The HMS Concorde... having just been taken by force of arms from pirates off the coast of Barbados, and being pursued by her erstwhile companions.
In other words... I had just started playing the main quest from a new game and decided to have a go at some pirates on the World Map. I captured this "Pirate Frigate", but I was sadly outmaneuvered during the pursuit. I turned to fight, as any True British Gentleman would, and much to my chagrin I was sunk by cannon fire. It didn't help that the ship had been badly damaged during the attack and most of the crew had been killed... and that I was on fire, with no "Ship Defense" ability...
I have to say that I am quite impressed with the new pirate warship models - when were these added, and what real life ships are they modelled on? After taking the Concorde I have been trying to capture another.