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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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screenshots thread

In fact I do not intend to abandon COAs and your new mod. Since I have 5 PotC installations I shall have one CoAS too without problems :p Variety always cheers me up. And you did it well for hardcore players, tho I enjoy more the freestyle playing; will just use another storyline to get me into action. :thumbs1

The fencing buttons are screwed for me. They are better than PotC but since for me slashing is the main action - and this - when you press the button performs both left and right slash/and you can't choose which/ - for me screws up the fight as the tactical element is removed. At least this is what I remember was the situation in AOP 1 which was the last time I played an AoP mod. So it's one arcade vs another very slightly improved arcade. They have to make separate fencing moves directed at certain body points for a new title of these games.
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I see you have developed that system, not that good as an onset, into perfection. :) Maniacall /reading that post/ :p
It is kinda dark, but it looks like this sailor in the boat has had too much rum. :drunk

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I cant get the link to Download Eras to even work :( it says network error
I obviously prefer COAS. So do many others. If I could get the POTC locations imported, and some of the additional questlines, future GOF mods would be truly unbelievable.
That should be very doable. The code aspects there between both games are virtually identical.
PotC has some custom mod-added functions used in various quests though that would have to make it into CoAS as well though.
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And I notice an increased presence of sharks ! Maybe they wait that my ship falls apart and get me ..?!

start 2013-11-26 13-09-40-06.jpg
I got it to work today! a virus almost took my computer right before i came here to download. but I got Malewarebytes working on finishing cleaning that up for me.

and 6 GB? is that all mate? I have a laptop with 4 Hard drives with a 2 Tetrabyte total. help me fill'em up here :p
Screenies from my first Day playing...

A little story to go with the Screenshots: (Note some 2 of the files were too large to be uploaded :( )

Lets see... i started out with something I've always wanted! a little sailboat lol:pirateraft. which was even smaller then the boat I used to get on shore... -_-'

Then as I was struggling for cash running around being a debt collector, the boss tells me to go find this ruby. well I figure with the 2,000 gold hes offerin' I can get me a ship and make some money as a merchant, smuggler or scavenger. As I step out of the city gates to begin my search, I come across a young woman being threatened by some hooligans. After near thirty minutes of me getting my Noble but, weak and under equipped ass handed to me several times, I just about gave up and just let them have their way with her. I told the men i wouldn't interfere and began my search for the ruby. I then found somethings that were even better! a tree... and a bush.

Now a know what you're thinkin' mates; "Luke! How does this here epic tale of adventure and the such, got anything interesting involving a tree and bush?"
Well mates... these here were not just any tree and bush, oh no! These here were the gateway to my freedom and fortune! for ya see this tree an this bush were conveniently JUST far enough apart fer a man to fit in-between'em, with his back to an invisible wall called "The Edge of the map". This inspired new bravery within me as i aimed my pistol an shot one of the rogues in the back and as they charged that tree, that bush, and myself stood fast defending all that was holy and righteous against those spawns of the devil!

One by one they each received consecutive slashes with a rusty sword followed ever so promptly by Musket-balls-to-the-face. the lady then thanked me and I began to loot her assailant's cadavers, when all at once my eyes fell upon a cashew of jewelry on one of the blaggards! I thought to myself "That's prolly worth somethin'."

And boy was it ever. a whopping 73,000 coins!!!!! I swiftly went to give the boss his ruby, and made my way to the shipyard. didn't see anything I liked so I went to San Juan. There I saw the cutest dang vessel you ever laid your eyes on. Named her the "Darlin" and began to look for battles to scavenge. A few days later I captured a Pirate English made Pinnace, and bid Adieu to my Darlin. (I seriously didn't want to get rid of her lol) Sold the Pinnace in Martinique where I picked up a Merchant lugger, and made plans to start my smuggling operation with it.

However, as I walked out of the my room in the tavern I was met by a certain French Captain who said he had a proposition for me. So I went out to meet him on his ship to see what all the fuss was about. when he told me the plan I was certain my good fortune had to run out sometime, but it didn't seem like it would be today! He told me the tail of a English convoy that had been forced to moor just outside of Santiago by a storm, and that they were loaded down with gold! Now open Piracy was never my style but i figured my Dutch allies would care very little if this convoy went missing.

Me and my new companion set sail within minutes bound for Santiago and arrived in a few days. Once I observed from a great distance our targets I realized that we were very much out manned, outgunned, and outmatched; but not outran. I devised a plan, and using our two smaller faster ships as bait we Lured the enemy into Santiago's harbor where the Spanish fort opened fire on the convoy. Using the fort to our advantage we captured the Enemy flagship, and main merchant vessel. I decided to keep the former for myself of course:doff.

The battle lasted near 20 hours (In game time) and when the enemy were defeated I docked at Santiago.

While there I repaired, rearmed, and re-manned my new ship. I also bought me a new Sword and pistol :guns::duel:.

I then decided that my companion didn't do enough to earn half of the gold, so while I was in town I sold all 102 units of it. (Had to pay for that pistol somehow:pirate07:)

Needless to say my good friend was none too happy about this and found it ever so necessary to try and kill me when i tried to tell him that there was never any gold, I had no clue what he was talking about, and that this new sword was a gift sent from me mama back home. :shrug

after while i was busy dealing with dispatching his goons his badly damaged ship disappeared .

And that's where this tale must hit a "to be continued mates" tune in next time for the Adventure! :cheers:pflag


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I got it to work today! a virus almost took my computer right before i came here to download. but I got Malewarebytes working on finishing cleaning that up for me.

and 6 GB? is that all mate? I have a laptop with 4 Hard drives with a 2 Tetrabyte total. help me fill'em up here :p

Then you have room to install two copies of CoAS and Eras. Logically speaking, that must mean twice the fun, right? RIGHT?
Then you have room to install two copies of CoAS and Eras. Logically speaking, that must mean twice the fun, right? RIGHT?

I have
CoAS GOF 1.2
Empire Total war
Rome 2 total war
And several other HUGE games on this computer. not even 1/4 of ONE of my 4 hard drives lol
You're getting there. I have 20 games installed counting the backup and archive installs. Only 7 or so are POTC/COAS.
I LOVE this Luke!!!

Buried deep in the COAS threads is a topic called "How's your game going?" that Luke159 started years ago. We used to post our gameplay stories narratively like that. It was fun and this is one of the reasons I wanted to start this topic.

Thanks for the great narrative!

Here's some from me.... I guess everyone knows about my new scarier demon skeletons now so I can spoil the fun... Kipper wanted demons so I compromised.

BTW these are from a brand new game on the most difficult expert settings only three or four hours in. Look I have a fleet of three ships and almost a half million in loot! xD MK
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We need to revive that Thread! or get people to do episodic posts of their adventures on the COAS subsection!:drunk:woot