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screenshots thread

Enough with the chatter! I acquired a large fluet and then noticed that it still seems to have the original sails and rigging on it. Rather than completely rerig it I imported the POTC version. I don't know how historically accurate it is but it looks way better than the old version.
View attachment 14918

WOW that does look WAAAAY better!!!
Spanish prizes as far as the eye can see.
(The Spanish "Golden" Treasure Fleet intercepted while heading to Havana)

My false colors did not work and I was not going to win this fight, so it was time to run...
At least I was in one of the fastest ships in the Caribbean!

Golden Fleet.jpg
Straggling into port after fending off Pirates, the English Navy, and a Storm. This was not a profitable voyage.

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How does one remove the HUD overlay?
Another long battle. It started at night and was strung all over Maracaibo Bay and finally ended when we sank the last ship the next day. We sank 3 and captured 1. There crews were just too big to think about boarding.
Oh and there were no CTDs this time so maybe it isn't my ship.
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I never saw a fort get so beat up and survive before, and it was this bad boy that did it.
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Just about done repairing the lateen on the GOF2 caravel1. This one is coming out well.
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Started a new game so the caravel1 is on hold until I get another one.
When sailing into port I saw a warship leaving and saw that it still had the original rigging on it, so ported the POTC version over. I have not tested it in game but it is the same ship with more stuff upstairs.
It can be found in the first post of this thread. http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/ships-for-gof-2.21840/
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Again, while leaving another port I saw this pinnace.
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It looks like what in POTC is called the Waller Pinnace which has upgraded rigging. Should I port this one too?
3 pinnaces-1.jpg 3 pinnaces-2.jpg
Ok. :dance

I don't like deadeyes because they have the reverse lighting bug but I hate deleting Craiggo's work too.
In POTC it is a suicide ship as it can not run or fight. Even Luggers can easily sink it.

Here in GOF2 it is a little better as it has a huge crew to prevent boardings, but it still can not defend itself.
I've had many memorable battles sailing the Caravel. I would say she's better than the flute's and pinnace's early on because she has more guns, if you use her for a supply ship for crew and ammunition then she can be very useful or for those who like to trade but you have to have a few companions with good ships to help defend her as she is the weak link in any fleet. But she's a worth while ship to have, at least till you can find a better ship to do the trading with.

@ HP
Thanks bud for porting the updated Two Decker as she's known in COAS.;)