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WIP Spanish translation

There are quite a few model descriptions in initmodels that don't appear in models_description.txt in the language folder. Should I add them? From what I've seen they're mostly quest characters that are not even available in the character selection (like Sharpe and his 95th, or Mathews and Styles form Hornblower's crew) so the descriptions aren't even visible ingame, unless they're available in the tailor shop. Are they? In that case, I definitely should translate them.
I think if the required entry isn't available, then it bypasses the translation and just displays the input string.
I know. My doubt is if those descriptions of non-playable quest characters are displayed somewhere ingame (mainly the tailor shop), because if they're not, it would be a waste of time to translate them, but if they are, then I should add them to the Spanish file and consequently to the English one.

Thinking of it, if they have descriptions, those must appear somewhere. Maybe in the Change outfit option for those characters when they're part of your party, even if you can't change their outfit, the description of their default outfit does appear. I'll have to check.
It might indeed show somewhere, but you could just translate it as an empty string for all of them.
It won't show the right text then, but at least won't show the wrong one either. ;)
If I go to the trouble of adding the strings, I may as well translate them rather than leaving them empty. The most work is actually finding all the missing ones, translating them once they're in place is easy.
Since these would be REALLY rarely seen in the game, you could decide to just skip them for now until someone does actually notice something still being English.

Just trying to think of some excuses to save you some work. ;)
I've checked the beginning of the Hornblower storyline and neither Kennedy nor Clayton have any description text in the Choose outfit menu, so I'll assume they're all the same unless proven the contrary and save myself the hassle.
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They don't have entries in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\models_description.txt", possibly because they're only for use by their respective characters in the storyline. The same is true for other "Hornblower" characters, such as Lt. Bush and Lady Barbara Wellesley. You can find their descriptions in "PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c". If you want to add translations into the Spanish version of "models_description.txt", I'll add them to the English version.
They don't have entries in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\models_description.txt", possibly because they're only for use by their respective characters in the storyline. The same is true for other "Hornblower" characters, such as Lt. Bush and Lady Barbara Wellesley. You can find their descriptions in "PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c". If you want to add translations into the Spanish version of "models_description.txt", I'll add them to the English version.
Thanks, but there's no need for that. My concern was that those lines would show in English somewhere ingame but if they don't there's nothing that needs translating.
A question specially for @Grey Roger : are the son/daughter strings used anywhere other than in the Ardent storyline?
These from commons.ini
string = son,"son"
string = daughter,"daughter"

Getting to the questbook for that storyline I have found trouble with the gender swapping, specially with the article, as English uses "the" for all genders and numbers while Spanish has different forms for each (the son/the daughter=el hijo/la hija). I could work around it in a way by adding the el/la to the strings themselves and then building the text to match (the possessives like "my son/daughter" that I assume are in the dialogues would be a problem but I think it can be done), but only if those strings aren't used elsewhere, where it wouldn't make sense for the word to be preceded by the article.
Just so you know, he'll probably respond on Monday.
He's not usually on here during the weekend.
Another thing. How should I do to change character's names? I'm thinking specially of the indian names from the Ardent storyline like Two Dogs or Soaring Hawk, which wouldn't make much sense in English if everything else is in Spanish, but there are others like Blackbeard whose nickname is usually translated aswell.
Of course. It confused me that the Ardent storyline doesn't have its own characters_names.txt. Creating one with the relevant names would be enough?

And what about a potential player character laike Blakcbeard? Just adding his anme to the file or something more complicated?
Of course. It confused me that the Ardent storyline doesn't have its own characters_names.txt. Creating one with the relevant names would be enough?
All characters just use the same general file.

And what about a potential player character laike Blakcbeard? Just adding his anme to the file or something more complicated?
Just add him to the file. If that doesn't work in some spots, maybe the translation function calls are missing there.
I'd never heard of this file before, which is why none of the "Ardent" character names are in it. You may find that some other storyline characters aren't in there either.

Names shouldn't be translated anyway! Regardless of whether you're speaking English, Dutch, Spanish or Klingon, "Pieter Boelen" is still "Pieter Boelen", for example.
rd of this file before, which is why none of the "Ardent" character names are in it. You may find that some other storyline characters aren't in there either.

Names shouldn't be translated anyway! Regardless of whether you're speaking English, Dutch, Spanish or Klingon, "Pieter Boelen" is still "Pieter Boelen", for example.
Yeah, but Two Dogs is itself supposed to be a translated name from the native tongue, and only translated into English because everybody is speaking English, so in a Spanish context it should be translted into Spanish. The same goes for some nicknames, so the meaning isn't lost in trnslation.;)
Fair point. Here's the file with "Two Dogs", "Fighting" and "not-Fighting" added.

Which nicknames need to be added?


  • characters_names.txt
    17.6 KB · Views: 274