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Squire of the Sea

Pierre, the African guy, is the one you sussed out correctly in yellow clothes. He does have long hair.

The redhaired girl's design in my artwork was inspired more by Japanese games at the time, like Uncharted Waters Online has extremely youthful female player characters and clothes to match. However, Lizzie is very much a chronological and physical adult, just on the short side much to her annoyance.

As for Simon (waistcoat-wearing pirate) and Edgar (t-shirt with jacket and bandana), those character models look close enough. Whether a goldfish/koi tattoo could be put on Edgar's right arm is another matter.

The 3D model with some colour changes could pass for Lucretia.
I probably can't do Pierre, then. At least, not unless he gets a completely different set of clothes, in which case either one of the governor models or the model of Hector Barbossa from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" films could be retextured.

Lizzie can't be made smaller because if a character model is modified to change size, it will probably break the animation. You really don't want to see what Lizzie would look like if that happened!

Edgar's tattoo could certainly be added, though it might appear on both arms because the texture file only has one arm texture which is used for both. If you can upload a really good picture of the tattoo, squarely on rather than at an angle, I should be able to copy it into Edgar's texture file.

Meanwhile, Purpure has found Lucinda's house; and Purpure's pirate texture, with a different mouth, applied to hatless "Danielle", easily produced the impostor:
lucinda_house.jpg Purpure Impostor.jpg
Monsieur Pierre does fancy himself as fancy as a Dumas protagonist, although I didn't design fancier clothes for him just yet in pixel art form.

Purpure will need to give her former mentor's house a good cleaning and a set of lights. As for Edgar's tattoo:


I didn't make a very high resolution version to start with, but this should work.
The walls of Lucinda's house look dark because it's 9pm. Besides, it's a basic stone house in old times - Lucinda wouldn't have been able to keep the outside clean and Purpure won't have time to even try! Inside is clean and tidy. But if Lucinda is supposed to be in a fancier house instead of a common small stone house, there's a mansion in the other town on Barbados - the town in which Purpure starts the game due to being British - which could be turned into Lucinda's house instead.

That tattoo picture is fine. The entire texture for the sailor model is 512x512 so the tattoo will need to be shrunk to fit on the arm.
Lucinda's house was a cottage with a lighthouse attached in the RPGMaker version.
OK, change of plan. Mrs. Mason's house will not become Lucinda Longstride's house. There is a lighthouse location on Barbados, with an attached cottage. You can either walk there from the same town as Mrs. Mason's house, though you need to pass through a canyon inhabited by lots of bandits; or you can sail there. The lighthouse is on top of a cliff with a path leading down to the beach and another path leading back to the canyon.

Good to know that the tattoo works.
I haven't actually tried it yet but in theory it should just be a matter of putting the tattoo onto the part of the texture file which covers the arm. Edgar is probably going to have hairy arms and legs, but I should be able to remove the beard and moustache from the texture.

What I'd like to do is make one officer who will join Purpure when she gets the Lotus. The idea is that she'll join the pirates by talking to a boss pirate on Nevis - he's already there in the game and talking to him is the normal way to join the pirates. When Purpure leaves his house, the officer should appear and tell her that she now has a new ship. Lizzie, if I understand correctly, has been Purpure's friend since childhood and can probably be assigned as a free officer at the start of the game. But this is FreePlay and the player can do anything. (Players can do all sorts of silly things, even in fixed storylines, and one of the challenges of writing a storyline is to either prevent them from doing something which breaks the story, or writing the story to allow for the player doing something unexpected.) So if Lizzie is an officer at the start of the game, we can't count on her being there when Purpure gets the Lotus - she might have been killed in a battle or the player might have fired her.
Almost everyone except Lizzie and Sonia is fair game for joining upon getting the Lotus ship.

Yes, Lizzie has been Purpure's childhood pal. I'm aware free play stories might have some ridiculous outcomes so not everything can be so tightly written.
Lucinda's house was a cottage with a lighthouse attached in the RPGMaker version.

Seen from a short distance, you can see the entrance to the lighthouse tower. The light is even visible at night, though the one in the inside location does not light up:
lighthouse_day.jpg lighthouse_night.jpg

There's also that wooden shack at the side. A similar location on another island uses that, but the one on Barbados has no entrance there.