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Mod Release SD:TEHO 1.7.0 : Cheat menu v1.3 / Skill and SPECIAL uncap v1.0

I never buy rum. i love boarding too much alway full of rum, may be because i didnt play to that part yet so i dont understand what u talking about,

for some reason i try to edit monk dialog to make the option to donate every time i meet him, but it didnt effect at all, try save scum just to make him have donate option is too painfull
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I never buy rum. i love boarding too much alway full of rum, may be because i didnt play to that part yet so i dont understand what u talking about,

for some reason i try to edit monk dialog to make the option to donate every time i meet him, but it didnt effect at all, try save scum just to make him have donate option is too painfull
monk on board affects decay of ur crew moral, rum hase simillar effect then whorse boost it and cash, with boatswine + tali simmilar +/- effect as monk only half rum consumption
now if u donat to church/monk ur nobility goes a lil up
so i rather to spend the coin on hoes where my crew gets boost to morals, and on see the rum keeps them happy... as i always have alot of captured captains, i release them so my nobility always sait, no monk needed give me some rum and my man some pu..:D
monk on board affects decay of ur crew moral, rum hase simillar effect then whorse boost it and cash, with boatswine + tali simmilar +/- effect as monk only half rum consumption
now if u donat to church/monk ur nobility goes a lil up
so i rather to spend the coin on hoes where my crew gets boost to morals, and on see the rum keeps them happy... as i always have alot of captured captains, i release them so my nobility always sait, no monk needed give me some rum and my man some pu..:D

i donate so i can do quest prison break with out the result hollan hunting me. and when the reputaion with nation is high interest for banking money will go up easier for pay crew salary without get any profit whole month
i donate so i can do quest prison break with out the result hollan hunting me. and when the reputaion with nation is high interest for banking money will go up easier for pay crew salary without get any profit whole month
sry mate im baptised and all but im not rly the church person i prefer booze and .... wanted to say brothel but Mary would kill me so...
where was i, a ya cash... i pref do quests rumor quests tavern or lighthouse, capture a marchant easy high reward no travel needed spawns where u are u make a killin by it:D
EDIT: if u need som crew moral boost in some of my mods u find it, idk in wchich one but there is an option for it, and in almost all is the option for cash so, pay them
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are there any line to have storeable important item like a chieftain dagger, a bunch of those thing stuck in character bag so inconvenient
are there any line to have storeable important item like a chieftain dagger, a bunch of those thing stuck in character bag so inconvenient
not sure what u mean with storable items, however if u lack the carry capacity u can edit the rpgutility or download one here and aswell u can edit the claw in this file aswell that it will become the most badass wepon at all, other then this no u cant remove quest items from ur inventory be4 thay use thay purpouse
not sure what u mean with storable items, however if u lack the carry capacity u can edit the rpgutility or download one here and aswell u can edit the claw in this file aswell that it will become the most badass wepon at all, other then this no u cant remove quest items from ur inventory be4 thay use thay purpouse

i mean able to put them in the ship's chest, hold too much, inventory become a long list have to scroll just to find a bullet is very inconvenient

carefull with overdrive quest officer, with officer like tichingitu that have quest long after, if overdrive he be come a clone of him self, same name same model but the quest will stuck forever

And the bug you talking should be worry by anyone using it ?
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i mean able to put them in the ship's chest, hold too much, inventory become a long list have to scroll just to find a bullet is very inconvenient

carefull with overdrive quest officer, with officer like tichingitu that have quest long after, if overdrive he be come a clone of him self, same name same model but the quest will stuck forever

And the bug you talking should be worry by anyone using it ?
i fixed the bugs yday and reuploded the files, thay now working versions
the feature add line to quest officer working ?
the musket thing? nah sry didnt yet found a solution, i now try to remake all 5 mods and got few issues that i would like to resolve in them and thay similar stuborn as the musketter issue, would need to teach the game engine new commands.... its frustrating and ya atm i discontinue to serch for a solution for the musketer thing sry:(
@Triger There's a bug with OCM 2. It won't show with Tichingitu's menu. I tried to fix it, but still no luck finding the error. :read
Tichingitu doset uses enc_officer_dialog.c so it wont work with him, he uses Tichingitu.c dialog node after hire Tichingitu_officer heres the file with OCM 2 content, but it may not be compatible with better Tichingitu mod, never got that mod but i think the author used the file Tichingitu.c in that mod

ehm... the path in wchich the file goes is: ...\PROGRAM\dialogs\russian\Quest\Sharlie didnt put it into folders its just the file so u need to creat them, did it on fast and didnt tested it aswell, no muche free time this week

Edit: Heres the OCM 2 for Tichingitu, hase aswell proper pathway now so drop into game folder and its good. Warning: Its not compatible with Spoiler - Better Tichingitu + Mayor Hack-ish (A little cheat).

Instructions as how to add OCM 2 content to another file/mod are in post below.


  • SDTEHO OCM 2 for Tichingitu.7z
    5.1 KB · Views: 246
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Tichingitu doset uses enc_officer_dialog.c so it wont work with him, he uses Tichingitu.c dialog node after hire Tichingitu_officer heres the file with OCM 2 content, but it may not be compatible with better Tichingitu mod, never got that mod but i think the author used the file Tichingitu.c in that mod

ehm... the path in wchich the file goes is: ...\PROGRAM\dialogs\russian\Quest\Sharlie didnt put it into folders its just the file so u need to creat them, did it on fast and didnt tested it aswell, no muche free time this week

Warning: may not be compatible with Spoiler - Better Tichingitu + Mayor Hack-ish (A little cheat)
i will check the mod later, and mayby do patches

I'll test it :D
I will post here instructions how to add OCM 2 content to other files for those who want to use it with other mods or officers that dont use Enc_officer_dialog.c hired nod, or/and to use it with mods that edit this particular file, will use an example clean Tichingitu.c file. For this you need an text editor (notpad will do).

1st step:
You need to find the file that the officer uses, then locate wchich nod it is, for Tichingitu its Tichingitu.c hes created in reaction_function.c so we 1st locate the file that uses officer in question, then we look wchich dialog file its uses and then we follow the nods, see ss:
adding OCM 2 to a file step 1.png

2nd step:
Now we will add those lines of code into the file:
                link.l18 = "We need to do something about you...";
                link.l18.go = "npctraining";
In the case "Tichingitu_officer" add aftter link.l2 (i like to change the exit links to be last and add my lines be4 them) see ss:
adding OCM 2 to a file step 2.png

3rd step:
now copy the whole code and past it into the file:
        case "npctraining":
            dialog.text = "What do you mean captain?";
            link.l1 = "You must sharpen your skills...";
            link.l1.go = "npctraining1";
            link.l2 = "You must learn something usefull...";
            link.l2.go = "npctraining2";
            link.l3 = "You need some power training...";
            link.l3.go = "npctraining3";
            link.l19 = "Ah... forget it...";
            link.l19.go = "Exit";
        case "npctraining1":
            dialog.text = "On wchich kind of skills shall i work on?";
            link.l1 = "Personal skills...";
            link.l1.go = "npctraining1a";
            link.l2 = "Ship skills...";
            link.l2.go = "npctraining1b";
            link.l19 = "Ah... forget it...";
            link.l19.go = "Exit";
        case "npctraining1a":
            dialog.text = "Wchich skill shall i train?";
            link.l1 = "You need to get better with guns";
            link.l1.go = "npctraining1a1";
            link.l2 = "You need to get better with sabres";
            link.l2.go = "npctraining1a2";
            link.l3 = "You need to get better with rapiers";
            link.l3.go = "npctraining1a3";
            link.l4 = "You need to get better with swords";
            link.l4.go = "npctraining1a4";
            link.l5 = "You need to get better at sneaking";
            link.l5.go = "npctraining1a5";
            link.l19 = "Ah... forget it...";
            link.l19.go = "Exit";

        case "npctraining1a1":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Pistol.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "Pistol", 1500);

        case "npctraining1a2":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Sabres.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "FencingS", 1500);

        case "npctraining1a3":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Rapiers.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "FencingL", 1500);

        case "npctraining1a4":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Swords.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "FencingH", 1500);

        case "npctraining1a5":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Sneak.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "Sneak", 1500);
        case "npctraining1b":
            dialog.text = "Wchich skill shall i train?";
            link.l1 = "You need to get better at navigating";
            link.l1.go = "npctraining1b1";
            link.l2 = "You need to get better at shooting";
            link.l2.go = "npctraining1b2";
            link.l3 = "You need to get better at boarding";
            link.l3.go = "npctraining1b3";
            link.l4 = "You need to get better at repairing";
            link.l4.go = "npctraining1b4";
            link.l5 = "You need to get better at defense";
            link.l5.go = "npctraining1b5";
            link.l6 = "You need to get better at commerce";
            link.l6.go = "npctraining1b6";
            link.l19 = "Ah... forget it...";
            link.l19.go = "Exit";

        case "npctraining1b1":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Sailing.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "Sailing", 1500);

        case "npctraining1b2":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1000xp to Cannons.");
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1000xp to Accuracy.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "Cannons", 1000);
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "Accuracy", 1000);

        case "npctraining1b3":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Grappling.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "Grappling", 1500);

        case "npctraining1b4":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Repair.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "Repair", 1500);

        case "npctraining1b5":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Defence.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "Defence", 1500);

        case "npctraining1b6":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 1500xp to Commerce.");
            AddCharacterExpToSkill(npchar, "Commerce", 1500);
        case "npctraining2":
            dialog.text = "On wchich talents i shall work on?";
            link.l1 = "Personal...";
            link.l1.go = "npctraining2a";
            link.l2 = "Ship...";
            link.l2.go = "npctraining2b";
            link.l19 = "Ah... forget it...";
            link.l19.go = "Exit";

        case "npctraining2a":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 3 personal perks.");
            npchar.perks.FreePoints_self = sti(npchar.perks.FreePoints_self) + 3;

        case "npctraining2b":
                Log_Info("Officer gained 5 ship perks.");
            npchar.perks.FreePoints_ship = sti(npchar.perks.FreePoints_ship) + 5;    
        case "npctraining3":
            dialog.text = "What kind of power training?";
            link.l1 = "You are to squishy";
            link.l1.go = "npctraining3a";
            link.l2 = "You are to sturdy";
            link.l2.go = "npctraining3b";
            link.l3 = "Your stats are ...";
            link.l3.go = "npctraining3c";
            link.l19 = "Ah... forget it...";
            link.l19.go = "Exit";

        case "npctraining3a":
                Log_Info("Officer become immortal.");
                LAi_SetImmortal(npchar, true);        

        case "npctraining3b":
                Log_Info("Officer become mortal.");
                LAi_SetImmortal(npchar, false);        
        case "npctraining3c":
            dialog.text = "What is with my stats?";
            link.l2 = "Reroll your SPECIAL 6 + rnd 4";
            link.l2.go = "npctraining3c2";
            link.l3 = "Reroll your SPECIAL 7 + rnd 3 ";
            link.l3.go = "npctraining3c3";
            link.l4 = "Reroll your SPECIAL 8 + rnd 2";
            link.l4.go = "npctraining3c4";
            link.l5 = "Reroll your SPECIAL 9 + rnd 1 ";
            link.l5.go = "npctraining3c5";
            link.l6 = "Max your SPECIAL";
            link.l6.go = "npctraining3c6";
            link.l19 = "Ah... forget it...";
            link.l19.go = "Exit";

        case "npctraining3c2":
                Log_Info("Officers SPECIAL rerolled.");
                SetSPECIAL(npchar, 6+rand(4), 6+rand(4), 6+rand(4), 6+rand(4), 6+rand(4), 6+rand(4), 6+rand(4));        

        case "npctraining3c3":
                Log_Info("Officers SPECIAL rerolled.");
                SetSPECIAL(npchar, 7+rand(3), 7+rand(3), 7+rand(3), 7+rand(3), 7+rand(3), 7+rand(3), 7+rand(3));        

        case "npctraining3c4":
                Log_Info("Officers SPECIAL rerolled.");
                SetSPECIAL(npchar, 8+rand(2), 8+rand(2), 8+rand(2), 8+rand(2), 8+rand(2), 8+rand(2), 8+rand(2));        

        case "npctraining3c5":
                Log_Info("Officers SPECIAL rerolled.");
                SetSPECIAL(npchar, 9+rand(1), 9+rand(1), 9+rand(1), 9+rand(1), 9+rand(1), 9+rand(1), 9+rand(1));        

        case "npctraining3c6":
                Log_Info("Officers SPECIAL maxed.");
                SetSPECIAL(npchar, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);        
now by this step is verry important that all "break;" are intact and in right places, see ss:
adding OCM 2 to a file step 3.png
Diffrent files will have different dialogs in it, but u rly only need to find the right place to squeeze the 2 starting lines wchich are in step 2, once those are in right place thay will link to the rest even if u add the rest of the code behind all the officers tasks.
EDIT: i did a typo in the code regarding adding officer perks forgoten a "n" TY Remi Pedersen for noticing it, i hope its now fixed
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I'll test it :D
Sry today afternoon iv uploaded the tichingu.c file with a modbreaking line, i did it on fast and taken the OCM 2 content from my mod im using so there was stuff that im testing and it made the file bad, same bad lines iv added to my instructions and so i eventualy noticed it, i removed the bad lines/options repacked the file and reuploaded, delated the bad lines aswell from my instructions...
Im rly sry for that:(
Hi am having problems with the talking out loud mod V2 every time I talk out loud the game crashes

Did a quick rnd test on TOL 2 v1.4 even downloaded it from this page to be sure that the version iv uploaded is a working one, for me its works no game crash did tested few rnd cheats, the only think i can think off is diffrent game vesion then the mod was tested with...

If its not working and/or does more harm then good delate the files:
MainHero_dialog.c located in ....PROGRAM/dialogs/russian
character_faces.c located in ...PROGRAM/characters

Sry i didnt responed sooner its a bad week for me, well there are the instructions how to remove my mod iv added aswell on front post the instructions how to remove every mod of mine, i will add it in the future into readme's... did u tryed an older version of them mod if it works for ya? or try the fixes from: DavyJack for TOL v1.4 or DevilAres for TOL 2 v1.1 there are on the 1st page of that topic

EDIT: I will here post a clean MainHero_dialog.c for SD:TEHO v1.6, dont have time atm to uplode TOL/TOL 2 for 1.6 version will patch it mayby end of this week, if the deletation of mainhero_dialog didnt worked replace it with this file, well try this tol 2 i removed happli ever after content shuld now work


  • MainHero_dialog (clean).7z
    11.8 KB · Views: 270
  • TOL 2 cheat menu for SDTEHO v1.6 .7z
    28.1 KB · Views: 240
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Did a quick rnd test on TOL 2 v1.4 even downloaded it from this page to be sure that the version iv uploaded is a working one, for me its works no game crash did tested few rnd cheats, the only think i can think off is diffrent game vesion then the mod was tested with...

If its not working and/or does more harm then good delate the files:
MainHero_dialog.c located in ....PROGRAM/dialogs/russian
character_faces.c located in ...PROGRAM/characters

Sry i didnt responed sooner its a bad week for me, well there are the instructions how to remove my mod iv added aswell on front post the instructions how to remove every mod of mine, i will add it in the future into readme's... did u tryed an older version of them mod if it works for ya? or try the fixes from: DavyJack for TOL v1.4 or DevilAres for TOL 2 v1.1 there are on the 1st page of that topic

EDIT: I will here post a clean MainHero_dialog.c for SD:TEHO v1.6, dont have time atm to uplode TOL/TOL 2 for 1.6 version will patch it mayby end of this week, if the deletation of mainhero_dialog didnt worked replace it with this file, well try this tol 2 i removed happli ever after content shuld now work

awesome v1.6 works even TOL ! Well done lad
Hello and thanks for the mod, love it.
But I am not good at editing the files my self. I have noticed that "Tichingitu doset uses enc_officer_dialog.c so it wont work with him" But I got your fix So all good with him.
Then I did the Dutch Gambit for the secrect Org. And got Gaston/Hercule Tonzag. And got the same issue.

So my question is, do you have a fix for him also or can you make one? I have tried some myself.. but did not manage. I also tried looking into your "Hot to fix: Tichingitu"
Maybe you already have but I cannot seem to find it.

Thanks again for the mod and look forward to an answer from anyone that may have a solution.


  • Herculedialog.JPG
    147 KB · Views: 187