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Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

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So any comments on the fetchquests already?
I'd be quite curious to see some feedback on both the below:
So any comments on the fetchquests already?
Don't know what happened there. Please try with the current version and see if it happens again.

#define IT_WEAP_LOWQUAL_CUTOFF     1       // INT - (RPG_STYLE only) if a merchant has more than one quality of the same weapon, this is the quality cutoff below the highest quality weapon carried. Set this to 0 or 6 if you NEVER want cutoff (if lower weapon quality less than IT_WEAP_LOWQUAL_CUTOFF below highest quality weapon, then do not sell, buy only; EX:  ( Worn(1) < (Fine(4) - 2) ) = do not sell)
Perhaps set that value to 0 and see what happens.
Let us know if that helps or not, please!
Didn't have much time today myself to do things. Hopefully tomorrow I can do some finishing up from my end and test the above a bit too.
ZIP attached to opening post updated once again. Now includes all fixes and changes mentioned on the Bug Tracker forum.
Change Log in the opening post is updated too for everyone who is curious about the full list.
A few thoughts after a couple of hours of testing. Sea Hawk storyline, adventurer difficulty, level 40, Arcade mode. I'm using the latest fix.
How are the blacksmiths supposed to work? I guess it is intentional that some of them can repair blades up to excellent quality and some of them only up to good/fine. But is it intentional that you can repair the blade you use up to excellent quality and all the other only up to fine quality? Because in this way I can still have all the other blades "excellent" but I would have to equip them one by one which would simply be a waste of time. Also, some of them offer only gun repair but I guess that's how it should be.

I've done only one fetch quest so far. Was asked to bring 1103 ebony to the shipyard in Bonaire for a reward of 788 645. I guess it was alright, though I had only one ship at that time and had to get another 3 to get all the cargo. The amount is not a problem, but it would be nice to add an option of getting just a part of the cargo and the rest later. I think that kind of feature is in the AOP2 mod when you have to bring some materials to upgrade your ship in the pirate's shipyard. You can bring for example 600 out of 1000 and get the 400 later on.

Weird shipyard prices: my Independence class 3rd rate (2nd tier ship, I chose it at the start of the game) with all the upgrades except for the corsair refit was worth ~375k at a shipyard while a Heavy Pinnace-of-War (3rd tier) with just bronze chasers and reinforced hull upgrades (so the two cheapest) was worth ~531k (it was bought at another shipyard). Both ships had the best culverines available for them. The price should be the other way around, as the Independence class is at least twice as good as the Heavy Pinnace.

The officers in taverns are mostly women with the same outfit (you know which one probably but I can make a screenshot if needed) and they ALWAYS ask for 1440 gold.

Escort for Vigila Mendes mission - he asked me to escort him to Martinique (the French were hostile to me) for 2500 at level 40.. not really worth it.

A small bug with minus cargo capacity after buying Ebony in Sao Jorge - screens in the attachments.

Is it possible to add more description for different cannons in the shipyard? Like a multiplier of damage or something like that, I remember this feature from AOP2. It might not be too necessary with regular shipyards but could be quite useful with the Vanderdecken's one. After the standard 32 lbs carronade there are (in that order): 42 lbs - 68 lbs - 68 lbs - 42 lbs - 68 lbs - and then there are the "Navarone Carronades". I think it would be a nice feature.

Will do more testing tomorrow

I didn't use the latest fix that was posted 22 minutes before this post obviously :p


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This might include some double stuff, it has the same stuff in it as previous file (from the fetch quest) including more:

- Perk for shotgun mode (unlockable by gunsmith fetchquest)
- Enhanced perk interface
- Fetchquest for Gunsmith
- Changed the dialogs for fetchquest a bit so they are different for each type
- Shotgun perk also does some things for normal gunfight (better accuracy etc)
- Increased likelyhood of a fetchquest appearing a bit
- Added check in fetchquest generation to see if there is a fetchquest for this type already (shouldn't happen in the first place but want to do something with this later).
- Add check for price is 0 for item tossing (probally @Pieter Boelen ) beat me to that
- Changed price for patrolbook to 1 (probally @Pieter Boelen ninja'd me there to)
- probally other stuff I forgot.

Merged my files with the opening post files.
find them here;
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Would be nice if you could update the zip file @Pieter Boelen , else maybe tomorrow again so I can update my game again.
This adds quite some stuff again to.

Oh and the fix for the locator is also included in here but was probally included in the main zip to.
I've done only one fetch quest so far. Was asked to bring 1103 ebony to the shipyard in Bonaire for a reward of 788 645. I guess it was alright, though I had only one ship at that time and had to get another 3 to get all the cargo. The amount is not a problem, but it would be nice to add an option of getting just a part of the cargo and the rest later. I think that kind of feature is in the AOP2 mod when you have to bring some materials to upgrade your ship in the pirate's shipyard. You can bring for example 600 out of 1000 and get the 400 later on.
The higher your level the more will be asked to transport (also depens on the town economy etc).
I guess I could add a feature where you can do it in stages, but problem is there is a deadline to the fetchquest and I only want to "pay" if you deliver all so its extra difficult. so You could bring some already but the concequence would be that if you dont deliver it in time you lost those goods too. Would that be fair or do you want the person to return the goods to you then? With the risk of you ship being full already so you can't get them so they get "lost".
The higher your level the more will be asked to transport (also depens on the town economy etc).
I guess I could add a feature where you can do it in stages, but problem is there is a deadline to the fetchquest and I only want to "pay" if you deliver all so its extra difficult. so You could bring some already but the concequence would be that if you dont deliver it in time you lost those goods too. Would that be fair or do you want the person to return the goods to you then? With the risk of you ship being full already so you can't get them so they get "lost".
I think that kind of consequence would be alright in order to not make it too easy. Maybe you could just add a warning in the dialog when delivering a part of the goods, that if you don't make it on time with the rest you will lose it?
Okay, will see what I can do. Can't promise I get it done I time but think it should be possible.
Cause I needed a up to date savegame again here is the file from the first post with my files included.
@Pieter Boelen can do the changelog when he wants to :p.

-included in first post-
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The higher your level the more will be asked to transport (also depens on the town economy etc).
I guess I could add a feature where you can do it in stages, but problem is there is a deadline to the fetchquest and I only want to "pay" if you deliver all so its extra difficult. so You could bring some already but the concequence would be that if you dont deliver it in time you lost those goods too. Would that be fair or do you want the person to return the goods to you then? With the risk of you ship being full already so you can't get them so they get "lost".
Note also that @Lukovsky_ plays at VERY high character level, so that might cause the numbers appear quite high.
Yes I know thats Why i said it.
will see if i can Add the possebility for delivering in stages today
Escort for Vigila Mendes mission - he asked me to escort him to Martinique (the French were hostile to me) for 2500 at level 40.. not really worth it.
Yes, quite a lot of side quests will probably seem easy and not worth the money if you've spent lots of time gaining levels before you take them. ;) But there's a follow-up to this mission which may be more worth while. Look around the dock for his former officer Zaid Murro, who has a bit of a problem which should be trivially easy for you to deal with, and which will earn you a useful piece of equipment.

You can get into a hostile port by raising a false flag before entering, though you may need to fight any ships present at the time. Also, be careful with the Vigila Mendes mission - if you have other quests active at the same time and progress any of them, Mendes might not show up in the store later, either at Martinique or back at Puerto Rico.
Would like some feedback on the new amount of money which the escort missions give. Please try some and let me know if its worth the trouble now.
Any comments about the new perks interface improvement in my latest files is also welcome btw.
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