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Is that fort flag a personal flag then that looks like a pirate one? I don't think we had one of those... o_O
Sort of. Here's "frtflg3" (or rather, a .jpg conversion of it so it can show up here):

That non-standard flag is in the slot normally reserved for GUEST1_NATION, which in this period should be Sweden. So the game uses Blackbeard's flag for Swedish forts. All I did was capture Turks Island for Sweden. :D

If I'd done that in "Spanish Main" or "Colonial Powers" periods, the fort wouldn't have shown any flag at all because the Swedish flag hasn't been added:

That, of course, is going to change - and I can put the revised version of the Burgundy cross flag onto the "Early Explorers", "Spanish Main" and "Golden Age" files while I'm at it. That just leaves the question of why the Blackbeard flag is in the GUEST1_NATION slot in "Golden Age"...

You obviously know what you're doing and I'm sure you'll make a good decision.
The one thing I wonder about is what happens to that current fort flag ("white flag with the Bourbon coat of arms, after the War of Spanish succession").
I kind-of like the look of that one, so if it could be kept in use anywhere at all, that would have my preference. :doff
It's valid for "Colonial Powers". Jack Sparrow and Nathaniel Hawk will both see it. ;)
That non-standard flag is in the slot normally reserved for GUEST1_NATION, which in this period should be Sweden. So the game uses Blackbeard's flag for Swedish forts. All I did was capture Turks Island for Sweden. :D
That explains a lot! o_O

That just leaves the question of why the Blackbeard flag is in the GUEST1_NATION slot in "Golden Age"...
It's either an accident or something @Jack Rackham did in the past for storyline reasons.
I can't remember, so it's up to him now...

It's valid for "Colonial Powers". Jack Sparrow and Nathaniel Hawk will both see it. ;)
So it remains in use somewhere then? That's good enough for me! :cheers
Here's a revised version of "frtflg2", with the different version of the Burgundy cross and with a flag for Sweden.

"frtflg4" gets the Swedish flag and leaves the Spanish flag alone as it's the Bourbon coat of arms one. "frtflg3" gets the different Burgundy cross for Spain and leaves the Blackbeard flag alone for now in case changing it to Swedish would break something, though it does mean anyone who conquers a colony for Sweden in "Golden Age" will still see weirdness. xD
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Yes the Blackbeard flag is not only there because it looks good. Without it my quest will be completely broken.
A possible workaround could be if a Blackbeard flag is moved into pirflg3.tga. Which are the only custom pirate flags I can hoist on a fort.

So if a Blackbeard flag would exist in pirfl3.tga I can use my new fix to raise it.

Another though:
How about Guest nation 2, is it broken or disabled or something?
In Flags.c in the first block:
case GUEST2_NATION:    retVal = 6;
which is the same number PIRATE nation uses. o_O
There is an empty spot in the fortflags after the standard pirate flag...
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Yes the Blackbeard flag is not only there because it looks good. Without it my quest will be completely broken.
A possible workaround could be if a Blackbeard flag is moved into pirflg3.tga. Which are the only custom pirate flags I can hoist on a fort.

So if a Blackbeard flag would exist in pirfl3.tga I can use my new fix to raise it.
Using your new fix would be really awesome!
That would get the game closer again to how these systems were supposed to work (but never really did). :onya

How about Guest nation 2, is it broken or disabled or something?
The code for it was added, but never finished or used.
It should be possible, in theory, but might require some fixing and finishing.

In Flags.c in the first block:
case GUEST2_NATION: retVal = 6;
which is the same number PIRATE nation uses. o_O
That sounds quite weird, actually! Shouldn't it be 8, with the other Guest Nation being 7?
Maybe this was done to avoid an invisible flag if anyone did use the second Guest Nation?

In any case, I think you can safely play around with that code if you want.
It probably serves no purpose as far as I'm aware.
That sounds quite weird, actually! Shouldn't it be 8, with the other Guest Nation being 7?
I think it should be 7. Guest_Nation1 = 5.

I changed it to 7 and tried to raise a flag from Guest_Nation2
and look:

No errorlog etc.
So for me it would be best to move the Blackbeard flag from pos 5 to the white empty pos 7 in frtflg3.tga
And pos 5 is free again...
Using Guest Nation 2 instead of Guest Nation 1 works provided nobody tries to get Guest Nation 2 to work for, say, Denmark. ;)

Swapping the Blackbeard flag for something in "pirflg3.tga" and getting some more value from the work you already did on custom fort flags would perhaps be the best all-round solution, if that doesn't cause you problems?
I'd guessed that. ;) The red flag with sideways facing head, and the black version of same, will stay where they are. The easiest is probably to swap the smoking skull with the Blackbeard flag. And then edit "initModels.c" so that Julian McAllister, alias "Brave Black Flag", uses the smoking skull from its new position.

I'll also need to swap pennants and interface crests. Watch this space for an upload. Meanwhile, if you switch to using Flags.Personal = 6, Flags.Personal.texture = 2 for wherever the Blackbeard flag is supposed to appear, you should get the smoking skull flag for now, and should then return to the Blackbeard flag when I've finished my swapping and have uploaded the necessary files.
Try this. "frtflg3.tga" now has the Swedish flag in the "GUEST1_NATION" slot, replacing the Blackbeard flag. "pirflg1.tga" and "pirflg3.tga" have the Blackbeard and smoking skull flags swapped; ditto "pirpnt1.tga" and "pirpnt3.tga". The small interface flags and shields for the Blackbeard and smoking skull flags have their names swapped so that each flag still gets the correct interface picture. "PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c" and "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay.c" are changed to give "Brave Black Flag" the smoking skull flag in its new place.

So a colony captured for Sweden now flies the Swedish flag; playing as Julian McAllister ("Brave Black Flag") still gets you the smoking skull flag by default; and the Blackbeard flag should now be available as a custom fort flag in "Golden Age of Piracy" using your new code in "Flags.c".


  • pirate_flags.zip
    1.8 MB · Views: 177
"That pirate will be done for, when he falls into our trap!" :wp

The pirate in question is Isenbrandt Jurcksen, boss of the settlement on Nevis, who has just introduced me to this lass after a recent promotion. (I'm not sure whether she really is a relative, bearing in mind what's next door to Isenbrandt's house. :D) The trap is just a quick bit of renaming on my part...

Not sure I follow the reference, but anything with "Cutthroat Island" is a WIN in my book! :rofl
And a bonus "Curse of Monkey Island" reference. It's from the song "A Pirate I Was Meant To Be", which was borrowed for the music for an earlier version of the mod, which is how I got hold of it. :dance
I believe it was in Jack Black's "Cutthroat Island" music pack. And so the circle is complete. :D