This is my review of the game Pirates of the Burning Sea
Basically this game is a waste of time and money and the game
should have died when Sony Online Entertainment ("SOE") said
that they had enough of this game.
The company that took over this game Portalus
does absolutely nothing to actually try and control what happens in
the game itself and the only thing that they seem to care about is
to try and soak the players for as much money as they can.
Even though they list it as "Free to play" they limit as to what you can do
in game such as the number of boat slots you have avaiable to only 2
and the number of economy slots to two slots as well.
There is also word that Portalus is going to bring back the Captain's Club
as well which was put in place by Sony Online Entertainment as well
where there is a subcription each month as well.
Once you get into the game you start to find all of this out and that you
have to purchase all of this if you truely want to be able to play
this game on Treasure Isle which is their online store.
Griefing a huge problem in this game as well as cross teaming where people
are making multiple accounts and playing in multiple nations and using information
from one nation to another to gain an advantage in the game. Again Portalus is
doing absolutely nothing to try and stop this and control any of this and make
this game actually fair.
The problem with the cross teaming even goes as far as using one account in one
nation to find out what another nation or indvidiaul is doing and then using
that information to attack and kill another player.
Once again Portalus has no staff in game and no one there to stop these kind of
things. Players get away with pretty much what ever they want in game. Portalus
can put what ever rules they want on their website but they have absolutely no one
in game to actually enforce the rules that they set so what good is really having
these rules.
Over all this game is horribly run by Portalus Games and should have died with
Sony. If this is how Portalus games is going to run this game then it probably
won't be around for too much longer.
All of these problems clearly show in game where the number of servers were cut from
11 to 4 and now they have cut that down further to just 2 servers. Roberts and Antigua
The economy on this game is extremely screwed up as well and is to the point where it
is just broken The Avatar combat system ("AVCOM") where players can fight each other
person to person is also extremely busted and doesn't work there have been multiple
complaints about the AVCOM system being busted in this game but yet Portalus still
has not fixed it.
The missions that you do in this game are nothing more than a repeat of the one before
you end up seeing the same mission with a very slight twist over and over using the same
areas for the missions as well. It gets very boring, very fast.
Yet another problem with this game currently is that every time you log into the game
you get a message popping up on your screen saying that it could not connect to port
7000-7100 UDP and that it is going to use TCP instead of UDP. Portalus has known
about this for a long time now and has done absolutely nothing to fix it.
It has nothing to do with the players end either everyone is getting that same message
it seems. Half-Hitch one of the staff claims they are "working on it" but there has
been absolutely no progress what so ever.
"We're working on the problem."
The graphics on the game are medicore to lowend at best and really nothing special at all.
A lot better job could have been done with the graphics on this game.
Also another annoying problem with this game is after you have been playing it for a while
you get an error popping up saying "Out of memory" even if you have 4 Gig or 8 gig or RAM.
Again this is a problem with the game which has never been corrected. Your game crashes
back to your desktop and you disconnected from the game.
Oh and you are probably saying to yourself why not submit a ticket to Portalus well
good luck with that I was informed by the Support person that there is only ONE
person currently doing support for this game and that is him. There is no one
else helping him.
Over all Pirates of the Burning Sea ("POTBS") is a huge failure and should be avoided.
And Portalus if you are reading this please do everyone a favor and let this game die
in peace and put it to rest.