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So any comments on the fetchquests already?
Didn't have much time today myself to do things. Hopefully tomorrow I can do some finishing up from my end and test the above a bit too.Don't know what happened there. Please try with the current version and see if it happens again.
PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h:Perhaps set that value to 0 and see what happens.Code:#define IT_WEAP_LOWQUAL_CUTOFF 1 // INT - (RPG_STYLE only) if a merchant has more than one quality of the same weapon, this is the quality cutoff below the highest quality weapon carried. Set this to 0 or 6 if you NEVER want cutoff (if lower weapon quality less than IT_WEAP_LOWQUAL_CUTOFF below highest quality weapon, then do not sell, buy only; EX: ( Worn(1) < (Fine(4) - 2) ) = do not sell)
Let us know if that helps or not, please!
The higher your level the more will be asked to transport (also depens on the town economy etc).I've done only one fetch quest so far. Was asked to bring 1103 ebony to the shipyard in Bonaire for a reward of 788 645. I guess it was alright, though I had only one ship at that time and had to get another 3 to get all the cargo. The amount is not a problem, but it would be nice to add an option of getting just a part of the cargo and the rest later. I think that kind of feature is in the AOP2 mod when you have to bring some materials to upgrade your ship in the pirate's shipyard. You can bring for example 600 out of 1000 and get the 400 later on.
I think that kind of consequence would be alright in order to not make it too easy. Maybe you could just add a warning in the dialog when delivering a part of the goods, that if you don't make it on time with the rest you will lose it?The higher your level the more will be asked to transport (also depens on the town economy etc).
I guess I could add a feature where you can do it in stages, but problem is there is a deadline to the fetchquest and I only want to "pay" if you deliver all so its extra difficult. so You could bring some already but the concequence would be that if you dont deliver it in time you lost those goods too. Would that be fair or do you want the person to return the goods to you then? With the risk of you ship being full already so you can't get them so they get "lost".
Note also that @Lukovsky_ plays at VERY high character level, so that might cause the numbers appear quite high.The higher your level the more will be asked to transport (also depens on the town economy etc).
I guess I could add a feature where you can do it in stages, but problem is there is a deadline to the fetchquest and I only want to "pay" if you deliver all so its extra difficult. so You could bring some already but the concequence would be that if you dont deliver it in time you lost those goods too. Would that be fair or do you want the person to return the goods to you then? With the risk of you ship being full already so you can't get them so they get "lost".
Yes, quite a lot of side quests will probably seem easy and not worth the money if you've spent lots of time gaining levels before you take them.Escort for Vigila Mendes mission - he asked me to escort him to Martinique (the French were hostile to me) for 2500 at level 40.. not really worth it.