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Mod Release Open Sea Mod and Realism Settings

I'm trying to decide which mode I want. Mode 1 or mode 2.
Realistic Game Mode remains unchanged. Arcade Mode has a couple realism options that tend to confuse people now switched off.
Note that if you want part of the Iron Man Mode realism options, there will be separate toggles at the top of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h:
// ======================================
// ======================================
#define OPEN_SEA_MOD            0                // BOOL - 1=ON - Worldmap enlarged for realistic DirectSail
#define WORLDMAP_DISABLED        0                // BOOL - 1=ON - DirectSail enforced
#define SAILTO_DISABLED            0                // BOOL - 1=ON - Cannot Sail-To any ships at sea
#define ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED        0                // BOOL - 1=ON - Spyglass and compass additional information disabled, cannot move camera to non-player ships
#define REALISTIC_ABILITIES        0                // BOOL - 1=ON - Rush, Immediate Reload and Instant Boarding disabled
#define ITEM_REALISM            0                // BOOL - 1=ON - Items like rubies, diamonds and inca statuettes give no skill bonuses (books and items like compass etc. still do)
We're trying to set this up so everybody can have the game experience they want. ;)

Edit: Without too many clicks, if possible. ESPECIALLY for those people confused by Realism, because they are the ones who can't be bothered to turn off mods! :whipa

Do you have that penalty for class 3 and above ships fixed? I tinker with the shipyard stuff so I can sail anything without a penalty.
Yep! Now with Leadership and Sailing at 9, you can command Tier 1 ships without penalty. :yes

What On-Sea data are we talking about? Since the ships do not model damage besides masts falling and sails getting holed I like some data. That said I usually use the common spyglass and rarely the superior spyglass.
The spyglass and compass information as per this article: http://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons/features/arcade-realistic-and-iron-man-game-mode
That is all still the same.
Thanks a lot!

I just did a quick test to see if the Iron Man Mode toggle works and indeed it does.
It is also incredible just how much that changes the game. Even during the quick test I did just sailing around Puerto Rico (with PLENTY time compression),
the lack of Sail-To, Worldmap and Spyglass really forces you into the game world.

First, I noticed that I didn't see any other ships straight out of port, like normally I do. And it was foggy too.
So I started sailing around the island, trying to find other ships. In the meantime, the fog started clearing a bit, but it was getting dark too.
Night came and went, had to turn around because the wind was coming from the other direction and just as I was getting dubious on ever encountering another ship,
there was a Spanish Bermuda Sloop. I had been flying a fake Spanish flag myself, but I only noticed they had recognized me when they opened fire.

Just feels so much more real like that, doesn't it? NO interfaces telling you what ships are around, no log messages telling you that you're recognized,
no spyglass telling you the nation of the ships you encounter. Too bad I can't afford to play much like that, but it IS cool! :woot
Just feels so much more real like that, doesn't it? NO interfaces telling you what ships are around, no log messages telling you that you're recognized,
no spyglass telling you the nation of the ships you encounter. Too bad I can't afford to play much like that, but it IS cool! :woot

Most definitely. It is much more immersive. It is worth the additional time spent playing, in my opinion.
Most definitely. It is much more immersive. It is worth the additional time spent playing, in my opinion.
Oh, it IS worth it, I'm certain. That's why I added that functionality in the first place. It's just that there are only so many hours in a day.
It'd be worth it to play through the Jack Sparrow, Hornblower and Woodes Rogers storylines as well, but never got round to it.
I'm looking forward to a time, perhaps soon, when I can do a bit more playing because the worst bugs have been fixed and important outstanding projects have been completed.
Then perhaps I can give all that a try. It's been so long since I actually played this game.

Will have to wait until Build 14 Beta 3 is released though. First need to complete a a stable Beta 2.5, then merge and adapt Pirate_KK's code.
By that time, we'll need to do plenty testing before being able to continue. So maybe then....
Wow, with my Options Screen fix, you can now switch between Arcade and Iron Man Mode on the fly! :shock
Some parts of the realism modes do require a new game to be started though, so not everything will work 100% as you would expect in this case.
However, if you're playing Iron Man Mode and really, REALLY want to use the worldmap, you can swap modes and use the worldmap anyway.
Cheers! Strange how fixing that long-standing bug turned out to be easier than fixing the Cannons Interface.
Maybe nobody really did try over the past few years. :shrug
I installed the latest files and started a new game. I'm having trouble getting the Open Sea mod to work. The normal realistic mod works but playing with the settings at the top of internalsettings.h had no effect.
In what way did the InternalSettings.h toggles not take effect?

I did catch one error with the Map Interface, which is fixed with the attached file. Extract to PROGRAM\INTERFACE .
This is hardly a crucial problem though; all it did was to display all the town labels on the chart unintentionally. :facepalm


  • a_map.zip
    3.2 KB · Views: 118
Found another general Open Sea Mod error with the F2>Maps>Archipelago Map. Extract attached to PROGRAM\ITEMS to fix.

Other than that, I had my game on Arcade Mode and set the Open Sea Mod on in InternalSettings.h, then checked to see if it really was on.
Appears to be working fine. :shrug


  • initItems.zip
    40 KB · Views: 111
Changing the 1st item from 0 to 1 did nothing. Changing other items back and forth did not get it to work either. Next I will go into advanced options and toggle things there.
Just tested myself. Set all Iron Man toggles at the top of InternalSettings.h to 1 in Arcade Game Mode.
Result was exactly as it should be: Arcade Game Mode with Open Sea Mod + Sail-To + Worldmap disabled, etc.
So it's working fine for me, I'm afraid. :confused:
No problems with Open Seas here, though I admit I used it stock, and did not toggle anything InternalSettings.h
You're using full Iron Man Mode? I thought you didn't want the WHOLE shebang of that mode? :shock
I noticed there were some port and deck locations where the waves still pass through the bottom of the location model, so I've been fixing that today by decreasing their MaxSeaHeight.
But while I was at it, for those deck and cabin locations that DO allow it, I've been enabling BIGGER waves. That should add a bit to the atmosphere in the game.
So when you're walking around your ship in a storm or visiting your captain's cabin, you will actually see some proper waves out there.
See here for a sample screenshot: