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Screenshots thread

Change happens. The interesting models I want to look at never appear in the tailor shops, so I've started buying all the cheap ones in order to remove the clutter. That does sometimes bring up something new. Right now I'm Roche Braziliano but that outfit in the screenie looks good for a merchantman.
Yeah, tailor shop model appearance is completely random, so it can take a while. :facepalm
Except it is NOT random. The same models keep showing up over and over and over and over and over............................

That is why I started buying all I can afford and it now takes a looong time to scroll thru them all.
Except it is NOT random. The same models keep showing up over and over and over and over and over............................
I wrote that code myself when I had to fix it. It's random as far as the code is concerned.
It won't show models that either:
- Are of the wrong period
- Are of another nation
- Are unlocked by national rank
- Are unlocked by player level

But other than that it's random. :shrug
I wrote that code myself when I had to fix it. It's random as far as the code is concerned.
It won't show models that either:
- Are of the wrong period
- Are of another nation
- Are unlocked by national rank
- Are unlocked by player level

But other than that it's random. :shrug

Which file tells you the - period - nation - National Rank - Player Level - attributes attached to each model ?

Or do you have to look in several :shrug

I know that in PROGRAM\ Models - initModels.c - gives you the nation for each model but I don't know where the other info is. :read

It's all in initModels.c . This one for example:
  model.description =  "Wear this Royal Navy Admiral's uniform and drink good health to ol' Jervie";
   model.id  =  "brtadm1_18";
   model.FaceId  =  405;
   model.minrank  =  6;
   model.nation  =  ENGLAND;
   model.price  =  9000;
   model.assigned  =  true;
Available for England only once you reach "national rank 6" in periods Colonial Powers, Revolutions and Napoleonic.
"minlevel" is for player level, such as shown here:
  model.description =  "The uniform of a man in the service of arms for Portugal.";
   model.id    =  "Soldier_Por4_17";
   model.FaceId   = 120;
   model.nation    =  PORTUGAL;
   model.price    =  850;
   model.minlevel   =  10;
   model.assigned   =  true;
   model.period = "" + PERIOD_COLONIAL_POWERS;
   AssignModelTypeNation(isstart, model, "Soldiers", 1.0, sti(model.nation));
I don't do epic, but this is pretty epic for me. My first successful boarding of this game.
If you get the chance, would you mind shooting the occasional video clip when you play? I know you have done so in the past.
I do believe that could be put to great use in a Beta 3 release trailer. You always do such a great job at showing variety! :cheers
Release Next Weekend: Epic Screenshots Needed!

So when you're playing, please just make some screenshots when you see cool things.
ESPECIALLY when they are new Beta 3 content. I'd even welcome shots of general game features even if they're not epic.
But I'll be needing something to accompany the Beta 3 release article. And I'd like to make it really cool! :cheeky
The Update I just posted should be the last one before the Beta 3 public release.
As before, I could still use more good screenshots for the release article that I'll be posting on Sunday along with the actual file.
I've got a bunch of pretty good ones, but most of those don't work well to illustrate the new, improved and fixed features.
Most of the improvements are in the interface screens and the maps. For gameplay there are the islands not letting the sun shine through and the cannons mod. What else? Well dependability, but how do you take a screenie of the game NOT crashing?

Like I said before I don't do epic and have started a new game anyway. Here is the Good Ship Lollipop.
Screenshots of Grenada can be posted, and it looks impressive I must say, compared to the other towns.
Beta 3 with my Waves&Skies Mod:

ENGINE 2013-09-27 21-29-03-70.jpg ENGINE 2013-09-28 12-33-29-98.jpg ENGINE 2013-09-28 12-33-33-52.jpg ENGINE 2013-09-28 12-33-35-78.jpg ENGINE 2013-09-28 12-34-56-61.jpg ENGINE 2013-09-27 13-01-01-43.jpg ENGINE 2013-09-27 13-15-01-88.jpg ENGINE 2013-09-26 19-15-04-81.jpg ENGINE 2013-09-26 19-15-07-21.jpg
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I'm in a different time period now so maybe something epic will happen. This is as close as it gets so far.
epic-1.jpg epic-2.jpg