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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Suggestions and bugs for an upcoming version!

Where does one get Cortez's sword? I don't think i have ever seen it.

I prefer Bart O Port's sword while my officers prefer the Szabla. The Shaska is so rare it is a display piece only.
as my game doesn't like the HMS Surprise, I crash really often on collisions, so I usually sell the ship to get another tier 4 vessel.

Could you elaborate on this? Are you saying the game crashes when this ship collides with anything?
If you don't mind, please keep working on this and post the files once you're happy with the final results. :doff

Methinks the sabre of Nicholas Sharp is too good and needs to be detuned. It would also be nice if it was available in every time period.
You mean to have that sidequest available always?
Could there be anyone interested in putting some sidequests in the other storylines as well? I'm not going to get round to that for a while.

Actually, it is even worse, as each cannon I sell doubles the price he pays.
I sell 1 cannon, he pays 1000
If I sell 2 cannons at once, he pays 2000, still normal
But if I sell 3 cannons at once, I get 4000 (should be 3000)
If I sell 4 cannons at once, I get 8000 (should now be 4000)
It's doubling with each cannon, a few minutes ago I got over 600.000.000 by selling 4 pounders...
That's INSANE. Will try to figure it out. :shock
You're absolutely right on those cannon costs. I have no disabled all cannon-related tradeHigh instances and it behaves a lot more sensibly now.
However, that doesn't mean it is working right just yet. Now I can make my money go DOWN by just swapping cannon calibres all the time.
It seems to me that there are worse bugs with the cannon exchange prices that just that Vanderdecken double price issue you noticed.
This might need some more extensive looking into. And recoding all of it possibly too.
Strange how my To Do list seems to be getting LONGER the more bugs I manage to fix. :facepalm

Edit: Having had a look through the code for this, it appears to be quite complex. (Why is that always the story???)
Would you or someone else mind having a play around with the Cannons interface and see in which ways exactly it is misbehaving?
Yes, I can surely do that! Could you upload the edited file from yesterday or should I play around with the standard one?
Additionally, I think the swordfile is quite okay, but will upload it for others to have a go at testing. Unfortunately, US promotion system seems to not work properly for me, I got no uniform for Sub-Lieutenant as I should. Additionally, the ranks are different from the NK file, but I'm going to test this further now, to see if I get a sword and uniform when becoming captain.

as my game doesn't like the HMS Surprise, I crash really often on collisions, so I usually sell the ship to get another tier 4 vessel.
Could you elaborate on this? Are you saying the game crashes when this ship collides with anything?

Well, not with anything and always, but it crashes very frequently on collisions, especially if I run frontally into something (mostly other ships)....
Also, not sure if it's only on my end, but one of the frigates has a very bugged rigging. I didn't manage to get close enough to see which one, but it's been three frigates of the same kind. Gonna post more details once I have them.

Where does one get Cortez's sword? I don't think i have ever seen it.

I prefer Bart O Port's sword while my officers prefer the Szabla. The Shaska is so rare it is a display piece only.

If I'm not totally mistaken, you get Cortes' sword in the Matheus Santos quest, if you kill or hire the best swordsman in the entire archipelago, whos name aludes me right now.
Hm, I do get the Shashka very frequently, I actually have all of my officers, my land escort and probably even my crew equipped with them... ;)

Hylie, maybe you could have a look at some of the promotionswords too, when you have the time, then tell me what you think or what could/should be changed. Also, what would you change the Nicolas Sharp saber to?


  • initItems.c NEW PROMOTIONSWORDS.txt
    241.4 KB · Views: 139
Yes, I can surely do that! Could you upload the edited file from yesterday or should I play around with the standard one?
Additionally, I think the swordfile is quite okay, but will upload it for others to have a go at testing. Unfortunately, US promotion system seems to not work properly for me, I got no uniform for Sub-Lieutenant as I should. Additionally, the ranks are different from the NK file, but I'm going to test this further now, to see if I get a sword and uniform when becoming captain.
It looks like those rank notes in NK.c were not updated when the real ranks were. See PROGRAM\NATIONS\nations_init.c for the real ones.
"Sub-Lieutenant" doesn't even exist anymore. :facepalm

If I'm not totally mistaken, you get Cortes' sword in the Matheus Santos quest, if you kill or hire the best swordsman in the entire archipelago, whos name aludes me right now.
Does that blade even EXIST? I can't seem to find it anywhere in the code. :shock

Also, what would you change the Nicolas Sharp saber to?
You can get it fairly easily at the beginning of the Standard storyline and you get it at the beginning of the Jack Sparrow one too. So it can't be that much better than most low-level weapons.
And, as promised, the system file for the missing portuguese soldiers! Got around to boarding a portuguese vessel again, so posting the file while still in process of boarding...


  • system.log
    12.4 KB · Views: 138
Brilliant! That is what I was hoping for:
resource\models\characters\Soldier6_Por_18.gm: can't open geometry file
Character model 'characters\Soldier6_Por_18' not loaded
resource\models\characters\Soldier6_Por_18.gm: can't open geometry file
Character model 'characters\Soldier6_Por_18' not loaded
resource\models\characters\Soldier4_Por_18.gm: can't open geometry file
Character model 'characters\Soldier4_Por_18' not loaded
resource\models\characters\Soldier2_Por_18.gm: can't open geometry file
Character model 'characters\Soldier2_Por_18' not loaded
Will check it out. :doff
It looks like those rank notes in NK.c were not updated when the real ranks were. See PROGRAM\NATIONS\nations_init.c for the real ones.
"Sub-Lieutenant" doesn't even exist anymore. :facepalm
Alright, then I'll mess around there!

Does that blade even EXIST? I can't seem to find it anywhere in the code. :shock

Looked through the initItems.c, and I think that's the relevant code for the sword of Cortés. For some reason, searching for Cortés didn't work for me...

// Sword of Cortés (SLiB KevAtl)
itm.id = "bladeSC";
itm.skiptrade = false; //BB you can sell the item
itm.skipsell = true; // you can't buy it
itm.skiprand = true; // you can't randomly find it
itm.groupID = BLADE_ITEM_TYPE;
itm.name = "itmname_bladeSC";
itm.describe = "itmdescr_bladeSC";
itm.folder = "ammo";
itm.model = "bladeSC";
itm.picIndex = 13;
itm.picTexture = "ITEMS_ccc";
itm.price = 15660; //BB (25000)
itm.dmg_min = 25.0;
itm.dmg_max = 40.0;
itm.piercing = 65; //BB (90)
itm.block = 85;
itm.minlevel = 99; //BB+PB
itm.rare = 0.00; // should be unique
itm.param.time = 0.1;
itm.skill.sneak = -1;
itm.skill.fencing = +1;
itm.param.colorstart = argb(64, 64, 64, 64);
itm.param.colorend = argb(0, 32, 32, 32);
itm.nation = SPAIN;

You can get it fairly easily at the beginning of the Standard storyline and you get it at the beginning of the Jack Sparrow one too. So it can't be that much better than most low-level weapons.

For comparison:
Average Saber: Damage 15/18, Piercing 14%, Block 13%
Excellent Saber of Nicolas Sharp: Damage 31/51, Piercing 73%, Block 83%
That's the current stats for the weapon, in my opinion it's one of the three best swords in the entire game. As soon as I get it, it's really hard to die in swordfights. And that's right, Sparrow and Hawk both can get it from the very start.
Alright, now I'm not sure what to do. nations_init.c I think doesn't handle promotions etc. as far as I could see, it's simply some standards for each nation. So do I have to change something in NK.c or in nations_init.c to have one access the other for promotions? Or is that too handled elsewhere now?

And I think I discovered another bug... :bounce
When boarding an enemy vessel and defeating the captain, if you don't assign an officer and simply sink it, you're not advancing in your nations relations. I just boarded 2 Raa Frigates, a Heavy East Indiaman and an Essex Frigate, took over the Essex, Indiaman and one Raa Frigate and received points just fine. The second Raa Frigate I couldn't take over so I sank it, didn't receive any relation points. All of them were Warships and it's not the first time I notice it either
Looked through the initItems.c, and I think that's the relevant code for the sword of Cortés. For some reason, searching for Cortés didn't work for me...
Thanks for that! Couldn't find it in the early morning due to not quite spelling the name right. :wp
Anyway, I just wanted to confirm that it is indeed used by "Amerigo Vieira" in the Standard storyline Hitman sidequest and Assassin main storyline.
It is not being used anywhere else.

For comparison:
Average Saber: Damage 15/18, Piercing 14%, Block 13%
Excellent Saber of Nicolas Sharp: Damage 31/51, Piercing 73%, Block 83%
That's the current stats for the weapon, in my opinion it's one of the three best swords in the entire game. As soon as I get it, it's really hard to die in swordfights. And that's right, Sparrow and Hawk both can get it from the very start.
Indeed that is far, far too good for an early game weapon. I reckon you can complete the Toff's Daughter quest so early in the game that you could get that blade at, maybe, rank 4?
I don't think it should be much better than a low-level presentation blade. Perhaps comparable to a minlevel of 10 or so?
That should still give you a nice fencing boost in the early game, but not have you immediately overpowered. And you'd still have to be on the looking for a better one later on. Right?

Alright, now I'm not sure what to do. nations_init.c I think doesn't handle promotions etc. as far as I could see, it's simply some standards for each nation. So do I have to change something in NK.c or in nations_init.c to have one access the other for promotions? Or is that too handled elsewhere now?
All I meant is that you can use nations_init.c to see the real rank names. Because the ones in NK.c are outdated.
For example, what you called "Sub-Lieutenant rank" is rank #3. Nations_init.c says that is actually the regular "Lieutenant" rank.
The real "Captain" rank is rank #6, which is mislabelled as "Major" in NK.c .
All I meant is that you can use nations_init.c to see the real rank names. Because the ones in NK.c are outdated.
For example, what you called "Sub-Lieutenant rank" is rank #3. Nations_init.c says that is actually the regular "Lieutenant" rank.
The real "Captain" rank is rank #6, which is mislabelled as "Major" in NK.c .
To make things simpler, use this code for NK.c instead:
        case AMERICA:
            switch(GetRank(pchar, GetCurrentLocationNation()))
                case 1: // Ensign
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_01")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_01")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_02")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_02")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_03")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_03")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_04")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_04")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_05")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m5;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_05")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m5;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_1")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_1")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_2")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_2")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_3")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_3")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_4")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_4")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_5")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m5;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_5")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m5;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_6")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m6;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_6")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m6;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_7")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_7")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_8")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_8")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_9")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_9")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_10")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_10")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    pchar.boardingmodels = "AMERICA";
                case 2: // Junior Lieutenant
                case 3: // Lieutenant
                case 4: // Senior Lieutenant
                case 5: // Commander
                /*    ch = CreateOfficer_Cheat(OFFIC_TYPE_FIRSTMATE, "USA_lut_18", 3, AMERICA, false);
                    ExchangeCharacterShip(ch, pchar);
                    SetCompanionIndex(pchar, -1, GetCharacterIndex(ch.id)));
                        case PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS:
                            GiveShip2Character(pchar, "USS_Constitution", "USS Constitution", -1, AMERICA, true, false);

                        case PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC:
                            GiveShip2Character(pchar, "US_SteamFrigate", "USS Hudson", -1, AMERICA, true, false);
                case 6: // Captain
                case 7: // Commodore
                case 8: // Rear Admiral
                case 9: // Vice Admiral
                case 10: // Admiral
                case 11: // Fleet Admiral
                case 12: // Chief of Naval Operations
Those are the correct ranks. That should make testing this simpler, because then what you expect to happen will at least match up with the game. :cheeky
Brilliant! That is what I was hoping for:
resource\models\characters\Soldier6_Por_18.gm: can't open geometry file
Character model 'characters\Soldier6_Por_18' not loaded
resource\models\characters\Soldier6_Por_18.gm: can't open geometry file
Character model 'characters\Soldier6_Por_18' not loaded
resource\models\characters\Soldier4_Por_18.gm: can't open geometry file
Character model 'characters\Soldier4_Por_18' not loaded
resource\models\characters\Soldier2_Por_18.gm: can't open geometry file
Character model 'characters\Soldier2_Por_18' not loaded
Will check it out. :doff
Yes, that makes my mistake really quite obvious. I put the numbers in the wrong spot. :facepalm
Please find attached file corrected. Hopefully it'll work this time around. New game required for the changes to take effect though, I'm afraid... :oops:


  • Sold_Port.zip
    45.8 KB · Views: 92
Alright, thanks! Still in the process of testing the promotion rewards, but not looking good, at least for uniforms so far... :shrug
Will test the portuguese soldier fix next! :checklist

And I've finally found the Frigate with the bad rigging, Endymion Class, English Design. I'll upload a screenshot. It was Armada who reworked the models, right?


  • POTC Endymion Class.jpg
    POTC Endymion Class.jpg
    357.9 KB · Views: 114
Alright, thanks! Still in the process of testing the promotion rewards, but not looking good, at least for uniforms so far... :shrug
Are you sure you actually got the promotions that should give you the uniforms? Can you show an example of the code that isn't working for you?
I can see if I can quickly test if I can convince it to work. :doff

And I've finally found the Frigate with the bad rigging, Endymion Class, English Design. I'll upload a screenshot. It was Armada who reworked the models, right?
That's the "RN_BattleFrigate":
// RN Battle Frigate (Endymion class Frigate) By ZarethPL
// Further model and texture work by Captain Armstrong and Armada; rigging by Hylie Pistof
I just gave that ship to myself in the game, but cannot confirm that complete and utter craziness.
Is it just me or is that a large pirate flag in the top of her main mast? That's supposed to be an English pennant, of course.
Was it like that right from the start or did it happen only later on?

Please try this:
Open PROGRAM\console.c and find:
void ExecuteConsole()
    ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
    if (!bSeaActive) ref lcn = &Locations[FindLocation(pchar.location)];
    ref ch;
    int i;
    int limit;
Add a line:
GiveShip2Character(pchar,"RN_BattleFrigate","Test Ship",-1,ENGLAND,true,true);
Start a new game, press F12 and you'll get that ship. Set sail and see if the same thing happens.
If not, I suspect it is some sort of relation with the other ships in the game scene as well and possibly some lost masts (were there any ships that lost a mast?).
Do you have a compile.log from that scene? Or a savegame when it occurred? If you do have a savegame, what happens if you reload it? Does the same thing occur?
Are you sure you actually got the promotions that should give you the uniforms? Can you show an example of the code that isn't working for you?
I can see if I can quickly test if I can convince it to work. :doff
Yes, I've gone through most lieutenant ranks already today. Next rank that should give me another uniform is captain, and that's my next promotion ahead!
But, at least I received that sword as Commander! :dance
I've decided to try Gherarde de Jongh for the last rank now, but not sure if that should be kept...
            switch(GetRank(pchar, GetCurrentLocationNation()))
                case 1: // Ensign
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_01")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_01")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_02")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_02")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_03")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_03")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_04")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_04")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_05")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m5;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Crewmember_05")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m5;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_1")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_1")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_2")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_2")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_3")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_3")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_4")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_4")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_5")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m5;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_5")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m5;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_6")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m6;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_6")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m6;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_7")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_7")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m1;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_8")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_8")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m2;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_9")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_9")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m3;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_10")].model = Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Treas_Crewmember_10")].headmodel = "h_"+Nations[AMERICA].fantomModel.m4;
                    pchar.boardingmodels = "AMERICA";
                case 2: // Junior Lieutenant
                  if(pchar.sex != "woman")
                        GiveModel2Player("USA_lut_18", true);
                case 3: // Lieutenant
                case 4: // Senior Lieutenant
                case 5: // Commander
GiveItem2Character(pchar,"blade43"+qual); // US Cavalry Saber
                /*    ch = CreateOfficer_Cheat(OFFIC_TYPE_FIRSTMATE, "USA_lut_18", 3, AMERICA, false);
                    ExchangeCharacterShip(ch, pchar);
                    SetCompanionIndex(pchar, -1, GetCharacterIndex(ch.id)));
                        case PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS:
                            GiveShip2Character(pchar, "USS_Constitution", "USS Constitution", -1, AMERICA, true, false);
                        case PERIOD_THE_CORSICAN:
                            GiveShip2Character(pchar, "US_SteamFrigate", "USS Hudson", -1, AMERICA, true, false);
                case 6: // Captain
if(pchar.sex != "woman")
                        GiveModel2Player("USA_cpt_18", true);
                case 7: // Commodore
                case 8: // Rear Admiral
if(pchar.sex != "woman")
                        GiveModel2Player("USA_adm_18", true);
                case 9: // Vice Admiral
                case 10: // Admiral
                case 11: // Fleet Admiral
                case 12: // Chief of Naval Operations
if(pchar.sex != "woman")
                        GiveModel2Player("Gherarde_De_Jongh", true);

That's the "RN_BattleFrigate":
// RN Battle Frigate (Endymion class Frigate) By ZarethPL
// Further model and texture work by Captain Armstrong and Armada; rigging by Hylie Pistof
I just gave that ship to myself in the game, but cannot confirm that complete and utter craziness.
Is it just me or is that a large pirate flag in the top of her main mast? That's supposed to be an English pennant, of course.
Was it like that right from the start or did it happen only later on?
Not quite sure, I only noticed somewhere during battle, when I got closer, but there were a whole lot of ships in that fight...
I've encountered it at least twice now, first time I only saw them from a very long distance

Please try this:
Open PROGRAM\console.c and find:
void ExecuteConsole()
    ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
    if (!bSeaActive) ref lcn = &Locations[FindLocation(pchar.location)];
    ref ch;
    int i;
    int limit;
Add a line:
GiveShip2Character(pchar,"RN_BattleFrigate","Test Ship",-1,ENGLAND,true,true);
Start a new game, press F12 and you'll get that ship. Set sail and see if the same thing happens.
Well, went to test it, and it seems I broke something else now... Can't start a new game because my selection screen is bonkers. Uploading a screenshot. Any idea what could cause this, or do I have to reinstall? :aar

EDIT: Tried with a savegame, and couldn't get the ship to repeat the strange behavior, tried all different flags, lost masts with my Endymion, shot all masts from 4 other ships, nothing happened

If not, I suspect it is some sort of relation with the other ships in the game scene as well and possibly some lost masts (were there any ships that lost a mast?).
Do you have a compile.log from that scene? Or a savegame when it occurred? If you do have a savegame, what happens if you reload it? Does the same thing occur?
Oh yes, there were definately ships with lost masts, I usually fire knippels on everything when opening battle.
Unfortunately, I don't have a savegame and I guess the compile log is overwritten each time the game is started?


  • Broken Menu.jpg
    Broken Menu.jpg
    182.7 KB · Views: 105
Yes, I've gone through most lieutenant ranks already today. Next rank that should give me another uniform is captain, and that's my next promotion ahead!
But, at least I received that sword as Commander! :dance
I've decided to try Gherarde de Jongh for the last rank now, but not sure if that should be kept...
That "Corporation Head" title was mostly a joke; it's no longer in use. So I don't think Gherarde de Jongh makes any sense anymore. :no
Anyway, that code looks OK enough to me.

Well, went to test it, and it seems I broke something else now... Can't start a new game because my selection screen is bonkers. Uploading a screenshot.
Uh??? Did you put that GiveShip2Character line in JackAubrey.c instead or something? That's... uhm... not what I meant. :facepalm
Actually, if you ARE going to edit that file, just use sl.(sn).start.ship = "RN_BattleFrigate"; instead.

Oh yes, there were definately ships with lost masts, I usually fire knippels on everything when opening battle.
Knipple is against crew. You mean chainshot?

Unfortunately, I don't have a savegame and no idea how I guess the compile log is overwritten each time the game is started?
Ah, too bad; then we can't trace it anymore. Indeed compile.log is overwritten each time.
Keep an eye out for if it happens again and when it does, make a savegame and store that compile.log . :onya
That "Corporation Head" title was mostly a joke; it's no longer in use. So I don't think Gherarde de Jongh makes any sense anymore. :no
Anyway, that code looks OK enough to me.
Yes, think I replaced the titles with the actual ones already, but might have missed one there! The Admiral Outfit should work well enough for the Chief of Naval Operations, I think. Good, then I'll test if becoming Captain gives me the correct uniform next rank.

Uh??? Did you put that GiveShip2Character line in JackAubrey.c instead or something? That's... uhm... not what I meant. :facepalm
Actually, if you ARE going to edit that file, just use sl.(sn).start.ship = "RN_BattleFrigate"; instead.
Unfortunately no, I did exactly what you told me, edited the console file... Broke things somewhere else, I fear. The broken menu is the same for all storylines, not just Aubrey

Knipple is against crew. You mean chainshot?
Oh yup, my bad!

Ah, too bad; then we can't trace it anymore. Indeed compile.log is overwritten each time.
Keep an eye out for if it happens again and when it does, make a savegame and store that compile.log . :onya

Alright, I'll do both of this.
You wouldn't have an idea where I could have broken the menu, by any chance? Otherwise I'll go reinstall
Can you post all your .log files? Compile, error and system? Hopefully then I can tell you where to look.
It must have been a file you were working on. Maybe initItems.c?
Can you post all your .log files? Compile, error and system? Hopefully then I can tell you where to look.
It must have been a file you were working on. Maybe initItems.c?

All of them attached! Probably, so far I've edited inititems.c, console.c, nations_init, NK.c and the internal settings, I think


  • compile.log
    72.7 KB · Views: 125
  • error.log
    3.4 KB · Views: 132
  • system.log
    8 KB · Views: 122