I am in the process of fixing a few bugs so it can ported for use to CMv3.1
One bug in particular that is giving me a headache is hiring officers. When attempting to do so, the officer says "Can't open Enc_Officer_dialog.C
When opening the Enc_Officer_dialog.c file, I find some interesting changes from the original code.
Original Code Example
HE mod Code
The error logger tells me this
When openining Enc_Officer_dialog.h all dialog ends at line 138
Seeing as I am still kinda new at this I'm a little
I think this means that the dialog has to be added to the .h and refered to the position by the .c file, but I am not sure how to do it
One bug in particular that is giving me a headache is hiring officers. When attempting to do so, the officer says "Can't open Enc_Officer_dialog.C
When opening the Enc_Officer_dialog.c file, I find some interesting changes from the original code.
Original Code Example
/*if (CheckNPCharQuestAttribute(Npchar, "officertype", XI_ConvertString("treasurer")))
Link.l8 = DLG_TEXT_BASE[17] + XI_ConvertString("treasurer") + ".";
Link.l8.go = "QMASTER_1";
} */
HE mod Code
if(CheckAttribute(NPChar, "treasurer") && NPChar.treasurer == 1)
Link.l8 = "Äàé ìÃÂÃ¥ ïîëÃÂûé îò÷åò î êîðàáëå, " + GetStrSmallRegister(XI_ConvertString("treasurer")) + ".";
Link.l8.go = "QMASTER_1";
// Warship. ÀâòîçàêóïêàòîâàðÃÂ
if(!CheckAttribute(PChar, "TransferGoods.Enable"))
Link.l11 = "I want, while staying in the colony, you are buying goods.";
Link.l11.go = "TransferGoodsEnable";
Link.l11 = "Procure goods in the colonies is not necessary.";
Link.l11.go = "TransferGoodsDisable";
Link.l4 = "You're fired. I do without your services!";
Link.l4.go = "AsYouWish";
The error logger tells me this
COMPILE ERROR - file: TEXT\DIALOGS\Enc_Officer_dialog.h; line: 141
Missing '}' in segment
When openining Enc_Officer_dialog.h all dialog ends at line 138
Seeing as I am still kinda new at this I'm a little