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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Screenshots thread

Me an’ me maties havin’ a drinkin’ o’ grog...


We spends all our shinies, so now we gotsa queuin’ fer a giro cheque...


They dain’t gave us one, so now we conspirin’ to sneak by the guards...


Then some geezer sneezed an’ it all kicked off...


After that, we goes fer a swim an’ I teaches ’em to walk on water...


They be real maties, they follows me anywhere!​
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Lauren de Graaf's cabin table before and after boarding and looting some french, spanish and pirate ships for the Netherlands

Capitain's cabine table before.png Capitain's cabine table after.png

Unfortunately it seems the save was lost when I started a new game in the same profile, just to see starting items and relations. :facepalm

PS: The starting cabin shown is actually one of a newly captured ship, with the same appearance of the one you have at game start, just for comparison.
I think the game gives a warning before erasing your saves when you do that.

I'm not sure what happened, last time I played with Laurens was on may 9th, on 10th I made the starting differences test (related to my questions in the A Hawk's take-off thread), then today, 12th, when I opened the game the load option at the main menu was unavailable, I looked the files and no saves, just gone.
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Check if your saves are still in the SAVE folder.
If they are, close the game, then try again.
Check if your saves are still in the SAVE folder.
If they are, close the game, then try again.

No, in SAVE - Free play, empty, just gone. But don't worry, I was playing it just to get into the mood of the mod. ;)

I noticed one strange thing, I have a base copy of the game with the latest build and the copy I used to play with Laurens, in the base one there's no WoodesRogers folder, while in the copy with which I played it is there, even though I haven't played the woodes rogers character.

@HellSailor, thanks for the like!
I noticed one strange thing, I have a base copy of the game with the latest build and the copy I used to play with Laurens, in the base one there's no WoodesRogers folder, while in the copy with which I played it is there, even though I haven't played the woodes rogers character.
Storyline folders are made when you start the game itself. You don't actually need to start any storyline for them to be created.
I'm playing the Tales of a Sea Hawk now, and got some screenshots for ye!

A Hawk's take-off.png
Yup, my notebook has just an Intel chip

Good sea.png
In Philipsburg the sea was pretty!

Map of the Original World.png
Speaking of that town, look what I found in the Townhall, the original game map!
I can tell. :cheeky
I'm really very glad to hear that the game is working on your Intel chip though! :woot

Working nice and sound :onya
I tried adding it to steam to see the FPS, but when I launched the game, the screen was black. Could hear the music, but couldn't see anything, was able to close the game by guessing I selected exit. Anyway, I can perceive that the Frame rate is being a good one.

Nice one! :cheers

Did you see the map?
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I've heard some rumors the Antigua Shipyard was needing help, so I've set sail to it.
Arriving there I had a surprise:
Double o.png
But unlocked the repair perk anyway! :razz

The city itself is gorgeous, good job lads!
Antigua - St. John  Square.png

.... Back in the tutorial (I forgot those ones)...

Me likes being a lucky captain, Malcolm
Luck description.png Luck how to gain.png

My first blood in the campaign was that of a poor house owner in Oxbay (Speighstown). I didn't notice he was there, thought the chest was ripe for the taking and had to fight him. Luckily I was able to kill him, take his fine milanese longsword, much better than the saber, and don't get the guards attention. :duel:

First blood.png

Also, I reached level 2 in the ship deck training fencing with Malcolm and Luckily My HP increase was of 22 points! I ye starts with 50, at level 2 I had 72, or was it 74? In the following levels, normal 7 points increases.
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Malcolm would be proud. What a lucky captain I am, or am I?

Found a Mysterious coin in the chest in my crew quarters once I moored at Port Royale, to finally deliver the news to the governor. You Know Jamaica is pretty far from Barbados, so I've been adventuring my self a little in eastern Caribbean first.

Mysterious Coin in my ship 1.png

If they didn't know it was me, they would panic! Arr!
Mysterious Coin in my ship 4.png

Oh no, forgot to pres Ctrl+N on this one too! :facepalm
Lucky capt'n has goods people ask from him before they do so.
Lucky help the shipyard, already had the sandal.png
It was some of the sandal I bought in Oxbay (Speighstown) right after the tutorial, planning to sell it in Port Royale but didn't do it yet. For 520 for each one lucky me!

@Pieter Boelen, that one was in the "crude" mod Build, without your recent changes, I've started a campaign with Laurens to test the amount received, but just wasn't lucky to get this kind of rumor yet)
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The moment PotC becomes a beat'em up

Beat 'em up.png
The English don't want to dance with me anymore.
Me been waitin', but they don't join the party anymore.
They must be envious cause they ain't as lucky as me! Arr!
Beatin’em up is what you do to Horatio Nelson in his own cabin. xD

@Pieter - Did you say something about a “nameplate”?


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