That sounds SO confused! Uhm... @Jack Rackham? Any thoughts?Something to note re: land crew equipping form the weapons locker. No weapons in the locker they equip a cutlass. I put three good bosun's choice and three different firearms in as a test. Took three crew ashore and they equipped a cutlass and one of the firearms. Then we got into a melee on land. They all fought with the Bosun's choice but no one fired a gun. Two died and when I looted their corpses they had no firearms and a cutlass. The one who died had lost his firearm and was carrying a cutlass again. Now I think it is fine to equip them from the weapons locker, but after they have done it they should re-equip from the locker after a melee, right?

I liked ALL those changes I took out. And it is definitely my intention to bring them back.Btw I liked the locked abilities they worked well except the two that were tied to the broken fetch quests.
Once they're fixed and finished, that is.