• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Porting New Horizons to Maelstrom Engine

@DH27 just to let you know that you probably won't need this fix. We added a piece of code in the Engine that will prevent these type of bugs in all quests. Will be available with the next Maelstrom update :)
Awesome, thanks a lot! I think I will await the next Maelstrom update then, since I won't have much time to play this week anyway :)
I retried lockpicking the chest in the Woodes Rogers quest, however as shown in the screenshot attached, it looks like the engine isn't able to load the quests_reaction.c, resulting in my character getting stuck in the fighting pose. I wasn't sure if there has already been a new update to the itch app version, so I just wanted to ask if I should wait a bit more before playing again? I haven't tried the manual fix, because in general I don't want to risk breaking the installation in case new updates are pushed through itch.


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I can see an improvement: the 6 shots are now placed on top of the character portrait. In storm engine there was place only for 4. :guns:
I retried lockpicking the chest in the Woodes Rogers quest, however as shown in the screenshot attached, it looks like the engine isn't able to load the quests_reaction.c, resulting in my character getting stuck in the fighting pose. I wasn't sure if there has already been a new update to the itch app version, so I just wanted to ask if I should wait a bit more before playing again? I haven't tried the manual fix, because in general I don't want to risk breaking the installation in case new updates are pushed through itch.

If you used the files I sent you, it should work! This video proves it:
Thanks for the video, I will use the files then :)

Edit: The manual fix indeed works perfectly, thanks a lot!
Good to see it's fixed. :onya
In storm engine the F3 button works for any sort of chest action. I also changed the chest icon
to different looks here and there.
Hey guys,
I think I might have another Maelstrom specific bug for you, since I am not experiencing the following behaviour in the Storm engine version of the game:

According to the wiki, I am currently on Woodes Rogers (08) - Cave Shore, more specifically on the last sentence in the part of Phineas Bunce. The game automatically equipped my anchor, as soon as I climbed up the rocks on the shore, to bang on the side of the stuck boat, but when I "attack" the boat, the dude in the boat simply doesn't wake up. I have used the attack function on the middle mouse button as well as the one on the left mouse button, both don't seem to be working. I tried the same procedure in the Storm engine verison, where I was able to wake the guy up with one light attack, having pressed down on the left mouse button.

I have attached my latest Maelstrom savefile in case you guys want to have a look on it. If you were to be interested in the Storm engine savefile too, I would be able attach that as well.

I have added Pieter Boelen as a contributor of this mod. Just to be clear, I'm completely aware that Maelstrom will never be officially accepted by the PA!
I have added Pieter cause he sent me a few fixes for Maelstrom New Horizons. Anyone who ever changed a single line of this project, I will always give credit.
yes. Download and paste those two files in \RESOURCE\INI


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Okay, not sure if this is a bug or a new feature, but in Tales of the Sea Hawk, while I am on Barbados and in the taverns, I am only finding Master at Arms officers at the tables, I have gone in and out of the taverns several times and its always a Master at Arms officer at the tables.
Okay, not sure if this is a bug or a new feature, but in Tales of the Sea Hawk, while I am on Barbados and in the taverns, I am only finding Master at Arms officers at the tables, I have gone in and out of the taverns several times and its always a Master at Arms officer at the tables.

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