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WIP Officer perk contributions

I can use all my Perk points in the same perk, still dont get it.
Talking about the new Perks. So if I get, pr. ex. Damage Control its not possible to have the next one Improved Damage Control
and so it is with all the other new ones. I will now try to chance the setup, see if this will help, if not I dont know whats going on.
@Levis Still not right here. Maybe my setup making me troubles? ( Auto Skill of, Unlock Perks, Perks cost 1)
If you think I ought to change the setup, I will do that happily?
@Levis: If you don't have any such errors anymore, could you perhaps try ANSEL's combination of settings in case it makes a difference?
I imagine it is difficult to get it all working correctly for all possible combinations of settings, but I think we do want to maintain those toggles, right?
@Cassadar can you guess what I'm going to ask :p?
Yes and I'm rolling my eyes at you (just kidding :p).

I'm going a bit paranoid now, so I will try this for you:
- copy my folder for the stock version
- installing the July Build Mod
- installing the September 23rd WIP
- getting Levis' latest zip
- activate your toggles
- playtest a bit

Takes a bit time though, I'll give feedback as soon as I'm able to.
Huh, where do you toggle Autoskill (how is the function called)? Can't find it in InternalSettings.h.
it should be somewhere in the options (ingame) easiest way imo is to open the options file (in potc folder) with a text editor and search for this:


and set it to 0
@Levis That will be a quite difficult way to do it, compared with I was saying in post 128.
Okay, I'm back. It definitely works with your settings on a fresh installation. I assume you already have Levis' latest zip (was updated at 21:25h), so perhaps your installation got corrupted somehow? Though I have also noticed, that sometimes you have to press F11 several times before everything gets reinitialised. Maybe this is your problem?
@ Thanks for your effort with this. If this is the case I will try with a new fresh install,
in a matter of a fact I will do it now. Maybe it will clear it up for me, with all the strange
problem I had to fight lately . :thumbs1
Great to hear that it's working. Also, better make a backup copy of your PotC installation (if you haven't done this already, of course). Saves you a lot of time in case you have to reinstall again. :doff

Now for the Rigging perks... I made this so far:

Do you guys think this would be good? If not, you know what to do.


  • rigging.7z
    66.4 KB · Views: 150
@Cassadar Thanks for the advice about backup, but my computer is so
fast, it only takes a few minutes for it to fix a complete fresh install.
Anyway I have a backup by the hand.
Having installed "Levis_Fixes_2-10.zip" yesterday, I got a whole mass of messages in "error.log" to do with perks. See attached.


  • error.log
    5 KB · Views: 175
for others like @Tingyun , @Grey Roger , @Pillat and @pedrwyth some questions:
- which officer should fix riggin
- do you have sugestions for names for the perks
The carpenter is the officer in charge of ship repairs, so unless you're going to define a new specialised "Rigger" officer, I'd say he's the one who should be in charge of rigging. At present it's repaired along with the hull, isn't it? Why change that?
The carpenter is the officer in charge of ship repairs, so unless you're going to define a new specialised "Rigger" officer, I'd say he's the one who should be in charge of rigging.
What about renaming the "Navigator" with "Sailing Master" and linking it to him instead?

At present it's repaired along with the hull, isn't it? Why change that?
Probably because it used to be Hull+Sails+Crew. Crew is now split off and given to the Doctor.
So should Hull+Sails remain linked?
Yes, I'd say all repairs should remain under the carpenter's supervision. He's the age of sail equivalent to a modern ship's chief engineer - he's in charge of all repairs. I wouldn't expect the navigator, sailing master, helmsman or whatever else you want to call him, to be involved.

Anyway, the navigator/sailing master is going to have enough perks to collect with "Sea Wolf" and all its prerequisites. He doesn't need to be given a new range at the expense of devaluing the carpenter.
I was thinking along the lines of commanding the various crewmembers to take down the affected sails in mid-battle and such.
My assumption would be that the carpenter is busy below deck, so it would be somebody in charge of sails on the upper deck taking care of at least part of that.
But honestly I have no real clue how that would've worked back in the days and it was just a random thought anyway. :cheeky
Someone else would certainly be in charge of ordering sails to be lowered or raised, just as on a modern ship someone other than the chief engineer is responsible for giving the command "1/2 astern" or "full ahead". It doesn't mean that's the person in charge of repairing the sails or engines respectively. ;) (In "Hornblower" there's a scene in which Hornblower remarks to Bush that sails need to be taken in because of the weather, Bush says that the captain needs to be told, and it's the captain who then gives the order, and Midshipman Wellard who notices the damage that is caused to the sails as a result. The ship's carpenter is not involved, mainly because there is no carpenter character - we can assume that he gets the damaged sail to patch up later.)