles Clouzot_dialog.c" - that reads the attribute set by "quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.c" so that you give the same false name to both characters.
Yes, the interface in the dialogue disappeared, and the translation also worked. Thank you.:onya
"Gilles Clouzot" - Also not translated in line 40 of quest_Isabelle de Cussy_dialog.h


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