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Solved Storyline Period Changes

Nice work, Pieter! I'm happy with the Lafitte details and the other storyline and interface changes. :onya
I had the idea of switching on the Changing Relations Mod in all Free Play storylines as that mod is just too cool to have to always keep off by default.
Turns out we can use the AddStorylineVar functionality for those settings we'd like to have storyline-dependent.

At the moment, I'm switching this mod on for:

Any thoughts on that? And are there any other mods we'd like to switch on/off based on the current storyline?


Originally I tried to override the actual BuildSettings, but that confuses the crap out of me between the GlobalSettings and ProfileSettings .
And it's not like that does what we want anyway. So I'll skip on that for now....
Had anyone played the Hornblower storyline? Does this in StartStoryline.c even work?
    string BOARDERMODEL = "marine";
    bool FOOD_ON = false;
Sounds good to me Pieter, Jack Sparrow is one of the ones that I think should have a little less freedom of choice as the character model and ship changes throughout anyway
I had the idea of switching on the Changing Relations Mod in all Free Play storylines as that mod is just too cool to have to always keep off by default.
Turns out we can use the AddStorylineVar functionality for those settings we'd like to have storyline-dependent.

At the moment, I'm switching this mod on for:

Sounds good to me. If the national relations don't even matter, we might as well let them change to keep things interesting. :onya
That way, players should at least be kept on their toes even when doing whatever they like.
Why would anyone NOT have changing relations ON? I have it ON for ALL storylines.
Why would anyone NOT have changing relations ON? I have it ON for ALL storylines.
Because it doesn't make sense if England and France sign a peace treaty if you're playing through the Standard or Hornblower storylines, for example.
That is why that mod is off by default. But now we will have it ON in several storylines by default, because it's too good to keep it hidden in Advanced Options. :cheeky
In my storylines, it's important for the story to let the changing relations Off.
This is the way I have it set up now:
  . Changing Nation Relations mod switched on/off depending on storyline by Pieter Boelen
    > ON in "Free Play encouraged" storylines: Devlin Opera, Jack Aubrey, La Croix and Jean Lafitte
    > OFF in "quest enforced" storylines:      Woodes Rogers and Hornblower
At the moment, I did not add the code to enforce this into your storylines as it is quite easy to ignore the main quest for players and do free play instead.
The mod is still off by default, so players have to deliberately switch it on to have it in your storylines. Is that OK with you??
I got my Tartane at the shipyard in Martinique. It was the only ship there. Then at Grenada there was no ships until I repaired mine, the a topsail schooner appeared. But when I went back the next day it was gone. No ships at all. Those are the only ships I have seen in any shipyard.
Tales of a Chevalier, 1690.
The above issue by Hylie's suggests that this may not have been sorted entirely properly just yet... :confused:
That was a bugged install. The shipyards are working properly in a new install that did not need multiple runme.bats.
This is the way I have it set up now:
  . Changing Nation Relations mod switched on/off depending on storyline by Pieter Boelen
    > ON in "Free Play encouraged" storylines: Devlin Opera, Jack Aubrey, La Croix and Jean Lafitte
    > OFF in "quest enforced" storylines:      Woodes Rogers and Hornblower
At the moment, I did not add the code to enforce this into your storylines as it is quite easy to ignore the main quest for players and do free play instead.
The mod is still off by default, so players have to deliberately switch it on to have it in your storylines. Is that OK with you??
Yes, it's ok:yes
I srill can't start with an american flag on the select storyline interface.
But if I start for ex. the Buccaneer and then return to select storyline (new game)
both the Buccaneer and my new storyline (1830) are given the option of american flags.
Good call! That tells me exactly how to enable it properly. Extract attached to PROGRAM\INTERFACE .
Much easier than I expected, really. :shock

Edit: Tested and it works fine. So now we CAN use American starting characters even BEFORE we've got the new and fancy Beta 3 code.
I also noticed a bit of an ugly effect with that glow on the nation changer, so I removed it. Extract the "_glow" file to RESOURCE\INI .

Before we go any further with the US storyline, have you checked yet to see if it's actually possible to start as the US?
Now it is. So... are we going to want to make use of this in some way?


  • select_storyline.zip
    5.3 KB · Views: 111
  • select_storyline_glow.zip
    3.7 KB · Views: 115