When I first reported the problem of permanently blocked perks, I was told that this was part of the "improved" perks which is part of Beta 3.2 and therefore part of the reason why I switched to Beta 3.1.

They aren't supposed to be controlled by either of those toggles but by this one:
#define REALISTIC_ABILITIES 0 // BOOL - 1=ON - Rush, Immediate Reload and Instant Boarding disabled
Beta 3.2 disregards that and disables them unless you're in Arcade mode. (It isn't "Immediate Reload" anyway, it's "Preload" which significantly improves your reload time. It's important when you're attacking a fort because you keep being set on fire, quenching the fire dumps the loads out of your cannons, and without that perk you're probably going to be on fire again before you've finished reloading after the previous one.)
There are a couple of different effects here:
1. Ability points cost more than 1 (toggle with PERK_MULTIPLIER)
2. Locked Abilities that actually show in the Interface, but have a "locked" icon: these should ALL be unlock-able during gameplay (toggle with ALLOW_LOCKED_PERKS)
3. Various abilities that are not shown at all for realism purposes (toggle with REALISTIC_ABILITIES; automatically enabled in Iron Man Mode)
I am getting confused on which one we are talking about. And which of these do and don't work as intended.
For #3, the InternalSettings.h toggle still affects only the ones mentioned in the InternalSettings.h comment.
However, there are now MORE abilities disabled as per originally
@Hylie Pistof's suggestion.
The ones where this applies are set in PROGRAM\INTERFACE\Perks\perks_init.c with lines like these:
ChrPerksList.list.Rush.disable.iRealismMode = 1; //Levis
Some disappear on Realistic Game Mode and some others only on Iron Man Mode.
If you have any comments or suggestions on this, let me know; it is easy enough to change.
Here you go.
Turns out they weren't in the Beta 3.3 files, because they were already in Beta 3.2. I forgot about that.
Build 14 Beta 3.2:
- Storyline Updates:
. Hornblower Storyline:
> Dialog spelling and factual errors corrected by Grey Roger
For some reason I can never easily extract your 7-Zip files. They're in a "new" format and I have to go about it in a roundabout way.
Proper bizarre. Must be something wrong on my end, but I have no time to try and fix it (probably have to reinstall my computer some time).
So would you mind posting future files as .zip instead of .7z?