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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Check "common.ini", line 1515. That is where 'XI_ConvertString("sir")' will get its translation.

I've uploaded "NK.c" and "interface_strings.txt" into post #256 again, moving the comma into ", because the ship's rolling is making them seasick". That will still work in English and means there should be no space before the comma in Russian.

Can't you move a comma here? This is before the ROLL_to function. I changed common.ini.
Thanks for your work!
Would it be possible to rephrase the translation closer to the original? The code is now:
LogIt(TranslateString("","Captain, the morale of the crew decreased from") + " " + XI_ConvertString(GetMoraleName(rCharacter.Ship.Crew.Morale)) + " " + TranslateString("","ROLL_to") + " " + XI_ConvertString(GetMoraleName(RollDamageValue)) + TranslateString("",", because the ship's rolling is making them seasick"));
In English, that ends up as:
Captain, the morale of the crew decreased from Good to Normal, because the ship's rolling is making them seasick
The problem is that you've translated "ROLL_to" as ", а теперь". If I added the comma to "ROLL_to", it would put a comma in front of the "to", which does not work.

The only reason I called it "ROLL_to" is so that the translation does not try to use the version of "to" from line 1304 of "common.ini".

Google translates "Captain, crew morale has dropped from Good to Normal" as "Капитан, боевой дух экипажа упал с хорошего до нормального". It is probably not entirely correct but would it be possible to have a sentence structured like that? The important thing is that "ROLL_to" is translated to a single word without a comma.
Would it be possible to rephrase the translation closer to the original? The code is now:
LogIt(TranslateString("","Captain, the morale of the crew decreased from") + " " + XI_ConvertString(GetMoraleName(rCharacter.Ship.Crew.Morale)) + " " + TranslateString("","ROLL_to") + " " + XI_ConvertString(GetMoraleName(RollDamageValue)) + TranslateString("",", because the ship's rolling is making them seasick"));
In English, that ends up as:The problem is that you've translated "ROLL_to" as ", а теперь". If I added the comma to "ROLL_to", it would put a comma in front of the "to", which does not work.

The only reason I called it "ROLL_to" is so that the translation does not try to use the version of "to" from line 1304 of "common.ini".

Google translates "Captain, crew morale has dropped from Good to Normal" as "Капитан, боевой дух экипажа упал с хорошего до нормального". It is probably not entirely correct but would it be possible to have a sentence structured like that? The important thing is that "ROLL_to" is translated to a single word without a comma.
Unfortunately, I changed this sentence, because I need the correct ending for the morality "Отличной", "Высокой" ... The same problem with gunpowder, which is displayed simply "320 порох", and not "320 пороха" as it should be. I don't know what to do with it.
It should look like this : Капитан, мораль команды падает с Отличной до Высокой, потому что качка вызвала морскую болезнь - If we replace the endings
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What is the significance of the "й" on the end of "Отличной" and "Высокой", and what is the significance of "a" on the end of "пороха"?

Here's another version of "NK.c". This one defines variable 'sSpace' which is normally " " but for Russian it is "". The morale line is now:
LogIt(TranslateString("","Captain, the morale of the crew decreased from") + " " + XI_ConvertString(GetMoraleName(rCharacter.Ship.Crew.Morale)) + sSpace + TranslateString("","ROLL_to") + " " + XI_ConvertString(GetMoraleName(RollDamageValue)) + TranslateString("",", because the ship's rolling is making them seasick"));
The effect should be that Russian will have a blank before "ROLL_to" while any other language will have a space.


  • NK.c
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What is the significance of the "й" on the end of "Отличной" and "Высокой", and what is the significance of "a" on the end of "пороха"?
In Russian, there are cases on which the ending depends. You can see a screenshot.
Склонение словосочетаний онлайн – русский – Морфер.ру - here is a site where you can ask a word in Russian and see its endings in different cases, it may be useful
P/S I uploaded the file and now everything works fine!


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You could change goods entries in "common.ini" to add the "a" on the end. This will affect all other displays of goods, such as in the store or in your hold. This might not be a bad thing since you usually have more than one of any item, so would the plural version be more correct everywhere?
You could change goods entries in "common.ini" to add the "a" on the end. This will affect all other displays of goods, such as in the store or in your hold. This might not be a bad thing since you usually have more than one of any item, so would the plural version be more correct everywhere?
I'm sorry I didn't explain correctly, I hope it makes more sense.
1) Nominative (И) (кто, что?). The noun before the predicate is the subject and is translated in the nominative case:
The student asked the teacher. - Студент спросил преподавателя.
2) Accusative (В) (кого, что?). The noun after the predicate is a direct object and is translated in the accusative case without a preposition:
The teacher asked the student. - Преподаватель спросил студента.
3) Dative (Д) (кому, чему?). A noun without a preposition, standing between a predicate and a direct object, is an indirect object and is translated in the dative case without a preposition:
The teacher showed the student a book. - Преподаватель показал студенту книгу.
Nouns with prepositions:
Nouns in the common case with prepositions express relations conveyed by Russian indirect cases without prepositions or with prepositions. For example:
4)Genitive (Р) (кого, чего?) - (of, from). The noun performs the function of determining the preceding noun:
He had received a letter from his girl-friend. - Он получил письмо от подруги.
Moreover, the preposition (of) expresses, most often, belonging, part of the whole, denotes the material or contents of the container of something:
The leg of the table is broken - Ножка стола сломана; the voice of the girl - голос девочки; a dress of blue silk - платье из голубого шелка; a bottle of milk - бутылка молока
3.1) Dative (Д) (кому, чему?) - (to, for). The noun performs the function of a prepositional indirect object:
I gave the ticket to my sister - Я отдал билет сестре; He bought a ball for his son - Он купил мяч сыну.
5)Ablative (Т) (кем, чем?) - (by, with). A noun with the preposition (by) performs the function of a prepositional complement, denoting the effective force after the verb in the passive voice:
America was discovered by Columbus - Америка была открыта Колумбом; by plane - самолетом.
The noun with the preposition (with) performs the function of a prepositional object, denoting the object with which the action is performed:
The child usually eats with this spoon - Ребенок обычно ест этой ложкой; to cut with a knife - резать ножом.
6)Prepositional (П) (о ком, о чем?) - (about, of). The noun performs the function of a prepositional indirect object:
They told us about the exhibition - Они рассказали нам об этой выставке; She spoke of literature and music - Она говорила о литературе и музыке.

In this case, 3.1 is suitable, since there is a preposition (to), but since it is a product, it is more appropriate to write here "Пороха, but not Пороху" - (Р) (кого, чего?) (whom, Because of which) Due to pitching, gunpowder was overboard.
Captain, the cargo has started shifting due to the rolling and 324 Gunpowder went overboard - Капитан, груз начал смещаться из-за качки и 324 Пороха оказалось за бортом.
So fixing everything in common.ini will not work, because there is a case: Nominative (И) (кто, что?)


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I am currently translating the RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\WoodesRogers\ItemsDescribe.txt file and found this sentence in line 1825: The supposed finger and ring of the 1100th century female Pope. Maybe this is a mistake and must be the 11th century 1100
Finished translating RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\WoodesRogers\ItemsDescribe.txt.
It remains to translate Storyline\FreePlay\QUESTBOOK; Storyline\WoodesRogers\QUESTBOOK
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In "NK.c", in this line:
LogIt(TranslateString("","Captain, the cargo has started shifting due to the rolling and") + " " + RollDamageValue + " " + XI_ConvertString(Goods[i].Name) + " " + TranslateString("","went overboard"));
Perhaps change it to:
LogIt(TranslateString("","Captain, the cargo has started shifting due to the rolling and") + " " + RollDamageValue + " " + XI_ConvertString(Goods[i].Name) + sSpace + TranslateString("","went overboard"));
Variable 'sSpace' has already been defined, set to "" for Russian and " " for everyone else, so that Russian can put something extra before the space. That's how the problem with changing crew morale was solved - the variable was used before the translation of "ROLL_to" so that you could put a comma before the translated text. Here, you could put "a " before the translation of "went overboard".
In "NK.c", in this line:
LogIt(TranslateString("","Captain, the cargo has started shifting due to the rolling and") + " " + RollDamageValue + " " + XI_ConvertString(Goods[i].Name) + " " + TranslateString("","went overboard"));
Perhaps change it to:
LogIt(TranslateString("","Captain, the cargo has started shifting due to the rolling and") + " " + RollDamageValue + " " + XI_ConvertString(Goods[i].Name) + sSpace + TranslateString("","went overboard"));
Variable 'sSpace' has already been defined, set to "" for Russian and " " for everyone else, so that Russian can put something extra before the space. That's how the problem with changing crew morale was solved - the variable was used before the translation of "ROLL_to" so that you could put a comma before the translated text. Here, you could put "a " before the translation of "went overboard".

I didn’t understand a little where to put it, the letter a is added, but went overboard is not translated.
Here's "NK.c" with the space replaced by 'sSpace'. Could you upload your "interface_strings.txt"?


  • NK.c
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I am currently translating the RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\WoodesRogers\ItemsDescribe.txt file and found this sentence in line 1825: The supposed finger and ring of the 1100th century female Pope. Maybe this is a mistake and must be the 11th century 1100
@Jack Rackham: should that be "The supposed finger and ring of the 11th century female Pope."?
I did the same in the NK.c code, there is a complete mess.

@Jack Rackham: should that be "The supposed finger and ring of the 11th century female Pope."?
I talked about this issue on discord, tommy61157 and Pieter Boelen said it's a bug and you or Jack Rackham should fix it


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Storyline\FreePlay\QUESTBOOK translation completed
In the file Beginning_Rogue.txt, lines 7 and 9 are talking about a gentleman, so they refer to a girl?
I did the same in the NK.c code, there is a complete mess.
What to do with it?
Line 7 (text.t6) is for a female captain; line 2 (text.t1) is the same line for a male captain. Likewise, line 9 (text.t8) is a female captain's version of line 8 (text.t7).

Which line in your version of "NK.c" is producing the half-translated text?
Line 7 (text.t6) is for a female captain; line 2 (text.t1) is the same line for a male captain. Likewise, line 9 (text.t8) is a female captain's version of line 8 (text.t7).

Which line in your version of "NK.c" is producing the half-translated text?
The first screenshot does not translate line 450 in interface_strings.txt: , because the ship's rolling is making them seasick
On the second went overboard line 452 merges with gunpowder, and gunpowder did not begin to be recorded correctly "пороха"
I talked about this issue on discord, tommy61157 and Pieter Boelen said it's a bug and you or Jack Rackham should fix it
I've fixed it in the English and Spanish versions of "Woodes Rogers\ItemsDescribe.txt". Presumably you've translated it correctly in Russian.

The first screenshot does not translate line 450 in interface_strings.txt: , because the ship's rolling is making them seasick
On the second went overboard line 452 merges with gunpowder, and gunpowder did not begin to be recorded correctly "пороха"
Line 450: you have added ", " to the key text ", because the ship's rolling is making them seasick". It should not be there; the extra comma and space can not be in "NK.c" otherwise English and Spanish will look wrong.

Attached is a new version of "interface_strings.txt" with the rest of your corrections in place but with the ", " removed from what is now line 452. Two new lines have been added, now lines 232 and 233:
Captain, the crew is really not happy with this whole curse business. They work SO HARD at repairing the sails, but it appears to have no effect!
Captain, now the crew can't even see where they're going anymore with all this unnatural fog! Cannot you be persuaded to attempt to lift the curse?
Could you translate these and then upload a corrected file? Also, please upload your current version of "NK.c" so I can try to find out what is going wrong with the line about cargo going overboard.


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