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Mod Release SD:TEHO 1.7.0 : Cheat menu v1.3 / Skill and SPECIAL uncap v1.0


Storm Modder
Cheat menu: is a mod that expend the dialoge options of think out loud and officers, by going thru the dialog options you can select different options that add something or edit somethig.
So with those mods you can add to your character: cash, pots, items, goods, ships, officers, french patent, trading licens, skill exp, perks, doublons, slaves, canons, wepons, armors, talismans, amulets, crew etc...
You can aswell change your: fame, nobility, bounty, SPECIAL, immortality, upgrade any ship, fix ships during combat, change sail colour with CoA select screen etc...
Aswell as train your officers: add skill exp, add free perks, change SPECIAL, turn on/off immortality etc....

The mods working with SD:TEHO Happily Ever After, no new game requirements, the mods working with old saves. Cheat menu works aswell with custom officers as long as thay use Enc_officer_dialog.c hired nod, both mods dont add any custom texturs, models, animations etc..

Skill and SPECIAL uncap (SaS): added a file under Patch/Addons dl. It does what it says skills no longer cap on 100 and special can be set beyound 10. Its not restricted to main PC or Officers but all the NPC's are affected by it. New skill cap set to 200 and SPECIAL max 25. It increases only the max cap. It dosent set the skills or SPECIAL to any value.

Caleuche beggar start (CBS): added a file for download that removes from baggers the randome chance on starting the Caleuche quests, you still need to meet the quest requirements to start it. But the 1st bagger you talk to after meeting the req he will sell you the amulet. The file is in Patch dl's

No rank 1 ship recognization (NSR): added 2 files that turn off ship recognization from nations, so if u capture say Victory from english u can at ease sail to english ports with it and thay wont attack you cous thay recognize thair ship... the files are under Patch downloads one is for vanila game the other is for Hook's mod. To be on the safe side both modifications require SDTEHO game version 1.7

Increased stamina and carry weight byDevilAres its here: "CLICK ME"

SDTEHO ToL cheat menu.png

SDTEHO tol v1.4.png

Compatibility / Requirements:
All mods require "tehomod" its here: "CLICK ME"
Cheat menu requires SD:TEHO Happily Ever After v1.7.0
All mods are compatible with:
SD:TEHO Happily Ever After v1.7.0
Hooks Mod - Notice - Hook's Mod for TEHO 1.7.0.ENG (09.04.20)
Active map - Mod: ActiveMap 1.3
and any other mod that dosent edits:

Download 1 of the Main Cheat menu files, unzip (winrar, 7z), place PROGRAM file into sea dogs game folder
IMPORTANT: if its ur 1st mod for SD:TEHO you need aswell the "tehomod" its here - Guide - TEHO modding (tehomod and scripts are here)

Its safe to remove it at any point of game, this mod dosent adds anything to ur save games
To remove the mods just delate the files from your game folder:

SDTEHO Officer cheat menu:


Changelog / Updates / Notes:
Cheat menu B:
The TOL option works slightly different. After activating a cheat, menu dosent shuts off automaticly what alowse to reuse cheats faster. In some cases it closes as it need's to open a new window.
Version 1.3.1 (31.05.2021)
   Fixed link Emerald ring
   Fixed link Ruby band
   Fixed link Emerald beads
   Fixed link Gammed pandent
Version 1.3.0 (06.02.2021)
   added Part of the treasure map, part1 and part2
   added Treasure map
   reworked a lil main menu and some submenus:
       "Build new ship..." is now a submenu of "Ship maintanence"
       removed alot of submenus from categorys:
           "Supplies, goods..."
           "Items, gear, cash..."
           less submenus, bigger lists of goods/items at onece to choose from, easier to locate the right stuff
   fixed add gunpowder, now it adds the powder instead of set the value

version 1.2.3 (05.02.2021)
   fixed back from "Swords x1" now returns to "Swords, armors, guns and ammo" instead of "Goods for quests"
   fixed back from "Armors x1" now returns to "Swords, armors, guns and ammo" instead of "Goods for quests"
   fixed back from "Guns and ammo" now returns to "Swords, armors, guns and ammo" instead of "What do i need?"

version 1.2.2 (05.02.2021)
   fixed Assasin2
   fixed "Indian drugs, mangarosa potions..." not apearing in menu
   fixed "Matchlock Musket x2" not apearing in menu
   fixed "A bad caraibean map" not apearing in menu

version 1.2.1 (05.02.2021)
   fixed add 5 ship perks not apearing in menu
   removed old link for maps under officers

version 1.2.0 (04.02.2021)
   added bad carib map
   added normal carib map
   seperated LSC map from good maps
   replaced Spanish uniform with Jaguar Pelt
   added Taino people`s poison
   recategorized and rearranged most of the tol options, hopefully for easier navigation and location of the cheats:
       added new submenus
       moved cheats from old submenus to diffrent old/new submenus
       new main categories are:
           "Ship maintanence..."    - no changes
           "Politics..."            - no changes
           "Supplies..."              - removed any items from this category, added goods that where in quest items category.
           "Pots, poisons..."          - removed charls upgrades, now its purly for pots, antidots, buff pots, rat poisons and other alchemy
           "Items, gear, cash..."    - moved swords, armors, guns, ammo, talismans, wards, maps, cash, quest items etc to this category
           "Charls modifications..."- immortality, perks, xp, reroll stats etc all is now under this category
           "Build new ship...";    - no changes
           "Officers..."            - removed maps from this category
           "Misc..."                - its for cheats that dosent fit anywhere
version 1.1.3 (02.02.2021)
   redone a lil SPECIAL reroll options for SaS uncap mod users (tol, d/o):
       Power Reaction Endurance (18-25), Impression Authority Talent (8-18), Success (8-25)
       Impression Authority Talent (18-25), Power Reaction Endurance (8-18), Success (8-25)
       Power Impression Reaction Authority Talent Endurance Success (12-20)
       Power Impression Reaction Authority Talent Endurance Success (set 25)

version 1.1.2 (30.01.2021)
   removed double case set lvl 11

version 1.1.1 (30.01.2021)
   renamed skills in menu and log info to be more acurate in tol option:
       Fortune        - Luck
       Pistol        - Firearms
       Rapiers        - Foils/Rapiers
       Sabres        - Sabers/Cutlasses
       Swords        - Broadswords/Axes
       Leadership    - Charisma
       Sneak        - Stealth
       Commerce    - Trading
       Sailing        - Navigation
       Grappling    - Boarding
   renamed armors in menu and log info to be more accurate in tol option:
       Trench armor       - Trench cuirass
       Reitar cuirass       - Ritter's cuirass
       Ceremonial cuirass   - Parade cuirass
       Milanese cuirass    - Milano cuirass
       Breast vest        - Brigandine
       Braided armor        - Wicker armor
       Lamport costume    - Lamport's suit
   renamed weapons in menu and log info to be more accurate in tol option:
       Jurgen rapier   - Jurgen Schmidt's Pappenheimer
       Jurgen saber   - Jurgen Schmidt's Saber
       Jurgen sword   - Jurgen Schmidt's Backsword
       Officer sabre   - Naval Saber
       Madona           - Madonna
       Khanda           - Patissa Khanda
       Captain cutlass   - Naval Klewang
       Morgana           - Flamberge Rapier
       Colt           - Colt's Revolver
       Colt ammo       - Colt's Revolver ammo
       Blanderbuse       - Blunderbuss
       Harpons           - Arrow Bolt
       Mortar           - Hand Mortar
       Granades       - Grenade
       Doubleshot       - Superimposed 2-load Pistol
   renamed submenu "Talismans and nav.tools" to "Ward's and nav.tools"
   renamed cheats to be more accurate under "Ward's and nav.tools" in tol option:
       Officer talismans - Officer ward's
       Scorpions x4     - Ward scorpion x4
       Spyglass         - Nautical Telescope
       Sextant             - Working sextant
   fixed Officer ward's log info
   fixed Ward scorpions x4 log info
   fixed Nautical Telescope log info
   fixed Working sextant log info
   renamed skills in menu to be more acurate in d/o option:
       guns        - firearms
       rapiers        - foils and rapiers
       sabres        - sabers and cutlasses
       swords        - broadswords and axes
       sneaking    - stealth
       shooting     - aiming and reloading cannons
       commerce    - trading
   renamed skills in log info to be more accurate in d/o option:
       Pistol        - Firearms
       Rapiers        - Foils/Rapiers
       Sabres        - Sabers/Cutlasses
       Swords        - Broadswords/Axes
       Sneak        - Stealth
       Sailing        - Navigation
       Grappling    - Boarding
       Commerce    - Trading
version 1.1.0 (29.01.2021)
   added strategic goods into quest items
   added balls
   fixed quickstart log info
   updated quickstart SPECIAL set to MAX:
       vanila 10
       SaS mod 25
   fixed and seperated double link's for:
       Reroll SPECIAL SaS mod
       Set lvl. 11

version 1.0.0 (29.01.2021)
    public release
    merged cheat menus:
        old TOL 2 v1.5.0
        old OCM 2 v1.4.0
Last update: 31.05.2021

Pleas report any bugs in those mods.

Patches / Addons:

NSR / CBS / SaS / CM For Tichingitu
Caleuche bagger start (CBS): added a file for download that removes from baggers the randome chance on starting the Caleuche quests, you still need to meet the quest requirements to start it. But the 1st bagger you talk to after meeting the req he will sell you the amulet.

Skill and SPECIAL uncap (SaS): It does what it says skills no longer cap on 100 and special can be set beyound 10. Its not restricted to main PC or Officers but all the NPC's are affected by it. New skill cap set to 200 and SPECIAL max 25. It increases only the max cap. It dosent set the skills or SPECIAL to any value.

No rank 1 ship recognization (NSR):
Warning: NSR vanila is meant for a game without Hook's Mod (req. game ver. SD:TEHO v1.7)
Warning: NSR Hooks mod its meant for game with Hook's Mod already instaled: 1st u need instal Hook's Mod then apply this patch (reg. game ver. SD:TEHO v1.7 + Hook's Mod)

CM For Tichingitu: its a standalone CM for Tichingitu, as he uses a diffrent dialog file as the mod edits he dosent get normaly the cheats as most officers. I made it as seperate download for compatibility between CM and mods that edit Tichingitu

Cheat menu A: Default behavior of think out loud option. Outdated version currently not supported due to lack of time. Use only with SDTEHO v1.7

TOL 2 for SDTEHO HotN v1.6: its TOL 2 v1.4 for older game version.
Warning: its only meant for Sea Dogs Hero of the Nation v1.6 it may break at game vcersion 1.5 and 1.7 use it only with 1.6

Officer cheat menu v2.3.0: legacy version of cheat menu no tol option, charls and officers cheats only via d/0 option. Compatible with SDTEHO v1.6 and 1.7
Patches / Addons are for download here: "link: MEGA"

Attached Files:
down below are main files of the cheat menu newest versions and thay are designed to work with SD:TEHO 1.7.0 game version.


  • Skill and SPECIAL uncap v1.0.2.zip
    1.1 KB · Views: 3,080
  • Main Cheat menu B v1.3.1.7z
    96.6 KB · Views: 4,563
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Thank you very much for the cheat menu, it works great!
BTW, could you tell me what kind of ship is spawning in, when you choose the "where is my fleet" command? I have never seen it before in the game.
Thank you very much for the cheat menu, it works great!
BTW, could you tell me what kind of ship is spawning in, when you choose the "where is my fleet" command? I have never seen it before in the game.

Sry for not responding earlier was busy
The ship its Santisma, Spanish quest Ship, lighter faster version of a ManOwar
Here is an edit to the Enc_Officer_dialog.c that adds several more sail colours to match whatever nation you are for (if you are going good guy playthrough with privateers license).

        case "sails_2a":
            dialog.text = "Wchich colour you choose?";
            link.l1 = "White.";
            link.l1.go = "sails_2b1";
            link.l2 = "Black.";
            link.l2.go = "sails_2c1";
            link.l3 = "Green.";
            link.l3.go = "sails_2d1";
            link.l4 = "Yellow.";
            link.l4.go = "sails_2e1";
            link.l5 = "Blue.";
            link.l5.go = "sails_2f1";
            link.l6 = "Red.";
            link.l6.go = "sails_2g1";
            link.l9 = "Nothing at the moment";
            link.l9.go = "Exit";

        case "sails_2b1":   
                Log_Info("Shipwright finished the work.");
            SetSailsColor(pchar, 0);

        case "sails_2c1":   
                Log_Info("Shipwright finished the work.");
            SetSailsColor(pchar, 8);

        case "sails_2d1":   
                Log_Info("Shipwright finished the work.");
            SetSailsColor(pchar, 4);

        case "sails_2e1":   
                Log_Info("Shipwright finished the work.");
            SetSailsColor(pchar, 3);

        case "sails_2f1":   
                Log_Info("Shipwright finished the work.");
            SetSailsColor(pchar, 6);

        case "sails_2g1":   
                Log_Info("Shipwright finished the work.");
            SetSailsColor(pchar, 1);
This is awesome! Although I noticed some freezing and other weird stuff if you abuse the MOD (TOL2) but aside from that it's great. :yes:thumbs1
Needs a new game in order to work properly in combination with Hook's Mod and Active Map MOD.

EDIT: @Triger , I took the liberty to correct an error on one of the files for the TOL1.
It's just a typo that's causing the game to freeze whenever you activate it. The same goes for TOL2. Attached is for TOL1.

It was this code that had a typo:
case "pots7c9":    <-------------------------------------------------THIS ONE and line 2023 did not match
                Log_Info("Added 500xp to Sailing.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(pchar, "Sneak", 500);



  • Fix.7z
    20.4 KB · Views: 760
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This is awesome! Although I noticed some freezing and other weird stuff if you abuse the MOD (TOL2) but aside from that it's great. :yes:thumbs1
Needs a new game in order to work properly in combination with Hook's Mod and Active Map MOD.

EDIT: @Triger , I took the liberty to correct an error on one of the files for the TOL1.
It's just a typo that's causing the game to freeze whenever you activate it. The same goes for TOL2. Attached is for TOL1.

It was this code that had a typo:
case "pots7c9":    <-------------------------------------------------THIS ONE and line 2023 did not match
                Log_Info("Added 500xp to Sailing.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(pchar, "Sneak", 500);


Thank you

I've tried to fix the error in SDTEHO TOL 2 cheat menu 1.1 and it did work. I'm uploading the file so that if anyone is interested to get it.



  • SDTEHO TOL 2 cheat menu 1.1 sneak fix.zip
    27.2 KB · Views: 938
@Triger , hi can you please make an option for infinite stamina also (like the immortality) ? our hero's stamina is same as baby's. he's exhausting too quickly.


I've tried to fix the error in SDTEHO TOL 2 cheat menu 1.1 and it did work. I'm uploading the file so that if anyone is interested to get it.

You mean the freezing effect if you continue on using it? :shock
@Triger , hi can you please make an option for infinite stamina also (like the immortality) ? our hero's stamina is same as baby's. he's exhausting too quickly.

Hi, i think not.... If i get spare time i will serche for it, however the immoratlity options is build in vanila game not added by mod, as to infinity of stamina didnt yet encounter it in game or in the files, u can edit rpgutility to increase the base stamina...

Ty for the fix

I did toyed around now with options to set/add stamina, atm just to set/add the value raw by a single command it failed , was thinking to bind it to an item, if u equip the item ur base stamina would go up and faster regen like with an amulet however currently no time, will look into it tmrw
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Hi, i think not.... If i get spare time i will serche for it, however the immoratlity options is build in vanila game not added by mod, as to infinity of stamina didnt yet encounter it in game or in the files, u can edit rpgutility to increase the base stamina...

Ty for the fix

I did toyed around now with options to set/add stamina, atm just to set/add the value raw by a single command it failed , was thinking to bind it to an item, if u equip the item ur base stamina would go up and faster regen like with an amulet however currently no time, will look into it tmrw

where can I get the rpgutility file to increase the base stamina? I tried editing smart start (The Smart Start Mod Version 38: New starting gear for Charles! (CHEAT CODES TOO!) (dlc compatible)) mod's rpgutility file several times and ended up crashing the game. that mod is good. but the problem is it straight gives 100 skill status to level 1 player from the start and because of that there will be no future leveling up when playing. and it's less fun without leveling up (higher levels give tougher opponents and good ships etc...) . I'm not good at coding. :oops: seriously it's a big help if you can look in to it. because I'm at level 43 and there are more than 20 tough 1300HP status pirates attacking all around me right now and I'm really helpless without the stamina. I can't even lift my finger :unsure
where can I get the rpgutility file to increase the base stamina? I tried editing smart start (The Smart Start Mod Version 38: New starting gear for Charles! (CHEAT CODES TOO!) (dlc compatible)) mod's rpgutility file several times and ended up crashing the game. that mod is good. but the problem is it straight gives 100 skill status to level 1 player from the start and because of that there will be no future leveling up when playing. and it's less fun without leveling up (higher levels give tougher opponents and good ships etc...) . I'm not good at coding. :oops: seriously it's a big help if you can look in to it. because I'm at level 43 and there are more than 20 tough 1300HP status pirates attacking all around me right now and I'm really helpless without the stamina. I can't even lift my finger :unsure

Here u have the rpgutility with 200 base energy/stamina no other changes only the energy is edited, it seams it works with saves, atm i can only help with this. If 200 is not enogh what with perks SPECIAL and lvls u shuld be around 400 i will show wchich lines to edit if u need more stamina i will attach a ss aswell the underlined on red values u need to edit only those in line 59 and 74 see ss
float GetCharacterMaxEnergyValue(ref _refCharacter)
    float ret = (200.0 + GetCharacterSPECIAL(_refCharacter, SPECIAL_A)*10);    //change the 200.0 to any value
   if (CheckAttribute(_refCharacter, "PerkValue.EnergyPlus"))
         ret = ret + stf(_refCharacter.PerkValue.EnergyPlus);
   if(IsEquipCharacterByArtefact(_refCharacter, "indian_7"))
       ret = ret + makeint(1500 / ret);
   return ret;

float GetCharacterMaxEnergyABSValue(ref _refCharacter)
    // проверки перков to_do
   float ret = (200.0 + GetCharacterSPECIALSimple(_refCharacter, SPECIAL_A)*10);       //change the 200.0 to any value
   if (CheckAttribute(_refCharacter, "PerkValue.EnergyPlus"))
         ret = ret + stf(_refCharacter.PerkValue.EnergyPlus);
   return ret;
Last edited:
Here u have the rpgutility with 200 base energy/stamina no other changes only the energy is edited, it seams it works with saves, atm i can only help with this. If 200 is not enogh what with perks SPECIAL and lvls u shuld be around 400 i will show wchich lines to edit if u need more stamina i will attach a ss aswell the underlined on red values u need to edit only those in line 59 and 74 see ss
float GetCharacterMaxEnergyValue(ref _refCharacter)
    float ret = (200.0 + GetCharacterSPECIAL(_refCharacter, SPECIAL_A)*10);    //change the 200.0 to any value
   if (CheckAttribute(_refCharacter, "PerkValue.EnergyPlus"))
         ret = ret + stf(_refCharacter.PerkValue.EnergyPlus);
   if(IsEquipCharacterByArtefact(_refCharacter, "indian_7"))
       ret = ret + makeint(1500 / ret);
   return ret;

float GetCharacterMaxEnergyABSValue(ref _refCharacter)
    // проверки перков to_do
   float ret = (200.0 + GetCharacterSPECIALSimple(_refCharacter, SPECIAL_A)*10);       //change the 200.0 to any value
   if (CheckAttribute(_refCharacter, "PerkValue.EnergyPlus"))
         ret = ret + stf(_refCharacter.PerkValue.EnergyPlus);
   return ret;

Warning: may not work properly with SDTEHO 1.7 as in rpgutility are achivements aswell it may miss some, or not. i dont have a way to test it sry

Thaks for the help captain! I found the 1.7 rpgutility file by using stormex & I have change the file according to your guidelines & managed to increase stamina by 20000!!! Also I manage to increase the carrying weight by 3000. now I have 20000 stamina and 3000 carry weight!!! :woot so far It's working without any errors with 1.7 :D I will attach the file here so you can check it. to increase the carry weight capacity, you have to activate the increase carry capacity skill.


  • 20000 stamina and 3000 carry weight.zip
    23.2 KB · Views: 1,504
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Thaks for the help captain! I found the 1.7 rpgutility file by using stormex & I have change the file according to your guidelines & managed to increase stamina by 20000!!! Also I manage to increase the carrying weight by 3000. now I have 20000 stamina and 3000 carry weight!!! :woot so far It's working without any errors with 1.7 :D I will attach the file here so you can check it
Nice!!! :D
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officer disappear after equip musket, is it a bug ? i try very hard but dont know how make an orther Tichingitu -the only officer can equip musket normaly-

i find out that Tichingitu is Maskog in characters_face
case "Maskog" : rCharacter.FaceId = 205 (can show musket)
case "Maskog_mush" : rCharacter.FaceId = 205; (can't show musket and will disappear form visual)
same hapen with "Archy" and "Alonso"

i replace model "Maskog_mush" with "Fox" when using "Maskog" FaceId for "FOX" and result is officer FOX do show up but hold invisible musket still better than nothing

So i take a idear copy model "eng_mush_1" rename it to "Fox_mush" every time i equip my "FOX" officer he turn to a british musketeer model and tell my self i can live with this

problem is now how to set my quest officer with "sld.CanTakeMushket = true"

also need edit Enc_Officer_dialog so all officer could have dialog distance like Tichingitu when use musket after case "stay_follow":

Link.l5 = "I want you to keep distance from the target.";
Link.l5.go = "TargetDistance";

case "TargetDistance":
dialog.text = "How far, captain, not more than twenty.";
link.l1 = "";
Link.l1.edit = 3;
link.l1.go = "TargetDistance_1";

case "TargetDistance_1":
iTemp = sti(dialogEditStrings[3]);
if (iTemp < 0)
dialog.text = "Captain, i do not understand.";
link.l1 = "Sorry, my mistake...";
link.l1.go = "exit";
if (iTemp == 0)
dialog.text = "Stay idle, no move. That is what you want, captain?";
link.l1 = "Yes, precisely so.";
link.l1.go = "exit";
npchar.MusketerDistance = 0;
if (iTemp > 20)
dialog.text = "I can not stay more than a twenty yards from target. I can miss.";
link.l1 = "Fine, keep your distance at twenty yards.";
link.l1.go = "exit";
npchar.MusketerDistance = 20.0;
dialog.text = "Understand. i will take position.";
link.l1 = "Good.";
link.l1.go = "exit";
npchar.MusketerDistance = iTemp;

i did success get character like dannie mark and abigail (full skin and UI) as my officer
Last edited:
officer disappear after equip musket, is it a bug ? i try very hard but dont know how make an orther Tichingitu -the only officer can equip musket normaly-

i find out that Tichingitu is Maskog in characters_face
case "Maskog" : rCharacter.FaceId = 205 (can show musket)
case "Maskog_mush" : rCharacter.FaceId = 205; (can't show musket and will disappear form visual)
same hapen with "Archy" and "Alonso"

i replace model "Maskog_mush" with "Fox" when using "Maskog" FaceId for "FOX" and result is officer FOX do show up but hold invisible musket still better than nothing

So i take a idear copy model "eng_mush_1" rename it to "Fox_mush" every time i equip my "FOX" officer he turn to a british musketeer model and tell my self i can live with this

problem is now how to set my quest officer with "sld.CanTakeMushket = true"

also need edit Enc_Officer_dialog so all officer could have dialog distance like Tichingitu when use musket after case "stay_follow":

i did success get character like dannie mark and abigail (full skin and UI) as my officer
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i never edited the distance lines or choosing ammo, equip musket in the Enc_officer_dialog.c its stayed vanila, to the officer tichingu in character faces file i aswell didnt edited any line to him so.... this file i edited after the line:
case "horse08": rCharacter.FaceId = 167; break; <------------this one is still vanila
what comes after i added
        case "jessika"        :        rCharacter.FaceId = 867;     break;        //black
        case "Angellica"    :        rCharacter.FaceId = 833;     break;
        //case "jessika"    :        rCharacter.FaceId = 745;     break;
        //case "Angellica"    :        rCharacter.FaceId = 733;     break;
        //case "Daniell1"        :        rCharacter.FaceId = 945;    break;        //black
        case "Rumba"        :        rCharacter.FaceId = 250;    break;        //orginal
        //case "Beatrice"        :        rCharacter.FaceId = 702;     break;
        //case "BeatriceC"    :        rCharacter.FaceId = 702;     break;
        case "YokoDias"        :        rCharacter.FaceId = 700;     break;
        case "huber_7"        :        rCharacter.FaceId = 247;     break;
        case "huber_3"        :        rCharacter.FaceId = 245;     break;
        case "Mirabelle"    :        rCharacter.FaceId = 174;     break;        // blond
        //case "Mirabelle"    :        rCharacter.FaceId = 316;     break;        // orginal
up to this line :
void CirassMaker(aref rCharacter)<---------- this one is vanila again
never tested the officers that my mod creates on holding muskets, however in theory if the model and the animations of the officer are set for holding muskets there shuldnt be any issues, as the enc_officer_dialogue.c "creates" officers well it puts togather model animation skills stats perks etc....
yes aswell it tags the officers if thay are companions passengers if thay can hold/use muskets but its only if the officer can equip it or not. if musket is set to false u cant in inventory give a musket to suche person, but still my mod dosent creat vanila tichingu nor modified tichingu

delate the character face file from my mod if it causes issues, and i will look into the enc_officer_dialog.c if i by mistake delated something....

well i equiped my borders with mortars..... now i see what u mean. TYVM for bringing this to my attention
So i did tryed it on Yoko, iv copied her model add _mush to it and it did worked, however sadly in the models the wepon is on belt instead in hands and the animation is missing...
So i hate to work with models or texturs, i will set all the non vanila musketers to sld.CanTakeMushket = false; and just add few vanila musketeers to my mod, faster easier way
now to tichingu with him shuldnt be any problems as he haser vanila _mush model, this mod dosent touches the pathways to tichingu models or textures, sry cant help u with this

distance lines should been in default of the game without mod because some time you want tank for ur boarder use trombone to keep them from dangerous enermy or run the fk away to lure enermy runing around, i post the line so you can add it to ur mod if u want to

about yoko, you can just copy and rename an existed mush model like "eng_mush" (for eng soldier with musket) to yoko_mush and it will work fine only officer will change model every time they equip an musket, but it is a low price to make a line of musket in your fighting squad with 4 musket, it was very satistfy when start a fight thou

you should keep the able to use musket line, i have wanted orther boarder can hold musket since i start to play, i replace model tichingu with orther npc can hold musket so he fine, real problem is Deluc, real Mary (i have fond for her, she is cute), real Rumba, and all Quest NPC their cant equip a musket make me sad. i try stay vanila, hard gain real earn, real Quest npc is more value than OP npc i spam when ever i want

=>>>i trying to modify your Enc_Officer_dialog so i can set npc CanTakeMushket = true through dialog, heck i just start learn modding this game...to day, i dont know the code, maybe have to do it manualy if i know where the file of those Quest NPC

deluc remodel to fox but cant hold a musket ...."tichingu" now handsome as hell
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