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Yes.Do not work in what way?
Are you still being recognized too quickly?
Store and shipyard all have a false flag detection chance too. So you might be able to fool them, but not always.In town, the store was quite happy to trade with me but the shipyard was not. Possibly because Arnaud Matton has to be able to trade with you for quest purposes?
Which difficulty are you playing at?The second place I went was St. Pierre, which was a different matter. France was at war with Britain and despite me being so unknown that the French shouldn't know me from a smoked mackerel, the ships in port did in fact recognise me. It's just as well the fort didn't join in otherwise neither I nor Vigila Mendes would have had time to think "Oops, wrong turn" before being proud skippers of two piles of driftwood.
chance = chance * difficulty/2.0; // 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
// chance = chance * (difficulty+1)/3.0; // alternate difficulty calculation 0.67, 1,0, 1.33, 1.67
chance = chance * 0.5;
While the balancing is still causing troubles for Hylie and Grey Roger, I think we should keep this as a bug that needs to be fixed.moved this to brainstorming btw
Not really. If the enemy captain knows you're a merchant then he's already recognised you.I dont know for sure but maye we could also make it playstyle depended.
Say you are a merchant but you are sailing a warship this would draw attention more so you are recognised easier, while if you are a navy officer its more normal to sail a warship so you are recognised less easy.
Does that make sense?
Is that because you don't want to or because they don't work well for you?I don't do false flags
Not even the pirates?no one is mad at me.
This will make a difference alright:Both. It doesn't matter if I use the false flag or not, the results are the same. I don't remember if I used that trick you posted a while back or not. It's hard to see that stuff making it not worth the bother.
float GetChanceDetectFalseFlag()
// original code -->
// float rank = GetRankFromPoints(GetScore(GetMainCharacter()));
// original code <--
// LDH -->
ref mchr = GetMainCharacter(); // KK
float score = GetScore(mchr); // KK
float rank = GetRankFromPoints(score);
int sneak = GetSummonSkillFromName(mchr, SKILL_SNEAK);
int difficulty = GetDifficulty();
float chance = rank/MAX_RANK * (11.0-sneak)/10.0;
chance = chance * difficulty/2.0; // 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
// chance = chance * (difficulty+1)/3.0; // alternate difficulty calculation 0.67, 1,0, 1.33, 1.67
chance = fclamp(CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_BASE, CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_MAX, chance); // PURSEON: so chance doesn't go over min/max
// LogIt("False Flag Detection - Score: " + score + ", rank: " + rank + ", Sneak: " + sneak + ", Chance: " + chance*100.0 + "%"); // for testing
// LogIt("The chance of your false flag being detected is " + chance*100.0 + "%"); // Tell the player, it might get him used to looking for it.
return chance;
// LDH <--
Is that still stacked or not? Or do 5 albatrosses still give only -1 Luck?The cursed albatross now becomes a serious liability rather than an amusing Easter egg.
The memorizing is ship-dependent. A ship that was on the other side of the island when you went ashore would not remember you as being hostile and might believe your friendly flag when you go back to sea.As I said, I had the British flag up when I went ashore. If the ships are remembering that then they should all be hostile. They weren't.
Was it -2? Ah, I suppose it was. The "Cooking with Albatross" book does -1 Luck and is not hidden to serve as a "hint" for the REAL albatross which does -2 Luck and IS hidden.The albatross reduces your luck by 2. That would raise my chance from 18.333% to 27.5%.
I think the false flag detection code was just dumped into a default function which is run very frequently.Anyway, it doesn't really matter what the chance is. Best case is someone with no fame and Luck 10, whose chance is then 0.417%. Four ships between them have about 1.666% chance of recognising him, which means if they're checking every second, one or other of them will probably have him in about a minute. Unless you've done something to draw suspicion, they shouldn't be checking anything like that often. (Maybe the captain of the Costa Concordia can claim this as his defence. He'd spotted a ship flying what should be a friendly flag and was checking it every second to make sure it wasn't a pirate in disguise, which is why he didn't notice that he was about to be ambushed by a rock.)