I found that when your in direct sail mode, if you rise the jolly roger then go into world map mode (without entering direct sail mode again) press F go to the nations tab and change back to the flag of your nation or thast of one you are using and the pirates will not attack you, enemy nations will still try but they are not alway's around.
The reason for the pirates not attacking you with the above tactic is because the pirates are programed if you like to attack you only if you are not flying the jolly roger when loading from direct seail to world map. One you have loaded to the world map it seems the pirates do not get reupdated so its glitch in the game but it helps you out till its fixed one day. :
The reason for the pirates not attacking you with the above tactic is because the pirates are programed if you like to attack you only if you are not flying the jolly roger when loading from direct seail to world map. One you have loaded to the world map it seems the pirates do not get reupdated so its glitch in the game but it helps you out till its fixed one day. :