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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

1: Add that to "storyline_string.txt" after line 119, "After escaping the Maltese Order's destruction of your lair in Italy, you've fled to the Caribbean vowing for vengeance in the name of the Prince of Darkness...". Also use the attached version of "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\StartStoryline.c" which makes "Disciple" translatable.

2: Try this version of "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\ship.c". Previously it had its own way of creating the character's name, now it just uses standard function 'GetMySimpleName'.

3: Try playing the sidequest "Strange Things Going On in the Archipelago". Check if the Montanez, the Satanist ships which attack it, and the Mefisto of the sidequest, all have their names translated.

4: The attached, zipped version of "RESOURCE\Textures\INTERFACES\itemsAS.tga.tx" has the ruby sword added.

5: As an experiment, try changing "initModels.c", line 10501, "Bootstrap Bill" to "Bootstrap_Bill". Change "storyline_strings.txt", line 503, to match. Then see how Bootstrap Bill appears. If that works, I'll need to go through "initModels.c" again and do to first names what I already did to last names.


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5: As an experiment, try changing "initModels.c", line 10501, "Bootstrap Bill" to "Bootstrap_Bill". Change "storyline_strings.txt", line 503, to match. Then see how Bootstrap Bill appears. If that works, I'll need to go through "initModels.c" again and do to first names what I already did to last names.
Yes, it worked.
1) In the agent's quest, I moved the ship, picked up Dominic and began to accompany him to the beach. He follows me to this cave, then he disappears.
Also, the name of the beach is not translated in the dialogue.
2) Ship groups have not been translated:
"CastelF", "Pinnace", "Heavy Pinnace", "Light Pinnace", "Merchant Pinnace", "Medium Pinnace", "Brig", "Bark", "Barque", " "Brig Navy", "Brigantina", "Brig Light", "Brigqeen", "Tartane", "Gunship", "Sloop", "Sloop-of-War", "Sloop3", "Cutter", "Lugger", "Light Fluyt", "Fluyt", "FleutWar46", "Galleon", "Fast Galleon", "Fast War Galleon", "Armed Galleon", "Indiaman", "SwedishIndiaman", "Rossiya", "Rossiya_Sat", "FrigateSat", "Battleship", "EscalatedBattleship", "Neptune", "Manowar", "Dutchman", "Postillionen", "Derfflinger"
3) Characters have no description:
"Daniel Montbart", "Augusto Queiroz", "Thomas Lynch", "Nathaniel Hawk", "Avergorex", "Stephen Maturin"


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Try these versions of "initModels.c" and "storyline_strings.txt". "model.name" lines with multiple words such as "Bootstrap Bill" are now changed to single words such as "Bootstrap_Bill". Again, only the key text is changed, not the translations.

1: Can you upload a savegame from before you go through the cave to the beach?

2: Is that only in storyline selection, or are the same ship classes untranslated in the ship interface screen and when you look at a ship through a spyglass?

3: Some character models have either a blank "model.description" line, e.g. "Apothecary", "montbars" and "ThomasLinch" - lines 2322, 6657 and 10105 of "initModels.c". Avegorex has no description because the Russian version of "models_description.txt" is missing the full stop at the end of the key text. The description for Augusto Queiroz is indeed missing - now added and needing translation on line 74. (There is a space before the question mark because it is there in "initModels.c". Don't remove it from the key text otherwise your translation will not appear, but you can do whatever you like to the translation.) But Nathaniel Hawk's various models should have descriptions and they do appear in "models_description.txt" - which particular version of Nathaniel Hawk is missing the description?


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1: Can you upload a savegame from before you go through the cave to the beach?
I don’t know why this happened, but now it doesn’t, perhaps because I changed the version of the game to the previous one in order to continue Woods Rogers, but I couldn’t save and changed it back. But now this man did not appear in my tavern after I came from the jungle. Loaded the save...
2: Is that only in storyline selection, or are the same ship classes untranslated in the ship interface screen and when you look at a ship through a spyglass?
I didn’t see the ship on the screen, but perhaps you can see it in the spy game.
But Nathaniel Hawk's various models should have descriptions and they do appear in "models_description.txt" - which particular version of Nathaniel Hawk is missing the description?
After the man Berend De Voor, if you filter out a man with a name, then he comes 7th in a row. Sergio The SeaWolf - for some reason has 3 identical pictures with the same description.


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I don’t know why this happened, but now it doesn’t, perhaps because I changed the version of the game to the previous one in order to continue Woods Rogers, but I couldn’t save and changed it back. But now this man did not appear in my tavern after I came from the jungle. Loaded the save...
I'll take a look at that when I can.

I didn’t see the ship on the screen, but perhaps you can see it in the spy game.
Could you upload "common.ini"? That's the file which should translate those ship types. They are translated in my game - at least, "CastelF", "Fast Galleon" and "Fast War Galleon" are, those are the ones I checked.

"Armed Galleon" should never appear. It's the 'refShip.Model' line for "GaleonWar" and "Galeon50" and just means you can change between them by going to the "Appearance" section in the shipyard. The 'refShip.SName' line for both ships is "Galeon2" and that's what should be translated - I don't know what it is in Russian, but in English "common.ini" it's "Spanish War Galleon".

After the man Berend De Voor, if you filter out a man with a name, then he comes 7th in a row. Sergio The SeaWolf - for some reason has 3 identical pictures with the same description.
You should be able to see the model name - as we've already found, that is not translated. Is it "blaze7"? If so, the description should be "Give me something with a fancy reddish jacket. And some shiny medallions." That is on line 412 of "models_description.txt".

Sergio the Seawolf does indeed have three models with the same description but they're not the same model.
Could you upload "common.ini"? That's the file which should translate those ship types. They are translated in my game - at least, "CastelF", "Fast Galleon" and "Fast War Galleon" are, those are the ones I checked.
I found the model name - it's blaze5


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In "models_description.txt", line 410, change "compliment" to "compliments".

There only appear to be two slight differences between your "common.ini" and mine - exclamation mark removed from translation of "Critical Hit" on line 1325, translation of "Sir" has no capital letter on line 1522. Neither of those should break it enough to prevent ship types from being translated. So I don't know why ship types such as "CastelF" are not translated in your game.
There only appear to be two slight differences between your "common.ini" and mine - exclamation mark removed from translation of "Critical Hit" on line 1325, translation of "Sir" has no capital letter on line 1522. Neither of those should break it enough to prevent ship types from being translated. So I don't know why ship types such as "CastelF" are not translated in your game.
428 line - string = LuggerP, "Каперский Люггер" - This group is translated correctly
Also lines 368,370,349, 415 and many others


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Could you upload "PROGRAM\Ships\Ships_init.c" and "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\select_storyline.c"? For some reason, all the ships you found to be untranslated are trying to show their 'refShip.Model' lines instead of their 'refShip.SName' lines. For "LuggerP", that's not a problem because they're both the same - "Model" and "SName" are the same. This is also true for "FleutWarSat", "Couronne" and "Hoy". But what does that "Группа" part say if you pick a tier 5 fluyt of war?
Odd - those files are identical to mine.

Yes, that's ship model "FleutWar2", and it's showing two words for "Группа", which is probably line 368 from "common.ini" - the translation for "FleutWar". That is the ship's 'refShip.Model'. What it should be showing is 'refShip.Sname', which is "FleutWarL", which is translated as three words on line 369 of "common.ini".

What does "Группа" show for a caravel? Depending on the realism mode, it should show either line 336 or line 337 from "common.ini". But if it's showing 'refShip.Model' then it will either show something completely wrong or won't show anything at all. The caravel has no 'refShip.Model'. (You will need to pick a year between 1500 and 1679 for a FreePlay to find this ship. It does not exist in later periods from 1680 onwards.)
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What does "Группа" show for a caravel? Depending on the realism mode, it should show either line 336 or line 337 from "common.ini". But if it's showing 'refShip.Model' then it will either show something completely wrong or won't show anything at all. The caravel has no 'refShip.Model'. (You will need to pick a year between 1500 and 1679 for a FreePlay to find this ship. It does not exist in later periods from 1680 onwards.)
There is no group for them. They are designated as "arbitrary".


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I don’t know why this happened, but now it doesn’t, perhaps because I changed the version of the game to the previous one in order to continue Woods Rogers, but I couldn’t save and changed it back. But now this man did not appear in my tavern after I came from the jungle. Loaded the save...
It took me a while to find out what had happened, and I have no idea how it happened. A bit of console trickery showed that the man is in the port area! That should not be possible - he should stay in the tavern until you have moved your ship to the beach, then he should follow you everywhere until you get to the beach. I went to the port, was able to talk to him (and found that his dialog file needed another 'TranslateString' to be added), told him that the ship was at the beach, and then he followed me.

But I've added a couple of checks to the quest, one of which will need some translating. If the other agent somehow gets killed on the way, perhaps by the bandits on the way to Oyster Beach, you'll get a new line in the questbook and the mission ends. If he's not dead but somehow managed to get lost on the way to the beach, he should spawn on a random "goto" locator.

Here's English "Beginning_Agent.txt" with the new line at the end:
text.t7=#sname2# has been killed. My mission has failed.


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2) Ship groups have not been translated:
"CastelF", "Pinnace", "Heavy Pinnace", "Light Pinnace", "Merchant Pinnace", "Medium Pinnace", "Brig", "Bark", "Barque", " "Brig Navy", "Brigantina", "Brig Light", "Brigqeen", "Tartane", "Gunship", "Sloop", "Sloop-of-War", "Sloop3", "Cutter", "Lugger", "Light Fluyt", "Fluyt", "FleutWar46", "Galleon", "Fast Galleon", "Fast War Galleon", "Armed Galleon", "Indiaman", "SwedishIndiaman", "Rossiya", "Rossiya_Sat", "FrigateSat", "Battleship", "EscalatedBattleship", "Neptune", "Manowar", "Dutchman", "Postillionen", "Derfflinger"
These are indeed supposed to be the 'refShip.Model' from "Ships_init.c". The line in "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\selectstoryline.c" which produces the "Group" part of the interface has a comment that they are code and do not need to be translated. Nevertheless, someone added a 'TranslateString' there. So any 'refShip.Model' which has the same string as a 'refShip.sname' is translated, sometimes wrongly; and any 'refShip.Model' which does not match an already translated string remains untranslated.

The question now is, do we want to translate these game code lines? @Homo eructus, have you any thoughts on this? In FreePlay story selection, if you change "Group" from the default "Any" to a set value, it will show only those ships which have that 'refShip.Model' value - a group of identical ships with different colour schemes because the .gm models are exact copies apart from different texture files. The main purpose of this is so that you can repaint one ship into another in the shipyard "Appearance" tab, which does not show the 'refShip.Model' string, it just shows all ship types which have the same 'refShip.Model' as yours.

If we do want 'refShip.Model' translated, the first thing that will need to be done is that a lot of 'refShip.Model' lines will need to be changed to make them different to any 'refShip.sname' lines so that they're not translated wrongly. Then they'll all need translations.

Otherwise, leave them untranslated, the same way that character model names such as "blaze5" are not translated, as they are code words rather than normal text. In that case, all I need to do is remove the 'TranslateString' command from "selectstoryline.c" so that none of them are translated. (Having the character model names untranslated has already proven useful very recently! I couldn't figure out which version of Nathaniel Hawk was not showing a description until the untranslated model name "blaze5" was reported, then I found the problem right away.)
3: Try playing the sidequest "Strange Things Going On in the Archipelago". Check if the Montanez, the Satanist ships which attack it, and the Mefisto of the sidequest, all have their names translated.
1)I played this quest and "Mefisto" doesn't translate. In addition, the "Hundred Devils" ship is also not translated.
And also the barque "Montanez" was not translated.
2)For some reason, “shore” doesn’t translate when you get off the ship.
3)235 line Robert Fletcher_dialog.h - "Margaret Hatcher" does not translate.
If we do want 'refShip.Model' translated, the first thing that will need to be done is that a lot of 'refShip.Model' lines will need to be changed to make them different to any 'refShip.sname' lines so that they're not translated wrongly. Then they'll all need translations.
Translation is not a problem and it is probably necessary, but see for yourself, it is your decision and time.


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1: That's partly because "Hundred Devils", "666" and "Montanez" aren't included in translation files, and partly because none of the ship name assignments in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c" have 'TranslateString' commands.
2: I don't know why that is not translated, nor "Ship" when you're at the dock going back to the ship. "Shore" is in "interface_strings.txt".
3: "PROGRAM\Characters\init\CommonQuest.c" also has no 'TranslateString' commands.

Attached are "SideQuest.c" and "CommonQuest.c" with 'TranslateString' added to all ship names, and Russian "storyline_strings.txt" with all the new ship names added at the bottom. These will need to be translated. (The last 5 can be copied from "PROGRAM\Ships\ships_name_ru.c" because the English names were copied from "ships_name.c".)


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1) After I give Ignatius Pell the clothes and club, nothing happens... And the character just freezes in place, this person does not accept it as a quest item, he only puts on the clothes. Loaded a save! Go up and talk to him.
2) At the beginning of the Woods Rogers story, the following errors appear: ✓
Missing Character ID: Father Gareth
Missing Character ID: Willem Voigt
Missing Character ID: Rian Dekkers
Missing Character ID: Janneke Blinkerhof
Missing Character ID: Lisebet Schefold
3) On Tortuga, I found a bug that if I go to the gunsmith at night, after I asked people where he is, the character cannot enter the door and return back. This leads to getting stuck on the porch...
4) From the second part of the movement, Blackbeard does not have a return dialogue. Only transition to any part.
5) Locations not translated: ✓
"sailmaker", "surgeon", "Gunsmith workshop", "Tower passage", "tower", "tower.", "Tower stairs", "To the Dovecote", "cloister passage", "Abbey", "Small Chapel", "Crypt", "Bell tower", "Refectory", "Captains cabin", "Large Cabin", "Hold", "Secret room", "Entrance to Prison", "Elevator", "Prison central hall", "Rotunda bottom level", "Prison Office", "Garden", "Estate", "Attic room", "Garden house"


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1) After I give Ignatius Pell the clothes and club, nothing happens... And the character just freezes in place, this person does not accept it as a quest item, he only puts on the clothes. Loaded a save! Go up and talk to him.
It's the Saber and the Flintlock pistol he takes. (from the transfer items interface)


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2) At the beginning of the Woods Rogers story, the following errors appear:
Missing Character ID: Father Gareth
Missing Character ID: Willem Voigt
Missing Character ID: Rian Dekkers
Missing Character ID: Janneke Blinkerhof
Missing Character ID: Lisebet Schefold
Those are defined in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c". Make sure you have the one from post #636. That one definitely works - I tested it by starting a FreePlay as a Dutch character. That begins in Kralendijk, where Rian Dekkers, Janneke Blinkerhof and Lisebet Schefold are the women standing outside the town hall.

If you still get those messages, post "compile.log" and "error.log".

5) Locations not translated:
"sailmaker", "surgeon", "Gunsmith workshop", "Tower passage", "tower", "tower.", "Tower stairs", "To the Dovecote", "cloister passage", "Abbey", "Small Chapel", "Crypt", "Bell tower", "Refectory", "Captains cabin", "Large Cabin", "Hold", "Secret room", "Entrance to Prison", "Elevator", "Prison central hall", "Rotunda bottom level", "Prison Office", "Garden", "Estate", "Attic room", "Garden house"
And probably some more besides. "Captains cabin" is probably a typo and should be "Captain's cabin", which is already translated. I've gone through "QuestLocations.c", checking each "Locations[n].id.label" line against the existing "interface_strings.txt" and adding any that don't appear. The exception is the label for "BB_QAR_deck", which is "Queen Anne's Revenge" - since other special ship names such as "Black Pearl" are in "common.ini", I've added it there. So Russian "common.ini" is attached with "Queen Anne's Revenge" needing to be translated on line 528. Also attached is English "interface_strings.txt" with new lines 1619-1627, 2176-2177, and 2285-2350.


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