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Squire of the Sea

His previous history in my RPGMaker notes is that he admired her from afar after seeing her in action on Tristan Island. TLDR, he admires her because she represents a life from beyond the island he lived on with the rest of the future members of the Lotus Crew.
Simon was simple. :D No, not like that - the model was simple to make because the game's "BlazeNB" almost is Simon, needing only the jacket, trousers and hair to be recoloured. It probably took less than 15 minutes.

Lizzie wasn't so easy. There's no way to get the hat shown in your drawings, so I had to settle for changing the bonnet to pink. Apart from that, I tried to make the model as accurate as possible. The sleeves on "towngirl3" are extensions of the dress while Lizzie's sleeves are the same pink as the undershirt; and the skirt has a pair of pink loops which make it look like a two-layer skirt. Both of those I copied from a different model, but then the snag is that different models use different layouts of texture file and use the parts in different ways. For example, the skirt on "towngirl3" starts on the left seam, wraps round the front and back, and ends up on the other side of the left seam. A lot of fiddling around was needed to get both sides of the seam to line up properly. I also added a completely new face to make Lizzie more distinct from "towngirl3" which also needed a lot of work to make it fit. I've done this sort of thing before, it always takes some time, but it's worth it in the end - especially for a key character.

And so I present Lizzie, PoTC style:

That ship in the background is the one I'm planning to use for the Lotus. Here's the real one, named Lady Washington:
Lady Washington - Wikipedia
There are a couple of lines for Purpure's arrest scene in your latest picture. Have you any more, including Purpure's "roundabout answers"?

Is the impostor supposed to be Sonia? If so, I'll need to change my impostor model - I gave her blue eyes to make her a bit more different from dark-eyed real Purpure.