I'm getting all sorts of weird error messages now, fighting with the mummies in the Cozumel Temple:This might be a bit experimental, but I think it works. I have made changes to the LAi_fightparams and LAi_events files that make EXP calculation take critical damage into account for both melee and ranged weapons, and make it so one gets EXP from using fists.
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 395
Negative func 'sqrt' argument
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 583
Unknown data type
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 583
Unknown data type
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 583
Unknown data type
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 585
string call argument isnt string var
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_events.c; line: 585
process event stack error
float exp = damage*((1.0 + erank*0.5)/(1.0 + rank*0.5)) * sqrt(erank);
Edit: Reason found. The erank definition only occurred when fighting with fists, but is ALWAYS used.
See attached for proposed fix.