Looks like it is two ships that capsize, but they apparently trigger a LOT of messages.
They're also making absolutely ZERO sense to me. As far as I can tell from that log file, we have the following two situations:
The 'Éliza' captained by Arnaud Foucault is in danger of capsizing!
ship.type = Brigantina1 of French design
ship.capacity = 942
fantomtype = war
crew.quantity = 149
cargo.load = 1024
cargo.goods = NONE WHATSOEVER!?!?
Indeed her load far exceeds her capacity, so indeed she should be capsizing. But the capacity of my test ship of the same type is 2266 and NOT 942.
Crew quantity is also 251 as opposed to 149. Those are some pretty large differences.
But those are nothing compared to her NOT HAVING ANY CARGO! At all.
How does that work!?!?
The 'Blanco' captained by Abundantius Roma is in danger of capsizing!
ship.type = PiratBrig50 of Portuguese design
ship.capacity = 1162
fantomtype = war
crew.quantity = 147
cargo.load = 1162
cargo.goods =
ration = 32 (full is 138)
rum = 34 (full is 69)
balls = 338 (full is 660)
grapes = 240 (full is 660)
Doing a manual check on this ship type, I got one with a capacity of 2705 which can fit full supplies like she should plus 229 crew.
So I don't understand where that capacity of 1162 comes from as that is much too low.
She also has substantially less crew than the one I've got here and only a fraction of the cargo she's supposed to be able to carry.
She doesn't have any other cargo, although she's supposed to be able to fit also chainshot, gunpowder, sailcloth and planks.
Also, her number of balls appears to be decreasing. But how is that even possible when she doesn't even have ANY gunpowder to fire them with?
The load is also equal to the capacity, which means she technically is full, but not overloaded.
So she shouldn't be capsizing in the first place.
That being said, it does look like both ships are of type war which I did treat differently than the others.
My two test ships indeed have got virtually no free cargo space at all, which means that with some randomization, they could easily get into trouble.
For the next update, I'll give navy ships 1/3rd extra cargo capacity instead of only 1/10th. Perhaps that will help?
I also have got NOT THE FOGGIEST why GiveShip2Character starts "making up" national designs for ship.
If I ask for a pirate design ship, it'll probably BE a pirate design. Except when it's Portuguese, Spanish or Dutch. Or something.
The random stats for ships don't exactly make this simpler either. Those stats are ALL OVER THE PLACE.
The same ship may have a capacity of 2900 but this could go up to 4400 due to these changing national designs that I'm not asking for.
BLURGH! This is really annoying. Time to go do something else for a while.
They're also making absolutely ZERO sense to me. As far as I can tell from that log file, we have the following two situations:
The 'Éliza' captained by Arnaud Foucault is in danger of capsizing!
ship.type = Brigantina1 of French design
ship.capacity = 942
fantomtype = war
crew.quantity = 149
cargo.load = 1024
cargo.goods = NONE WHATSOEVER!?!?
Indeed her load far exceeds her capacity, so indeed she should be capsizing. But the capacity of my test ship of the same type is 2266 and NOT 942.
Crew quantity is also 251 as opposed to 149. Those are some pretty large differences.
But those are nothing compared to her NOT HAVING ANY CARGO! At all.
How does that work!?!?
The 'Blanco' captained by Abundantius Roma is in danger of capsizing!
ship.type = PiratBrig50 of Portuguese design
ship.capacity = 1162
fantomtype = war
crew.quantity = 147
cargo.load = 1162
cargo.goods =
ration = 32 (full is 138)
rum = 34 (full is 69)
balls = 338 (full is 660)
grapes = 240 (full is 660)
Doing a manual check on this ship type, I got one with a capacity of 2705 which can fit full supplies like she should plus 229 crew.
So I don't understand where that capacity of 1162 comes from as that is much too low.
She also has substantially less crew than the one I've got here and only a fraction of the cargo she's supposed to be able to carry.
She doesn't have any other cargo, although she's supposed to be able to fit also chainshot, gunpowder, sailcloth and planks.
Also, her number of balls appears to be decreasing. But how is that even possible when she doesn't even have ANY gunpowder to fire them with?
The load is also equal to the capacity, which means she technically is full, but not overloaded.
So she shouldn't be capsizing in the first place.
That being said, it does look like both ships are of type war which I did treat differently than the others.
My two test ships indeed have got virtually no free cargo space at all, which means that with some randomization, they could easily get into trouble.
For the next update, I'll give navy ships 1/3rd extra cargo capacity instead of only 1/10th. Perhaps that will help?
I also have got NOT THE FOGGIEST why GiveShip2Character starts "making up" national designs for ship.
If I ask for a pirate design ship, it'll probably BE a pirate design. Except when it's Portuguese, Spanish or Dutch. Or something.
The random stats for ships don't exactly make this simpler either. Those stats are ALL OVER THE PLACE.
The same ship may have a capacity of 2900 but this could go up to 4400 due to these changing national designs that I'm not asking for.
BLURGH! This is really annoying. Time to go do something else for a while.

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