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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Ships Ported Over From POTC

Luke, I agree with your selection except for Enterprise. Which ones are we talking about? The brig that's patterned after the Lady Washington with additional guns, black and white color scheme and taken from the Star Trek Generations movie with ENTERPRISE on the taffrail - should stay. That's a beautiful little ship! One of my favorites actually. The newer Enterprise by Pgargon needs to stay as well. They are totally different ships and both gorgeous.

The Batavias are actually different (slight difference in textures and trim colors). I would keep Batavia1 - it's cleaner. I remember back when we had such a hard time porting those over when we were first learning how. Batavia2 was actually my first successful porting.

I would love to see an even better model of a mid-sized 1620s, 30s Indiamen like Batavia. I'm still doing my tutorials and working on my medieval cog. Maybe I'll show some pictures soon. I would actually take time off work and pay for Pgargon to come to the states to teach me his skills. Maybe in a couple years I will be able to build some good models.

Great minds think alike. The Lite/Heavy idea is good I think, but a lot of extra work. Tell me what you need help with and maybe I can help a little. I have more time than i did a few months back. You've heard me say it before and I'll say it again. You do great work Luke. Your dedication to the mod is admirable. I have been amused for countless hours of gameplay because of it. Thanks! And thanks for keeping Pinnace2. ;)

Thanks MK. :onya

We had a lot of fun in the early day's of COAS mods. At the time the second biggest mod was RTBL and work on that was alway's ongoing but for some strange reason i could never find a balance for the combined mods so had no choice but to remove it, only now for CMV3.2 will we see RTBL once again make a return with the best balance it has ever had when in the combined mods.

Yes the memories the Batavia2 holds is amazing and its a shame that one must go although the heavy version will still have this and all other ships in less they was just to similar like the Packet Brig design, i think there are about 3 other ships with that design aswell. Privateer, a Brig (not sure which one) the Packet Brig (obviously) and maybe another Brig.

The Shnyava and Schooner/Colonial Schooner are similar. I'm sure more ships will reveal them selves soon. I'm just working off memory at the moment.

I like the trade ships, the Gallaon's are one of my favourite ships and the Pinnace's are my second with Fleut's taking up third. I never was a hug fan of the Fleut's, i never liked the way that ships rigged. The sails was alway's easily ripped to peices, then came the heavier Fleut's. Fleut Of War (and i can't remember the names for the other's) they have been changed that many times. The Queen Anne's Revenege was originally one of the Fleut's but since she was a Sloop Of War the only real choice was the Corvette also known as Sloops Of War.

We'll see there could be as many as 20 ships removed for the lite version in the end. But then we do have 119 ships ingame now. :cheeky
I'm still doing my tutorials and working on my medieval cog. Maybe I'll show some pictures soon.

I´d say just show what you have. If this is your first ship model, we can help you to avoid some of the mistakes we all made at the beginning. And (this is just me being curious) why did you chose a Kog? :keith
After an exhaustive 10 hours later, hear is the results of the Sailorpoints I could fix and the ones I still need. :facepalm

If any one has the walk files of the few that are still messed up, I would appropriate it if you could send them my way. :keith

TARTANE - fine
GUNBOAT - fine
EDINBURG - Looks just like the Bounty
CUTTER - fine
HANNAH - fine
KETCH - fine

LUGGER - fine
PINK - fine
LUGGER_H - What is the difference between this and the VML
GALEOTH_H - fine
SLOOP - fine
YACHT - Fixed
BOUNTY - fine
BARQUE - fine
SHNYAVA - fine
XEBEC - fine
XEBEC_FRANCE - all messed up
BRIG - fine
INTERCEPTOR all messed up / Path for 1st Person messed up
FLEUT - fine
BRIG_20_GUN1_18 - Fixed
PINNACE - fine
SOPHIE - fine
GALEON_L - fine
FLEUT2 - None? ? ? textures messed up
FLEUT4_50 - Fixed
HOOKER1 - in the deck/ looks identical to the schooner
BRIG_N1 - Fixed
PO_FLEUT50 - None

BRIG3 - Fixed
ENTERPRISE - in the deck
PINNACE3_50 - messed up
PINNACE2 - messed up
WAR_PINNACE - messed up / Indefatigable
CARAVEL - fine
CORVETTE5 - Hull looks really light
CARAVEL2 - Fixed
XEBECAS - fine
PINNACE11 - All messed up fore and aft
BLACKANGEL - messed up on the quarterdeck / huge rails ?
BATTLECORVETTE - Hull is light / looks just like
BATAVIA2 - all messed up
BATAVIA - in the deck
TWODECKER1_47 - all messed up
CORVFRIG2_50 - Fixed

LYDIA - all messed up
GALEON - fine
BOUSSOLE - Verry Nice
LINESHIP47 - Fixed
AMSTERDAM - fixed / riging messed up
GALEON_H - fine
ENDEAVOUR - all messed up
FRIGATE - fine
GALEON1 - Fixed

LINESHIP - mostly fixed
WARGALLEON2 - looks like the mordount
LINESHIPHEAVY - messed up forward
COURONNE - messed up forward

HEAVYWARSHIP - all messed up
BELLONA - fine
SHARK - fine
INTREPIDE - all messed up

MANOWAR_FAST - a little messed up
MANOWAR - fine
MANOW50_GUB - fine
VICTORY - Very Nice
SOLEYRU - fine
BRIGQEEN - Very Nice/why is this small ship in this class?
BRIGSW - Very Nice / why is this small ship in this class?
XebekVML - Fine / Blubird
Luke, I agree with your selection except for Enterprise. Which ones are we talking about? The brig that's patterned after the Lady Washington with additional guns, black and white color scheme and taken from the Star Trek Generations movie with ENTERPRISE on the taffrail - should stay. That's a beautiful little ship! One of my favorites actually.
Why, thank you :doff

Y'know, if the name's the problem, I can simply remove it :wp
The Heavy Brig and Shnyava share the same model.

Schooner and Colonial Schooner actually look nothing a like, or at least none that I have seen.

How ever Light Brigs share the same models as normal Brigs but with different textures.
The Heavy Brig and Shnyava share the same model.

Schooner and Colonial Schooner actually look nothing a like, or at least none that I have seen.

How ever Light Brigs share the same models as normal Brigs but with different textures.

I wasn't sure which of the Schooner's the Shnyava looked like thats why i put them both, i should have put schooner or colonial schooner.
@ Bava, I picked a Cog because I thought it would be simple to learn. I've now made two different ones cause I was so unhappy with the first one. I wasn't as easy as I thought. The first one already had a tutorial behind it, but the railings were really difficult and the hull shape was flat in the front. The second one has solid gunwales with no railings and looks the best. More NAO than a COG. I started out in Strata because I already had it, but am playing with other 3d programs now including Maya. I'm actually taking an online course from a little university in California. I'm reticent to show it to you because it looks like a cartoon or a tinker toy compared with the masterpiece you just finished. You guys would laugh me off the board. If you insist I will post my work. But I won't leave it up for long. The frustrating thing is I have a really good eye. I am a fantastic artist with pen and ink and paint, but this is taking me longer to get the hang of. I have made a lot of dumb steps and ended up deleteing sections accidentally and having to redo them. None of these tools are user friendly in my opinion.

@ Kazeite, You are an talented individual. :onya And I respond to your thank you with a reciprocal Thank you for the ship and the enjoyment I had from it. The first time I saw it I was playing a new game and was on a schooner and it was chasing me. I was in awe as it got closer and then the only thing I could think was " I gotta get that ship."

Did you mean remove the ship or the name? Hopefully not the ship. LOL ;) I think it might be better if you did take the "Enterprise" name off the taffrail. Whenever I get that ship in the game I always name it Enterprise so it matches. We could name it anything we wanted if the name were off. Did you also do Interceptor as well? I love that one as well. The quarter deck (1st person deck mode) has some little issues though.

We've decided to leave the ships as they are for now and not remove any for CMV3.2. In a later mod though we most likely will start looking at replacing or removing the duplicated ships like Batavia 1 or 2, some of the ships that have the same model as the Packet Brig which when the new model is released will replace the current Packet Brig.

What we're doing now is replacing ships, the Cutter_18 (what ever it was called isn't in CMV3.2 we have replaqced that ship already. There will be a few new ships for you to play with MK so you'll be having a lot of fun when you see them. Thanks to the modellers hard work on giving us some new ships to use. :onya
You guys would laugh me off the board. If you insist I will post my work. But I won't leave it up for long. The frustrating thing is I have a really good eye. I am a fantastic artist with pen and ink and paint, but this is taking me longer to get the hang of. I have made a lot of dumb steps and ended up deleteing sections accidentally and having to redo them. None of these tools are user friendly in my opinion.

No, we won´t ;) But if you´re not comfortable enough with showing your work yet, that´s okay of course.
But a WIP thread is great way to a get second opinion on your model (I know these `this just looks like sh*t' moments, too) and helps you to avoid mistakes at an early stage. Im showing my ships in a forum dedicated to 'real' scale ship models and the guys over there can be quite merciless when something´s not right, which is pretty helpfull imo.

I have made a lot of dumb steps and ended up deleteing sections accidentally and having to redo them. None of these tools are user friendly in my opinion.

hehe, been there, done that...save often and don´t overwrite your previous saves has been a hard learned lesson for me :) Working with different layers and making duplicates of meshes keeps the frustration level down, too.
I have a problem with "All Ships Combined" (I've got COAS 3.1.5). When instaling this mod i can't play - Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime error
@ ivo

Which mod are you using and which are you trying to isntall?

The All Ships Combined mod is a sort of stand alone mod, not the COAS Combined Mod if I understand you right your trying to install one mod ontop of the All Ships Combined?
All Ships Combined mod is included in CMV3.1.5 so you don't need that. The All Ships Combined mod was when we was porting all the ships over from POTC, that was before work on the combined mods began. At the time i was working on a mod called RTBL which against included all the ships in All Ships Combined mod and was a stand alone mod.

When we started working on combined mods V1 we included all the best of the mods that was around at the time and made tweaks to some things here and there. The reason for your game crashing is because since All Ships Combined mod was combined into CMV1 there have been many changes including new ships added and this is why your game crashes. For example the All Ships Combined mod doesn't have any of the characters you see in CMV3.1.5 and that on its own will course the game to crash since there are files that the All Ships Combined mod uses that the charaters referneces are also in.

You can simply overwrite all the files with a reinstall of CMV3.1.5. But you won't need to install any mods and if there is a mod you are looking at and want to add, ask us and we'll let you know if the mod is already included are has been included in the next patch or any future patch. :onya
I will always prefer nameless ships, except for ships that are very much quest-only.
But nameless just allows the ships to be used in so many more instances.
So if anyone could remove the Enterprise's name from her stern, that'd be grand.

Indeed Kazeite did make the Interceptor and the Enterprise and also the Black Pearl/Wicked Wench and Superior Warship.

Ivo, I think all the ships are already included in the CM 3.1.5 modpack and you don't need any additional files.
I will always prefer nameless ships, except for ships that are very much quest-only.
But nameless just allows the ships to be used in so many more instances.
So if anyone could remove the Enterprise's name from her stern, that'd be grand.
Why, certainly :doff


  • Noname.tga.rar
    174 KB · Views: 207
There will be a few new ships for you to play with MK so you'll be having a lot of fun when you see them. Thanks to the modellers hard work on giving us some new ships to use. :onya

Luke, Do you mean there are some I haven't seen? :will OH BOY!!!!

Can't wait to play with pgargon's new La Couronne and the new Galleon.

@ Kazeite, thanks mate for the retextured taffrail. I'll say it again - Gorgeous little ship! The bow on that one is perfect. It flows so nicely.

Yep all of pgargon's ships. And many ships have been renamed so now more Xebec1, 2. Pinnace 1, 2 etc. ;)
Hahaha, that will be funny.

"Guy's i need the day off i was ok till i saw this mod thing on a forum and now i have a cold and stumache bug. So i'll see you in erm a few day's time ok".

No CMV3.2 is worth the long wait, i can't remember a patch thats taken this long. We want to make sure there are no bugs though because its a nnoying with the ship cannon bugs and ships error messages at sea due to a ship not been generated. Every time it seems we fixes these things and everytime they are back. So i have installed COAS vanilla, CMV3.1.5 followed by what i'm working on and the cannon duplication bug is fixed, the potraits are fixed, the ship error messages are no longer coming up (this can't be ruled out as fixed though). The hero's at taverns without ships fixed. And other things, but this patch is very much worth the long wait. :onya