Alright mates this will be my last Episode for a lil while. this has been all I've played for several days now and I think I'm going to give it a rest. Maybe until Patch1 Idk yet. But I need to begin work in Earnest on the HoO storylines and I also can't keep allowing my own novel to go neglected yet another month either

so thank you to MK for bringing me the most enjoyable time I've had in COAS for awhile and after my hiatus from it i hope to return to continue my story

. my only Problem with the mod was having to sink all those beautiful ships that just barely didn't fit in the budget or minimum qualifications of my fleet standards.
anyway here it is
Episode three.
Our voyages on the Rebba'aw were growing in number and length. The Governor-General of Curacao promoted me to a lieutenant of the Dutch Navy and sent my fleet on a mission to the Pirate city of La Vega, Hispaniola to meet with its leader Edward Mansfield/Mansvelt. We were to gain information on the English plans against the Dutch. When we arrived in La Vega we were redirected to Admiral Henry Morgan in Jamaica.
We sailed to Jamaica taking a few English trade convoys by surprise along the way until we arrived in Fort Orange were we rested until night before sneaking into Port Royal. Waiting until the morning to leave the tavern me and my 3 bodyguards went to see Morgan at his residence. But he wasn't there, he wasn't even in town! his secretary informed me that the good admiral was at his home on Antigua.
So the fleet set sail raiding the English shipping along the way we arrive at Antigua in a little over a week. Landing on the southern shore of the Island we snuck into the town and met with Morgan who agreed to give me the Information if I went to Tortuga to gain information on one of his business associates that had lost his faith. Well by now lads I am pretty fed up with sailing my fleet around the whole damn Caribbean three times over just to receive a reward that wouldn't even pay for the maintenance and wages for the force which I commanded and drug along with me on this little Adventure.
We arrived in Tortuga after a few annoying Bounty hunters got in the way. We remained in that good city for a few days and let the crew enjoy themselves while me and my officers sought information on the individual. I finally decided I had enough information after a few futile attempts over the course of a few days and set sail to return Antigua.
BUT when we arrived, Morgan, that arrogant pompous bastard had the nerve to tell me it wasn't enough after blatantly insulting my abilities and intelligence told me to go back to gain more information. Morgan of course was not expecting my very...
"Reasonable"... response to his request.
Out of sheer frustration from being someone that I owed nothing's lapdog, and pure hatred of pointless sailing in a giant circle between a couple ports, and being forced to go (As we say where I come from)
"Halfway 'round my @$$ to get to my elbow". I ordered the Rebba'aw and the rest of my fleet to show Morgan the extent of my Incompetence and idiocy.
For just a under a month we blockaded the whole of Antigua, circling the island and sinking everything that came near, Military or civilian, with demonic efficiency. Morgan sent a few pirate flotillas to attempt to halt our blockade which has become known as "St. John's Noose". The English joined in by sending privateer and Royal Navy alike only for their ships to wind up with the Brethren of the Coast in Davy Jones' armada forever moored below the waves.
After I felt my point had been made, (And my ships' holds couldn't hold anymore looted ammunition or tea.) We vanished into the morning fog and set our course for Martinique to sell the stolen goods, and give the ships some much needed repairs.
I left fully confident the world and Morgan alike, would remember the days that the whole of the Royal Navy, the People of Antigua, and the "Great" Pirate Admiral himself were held hostage by four warships under the leadership of an incompetent commander, and there was nothing they could do about it. The World feared Henry Morgan, but Henry Morgan feared me.
We setup Martinique as our port of call. The French though officially neutral had no qualms with harboring a fleet while they torture the battered English Leeward Islands, and they paid good money for all the tea shipments we intercepted I might add

For a couple months we raided English shipping, while battling mostly military and bounty hunters, seemed like I could rarely go ashore, or set sail in open water without being jumped in the streets, or harassed in the coastal waters. It was during one of these engagements that we added a fifth ship to the fleet: The appropriately named "Eko'aw" (Spirit of Sorrow), a forty-two gun Dutch made warship.
After receiving multiple threats and the bounty on my head being increased several times, I decided it was time to send another message to the English. I set my fleet's sails towards Barbados. We approached Bridgetown Proper from a great distance to scout out the harbor and gauge the quality of its defenses. As we sat outside the harbor I noticed activity in the port. A Royal Navy vessel that had been sitting in harbor, a 64-gun warship all of a sudden broke out of the harbor at full speed hugging the shore and fleeing for their lives.
The crew let up a cheer at the sight of this and you could hear laughter ringing from all five of our vessels. I continued to sit off the coast not moving a few more hours estimating the amount of force, amount of weapons, and how much medicine I would need for the operation. I was rather enjoying the peace, and hearing the men enjoying themselves on the deck.
Then came the shout from the crows nest "Ship Ho! In the Harbor sir!" The Crew rushed to the side of the ship to see, and I pulled out my spyglass and pointed it toward the city. A Second-Rate Ship of the line which had been sitting in harbor for several hours immobile had suddenly woken up and was sailing straight for us. "Apparently the English do have a little fight in'em boys! Battle stations all of ya!" I yelled out.
Not feeling the need to wastefully risk the lives of my men I ordered my other ships to remain where they were in case of an approach from the West. I felt sure my flagship the Rebba'aw, my beloved Dutch Man O' War, would be more than able to hold its own despite being an ancient antique in comparison to the ship we were up against. Preparing myself for a bloody and intense battle I was shocked when a the first exchange of fire from distance knocked the enemy's mainmast over. what surprised me further was the enemy surrendered before the cloth of the fallen sail was even good and wet from contact with the sea.
We boarded the ship only to find it crewed by townsfolk, and captained by a local merchant. The captain explained that when he saw our fleet approaching Bridgetown, the English commander had abandoned the larger of his two warships in favor of the faster one in order to make his escape, leaving the town and its inhabitants to their fate. The townsfolk fearing that Barbados would suffer the same torture as Antigua had a few months before, crewed the abandoned 84-Gun warship and set out to put up a fight to attempt to run us of with the quality of their ship, and the number of it's guns.
I imprisoned the merchant and his militia crew, Adopted the captured ship into the fleet and towed her back to Fort De France, Martinique. When We arrived I reorganized my forces, Sold the weakest of my ships, the 40-gun Dear'aw who had been reduced to 30 guns during the blockade of Antigua. and I handed over the Rebba'aw to one of my most trusted and skilled captains. We then restocked the ammunition and supplies of all the ships, and I took the Second-Rater as my new Flagship.
The Governor-General of the English Colonies was none too happy with my capture of his Second-Rater and raised the bounty on my head again. We avoided the bounty hunters on the sea and killed the ones that confronted us in Martinique. I was now tired of those pests and the governors petty attempts to destroy me so I set out to deliver my message to England.
I renamed the my new flagship to The Survva'aw (Angel). She was my favorite ship by far armed with 84 Forty-two pound guns making her one of the most powerful Privateers in the Caribbean, and to me the name Survva'aw fit her elegance and beauty. I do not see myself ever getting rid of her, and if I ever have to upgrade my flagship I doubt she will be out of my sight for long. But alas I cant be getting all sentimental of my dear Survvaaw in the middle of a tale of adventure!
With the Survvaaw in the lead and the fleet in tow we into Bridgetown and assualted the city with the very ship that had defended her on our last visit leading the charge.
We let it be known to the Governor-General of the English colonies that despite his countless attempts to obliterate me, from this earth. This Irishman only grows stronger despite his attempts at ending my reign of terror over these waters. and that St. John's Noose was only the beginning. That they were no longer safe even behind their fort walls, and on land.
Using the seal of Bridgetown's Governor I wrote a letter to the King of England and sent a courier aboard a French Merchant bound for Europe. In that letter were these words:
Thank you for all the ship's that you have given me, I particularly adored the last gift. This new warship will do quite nicely in making my efforts easier here in your colonies, and I don't think any other corsair in these waters has one like this. Thanks again for your presents I'll be sure to continue and make good use of them.
Yours Truly,
Luke McReady
P.S. If you would your majesty, would you mind sending this message to my good friend the Governor-General of the Caribbean Colonies? I Would thank him personally but my fleet wont fit in Port Royal's Harbor anymore.

To Be Continued.....