Now that I'm retired and no longer have to be concerned about the constant drug testing at work, Pieter Hein has me thinking about the good old days.
Jeff: It looks like the distortion is worse on your 4:3 than on my 16:9.
If I knew coding I would try to disable one of those files Armada mentioned above, specifically the one set at a 45 degree angle. That should give you a perfectly round moon and me a slightly flattened moon.
My last monitor was a 19" 4:3 flatscreen. Before that it was a 22" NEC crt that was so big and heavy that I had to put a brace under the desk to keep it from sagging under the load. The thing with crt's is that over time the picture gets fuzzy. Yours still seems to be ok tho.

Jeff: It looks like the distortion is worse on your 4:3 than on my 16:9.

My last monitor was a 19" 4:3 flatscreen. Before that it was a 22" NEC crt that was so big and heavy that I had to put a brace under the desk to keep it from sagging under the load. The thing with crt's is that over time the picture gets fuzzy. Yours still seems to be ok tho.