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Abandoned Realistic Cargo Mod Beta Version Update 2

@Grey Roger How is the cargo "larger" than the entire ship I'm not pulling these numbers out of thin air. Where is the total displacement for the Indy because If I use the tons burthen from the wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Indefatigable_(1784) it shouldn't be bigger than what the Indy's tonnage is. As far as carrying the entire cargo from the Fast Merchantmen yes you should it's a smaller ship based off the Kreyser class frigates roughly half the size of the Indy so yes you should be able to plunder her entire hold bigger ships could plunder entire smaller ships I don't see it as a problem. As I said I just added the realistic cannon weight this update so check it out and then try the same thing over you shouldn't be able to plunder as many Merchantmen per trip even less so after I add crew weight.
@Grey Roger the RN_Battlefrigate is actually based off the Constitution even though it says Endymion there all the same model and type which is why I added the Constitutions bm to all 4 models. As far as the Indy goes if you can show me a link with the Indy's total tonnage grt I'll happily change her but until I see it/find it i'm leaving her as is.
@Grey Roger Figured it out so the HMS Indefatigable as so mentioned is actually the HMS Surprise and was changed to the HMS Indefatigable so I gave her the Indy's stats. My apologies for the confusion I thought you were saying that the Indy wasn't as big as she was in real life. In my defense that model isn't the Indy it's the Surprise given a new name I had 200+ ships to go through so it's an easy thing to miss. So i'll change the HMS Surprise/Indefatigable to something of her class.
The Indy in the game is defined in "ships_init.c", the same file you've been editing to increase all the cargo capacities. Ships' weights are shown on the line above their capacities. ;) It is nothing like the Indefatigable which you found on Wikipedia, and which was a 3rd rate ship of the line. The game one is supposed to represent the frigate depicted in the "Hornblower" books and is a much smaller ship. A quick look through "threedecks.org" shows HMS Maidstone, a fifth rate frigate of 32 guns, fewer than our Indy but then some of them were 24 lb carronade whereas Indy only has 12 lb cannon. That ship had a burthen tonnage of about 804 tons, which isn't far off considering the burthen (burden) was reckoned to be about 3/5 of the ship's total displacement - the game gives the Indy a weight of 1300 tons. This, then, is the real ship which I would suggest best fits our Indefatigable.

Incidentally, that might save you a bit of effort, especially for any other ships in the game based on fictitious vessels, for which no real-world data is available. Just use the tonnage given in the "Weight" line in "ships_init.c", multiply by 3/5, and there's your burthen tonnage. Multiply that by 20 to convert to hundredweight. You can read about how ships' cargo tonnages were estimated, not least for tax purposes, here:
Thanks @Grey Roger :onya been using Builders Old Measurement for the ships I couldn't find the bm info for. Had no idea that the weights were actually in the Ships.Init hope there all accurate (I'll double check jik) cause that would make my job a ton easier. I'll see if I can find a closer match to the Surprise/Indefatigable a 42 gun fifth rate if I can't find anything closer i'll use the info from the Maidstone.
Had no idea that the weights were actually in the Ships.Init hope there all accurate (I'll double check jik) cause that would make my job a ton easier.
Don't count on it.... :wp

Also, what about having the numbers automatically calculated? If indeed there is a direct relation between capacity and tonnage, then that can be automated as well.
At least then we would ensure that it all matches with each other and fits whatever needs to fit in the actual game.
@Pieter Boelen: That is something I could implement instead of manually changing each ships cargo capacity still working on getting the blasted cargo to recalculate constantly but I can add it to the list. Having my friend over tomorrow so hopefully we can get it up and running got the realistic cannon weight inputted in though so at least there's some forward progress today.

A quick question while I have you. Where would I need to put the code for adding weight to the crew if you know? Index search turned up 554 entries lol. right now I believe they just count as 1cwt I'd like to raise them to 1.5 or even 2cwt as it would add more balance to the heavier ships plus as I said before each crewman brought a small chest on board so 2cwt could effectively simulate both crewman and his belongings.
A quick question while I have you. Where would I need to put the code for adding weight to the crew if you know? Index search turned up 554 entries lol. right now I believe they just count as 1cwt I'd like to raise them to 1.5 or even 2cwt as it would add more balance to the heavier ships plus as I said before each crewman brought a small chest on board so 2cwt could effectively simulate both crewman and his belongings.
Put #define CREW_WEIGHT 1.5 in PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h . Then find this:
loadSpace = loadSpace + GetTotalCrewQuantity(_refCharacter));
And replace with:
loadSpace = loadSpace + GetTotalCrewQuantity(_refCharacter)) * CREW_WEIGHT;
See here for details on how to find that code: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/...d-number-in-cargo-capacity.24953/#post-505884

@Pieter Boelen: That is something I could implement instead of manually changing each ships cargo capacity still working on getting the blasted cargo to recalculate constantly but I can add it to the list. Having my friend over tomorrow so hopefully we can get it up and running got the realistic cannon weight inputted in though so at least there's some forward progress today.
If you haven't seen it yet, check my last post in that same thread which covers my thoughts on how to set up the automatic calculation.
That could save a lot of work and the method is already fairly well-defined; it just has to be rewritten a bit to calculate weight instead of adding the goods.
But there are functions to do that, so should be quite possible.
. This has worked fine for many years and the only reason we disabled it is because the calculation of prices didn't go right.
But it sure shouldn't be causing any crashes or weirdness other than the pricing issue. :no

Been looking at the functions in PROGRAMS/INTERFACE/store.c with a view to re-instating a multiplier.

In the current version there are a few problems

1) RefreshAllStrings puts the wrong (4/3 value - lowTrade) value for sale transactions as price in the banner line between character money and store money (fixed for non lowTrade in strore.c below).

2) Repeated increase and decrease trade quantity scrolling gives unstable prices.

3) Multipliers (if enabled) increase impact of 2 and give wrong values too.

4) four figure cost price cannot be displayed as an average (the in brackets figure).

In the attached file I have

fixed (1) - but if lowTrade value is to be used (I currently see at in globals as set false and not altered elsewhere) a test and adjusted figure will need re-instating in RefreshAllStrings.

2) I have changed trade increase/decrease on sell to a linear average - this avoids the problem of trying to synchronise price increase and decrease levels. It in someways makes more sense - why should a merchant give you a price for xxx units but then give you more if you decide to only sell xx?

When buying I have enabled a 10x multiplier which generally gives you a small bonus for "bulk" buying, but have disabled the multiplier on reducing bought amount to avoid price drift allowing enhanced purchase prices - well actually you can reduce back to 1 unit and get that cheaper but it would take a long time and many transactions to make any significant cost savings.

3) As above I have re-instated multipliers (x10 only) for selling (where you don't really need them anyway!) and for buying increased quantities.

4) This remains a "problem" which could be addressed by dropping the price of gold into three figures. I don't think this would have a significant economic impact (I doubt anyone makes a living trading gold) but is a step too far for me to incorporate. It may be part of the price changes in the new cargo modd?

Anyway here is the amended store.c for evaluation.


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Cool! I will have to check this out when I can find the time, but I can't make any promises on when that will be.
Hey guys sorry I haven't been on this week been another one of those 6 day work weeks we have 4 new sites and were spread too thin on personnel might be this way for a week or two until we can free up some people so we can get more days off. Gonna try to work on the mod Sunday @pedrwyth I will also take a look at your new store config a hearty thanks for working on it btw. Got the crew weight working properly at 1.5 cwt a person might adjust if necessary but for now I think it fits well. Hopefully can get the recalculate code done this weekend as I had to cancel earlier this week due to being press ganged lol.
Still on vacation, but managed to make some progress on this over the past few days.
Will include this in an update next week because I don't have access to reliable Internet right now.

Anyway, the function to calculate the weight required for a standard Auto Buy supply has been written.
I put it to use to automatically recalculate all ships' Cargo capacities.
For now, all merchant and versatile ships will remain unchanged from Beta 3.4 but with extra space added to allow for the cannons and crew.

Navy ships automatically get double supplies and therefore also double capacity.
However, they only get 1/10th of their normal capacity extra for Cargo that aren't supplies.

Functionality is now in place to set the capacities for the ships as being purely the free capacity for merchant use.
All extra space required for supplies, cannons and crew will be automatically added.

Individual Ships can get a multiplier to give them more or less supply space.
This can be used to distinguish between regular ships that are based on 30 day supplies and coastal ships that would get less.
Navy ships can get more space that way as well.

As said, the next update will be based on the original Beta 3.4 values (so without @J Norrington's), but hopefully he can make use of my code changes to redo the capacities one more time to make full use of these new changes.
@Pieter Boelen thank you sir I will readjust the cargo capacities next week my appologies for being a ghost the last two weeks my companies been working me to bone latley should slow down next week after we get the new personell
No worries, mate. At least you weren't working on this at the same time I was messing around with it as well.
Now you'll be able to build on the changes I made so far. Hopefully that makes things a bit simpler on you.
My changes are now included in here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-5-internal-wip-for-testing.24817
Please have a look at it so that you know what is already done. All capacities in ships_init.c are still to be redone,
but at least I think the current state should make sense when compared to Beta 3.4 .

To all players, please post here if you notice any ships' cargo capacities that seem incorrect to you.
@Pieter Boelen thank you sir I will readjust the cargo capacities next week my appologies for being a ghost the last two weeks my companies been working me to bone latley should slow down next week after we get the new personell
Free Play: Ship capsizing, a lot of them. I got at message : This should not happen , please post Compile log.


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