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Screenshots thread

And a good one too, as you can see there. ;)
The problem is that after i read your book, i started to miss more shots than before, but i guess my gunner must be drunk since the book has actual mathematical proof so it can't be questioned.xD
I'll try again:
The thing is in line 5 where you have divided both sides with a - b. But if a = b then a - b = 0. And division with 0 is not defined.
Yes, it's a classic one, that if you don't pay attention you miss the mistake.:yes

Beautiful Caribbean sunset:
a.png b.png
Ah; yet another of those fun things that I think the game engine is not supposed to be able to do.
But after a lot of fiddling around by several members, hey... it DOES work! :dance
Ah; yet another of those fun things that I think the game engine is not supposed to be able to do.
But after a lot of fiddling around by several members, hey... it DOES work! :dance
And that's a really good thing, because this scene is awesome...
You stuck on a unknown island, while your beloved ship sails away and you can't do anything.
But hey hopefully I will get her back again at the end of the main story! :cheers:pflag
Interesting, maybe after Hoist the Colors i will play Woodes Rogers! :cheers
You should! But leave any expectations based on other storylines far, FAR behind.
Woodes Rogers is NOT like the others!!
(With the exception of The Gold-Bug of course; for obvious reasons. ;) )

I got help to make this scene from..... @Pieter Boelen! :onya
Just for the actual "ship sailing away" bit.
I was mainly referring to all that awesomely cool stuff that you put in around that. :cheeky
Finished the main story, I really enjoyed it, thanks to who ever made it. :bow

Now side quests and after that Woodes Rogers.
I encountered a French merchant fleet close to Tortuga and captured all the ships.

I started with around 30,000 gold and ended up with:

Although i have seen better prizes, before...
Barbossa turned my crew against me.
I was broke, with less than 5000 gold and found a single British merchant with 2,000,000+ gold in silver and that's without the money gained for selling the ship and cannons.
The problem is that after i read your book, i started to miss more shots than before, but i guess my gunner must be drunk since the book has actual mathematical proof so it can't be questioned.xD

Yes, it's a classic one, that if you don't pay attention you miss the mistake.:yes
Well done. Now read that book again, scroll down to the part "Theorem: All numbers are equal.", and see if you can figure out what went wrong there. ;)
At a-t/2=b-t/2 we are not sure if either of them equals to a negative number.
Until a-t/2=b-t/2 everything is correct.
But while for example (-4)^2=4^2=16, 4 is not equal to -4, it's its opposite.
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I believe you have told me about this exploit somewhere @Grey Roger, but I didn't use since I didn't want to cheat, usually though I don't have many ships at once also I don't take officers with me to battle.

Still, it is an AWESOME fleet!
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