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Nelson's First Command & Lucky Jack in the War of 1812

So, I tried again, double checked, and no luck. It all works quite fine except for the medium size portrait it seems. Here's the current state:


  • Nelson.zip
    376.5 KB · Views: 404
I'll see what I can do as soon as I have a bit of time to spare for it. :doff
Use a lower portrait number. 103 is free and should work.

Other than that your upload excludes a RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\Nelson folder, so I made one myself.

Not sure what storyline this one is based on. Seems to be a mix between Jack Aubrey, Brave Black Flag and Standard.
I made some changes in the hope of enabling the various sidequests that Brave Black Flag has, but I am not at all sure if it will work like this....
Did you get the portrait to work then by using the lower number? In any case, can you send along the new/updated files? :popcorn:
Feel free to also give feedback on other stuff. We ar getting very close to a new release again.
I'm sorry I haven't read to the whole thread, this storyline is still free to play right? Are some of the other things included already (tutorial or sidequests)?
Tutorial is skipped. I tried to have sidequests enabled like in Brave Black Flag, but I'm not sure if I succeeded.
I was doing a gazillion things at the same time and didn't give it my full attention. That is for @FlyingGhost to figure out! :cheeky
It seems like the sidequests do indeed work, well done that man! :doff

Now, I'll see if I have time to squeeze in the changes to the officers that I intended before release. After that I believe I'll indulge in a playthrough to see if everything works as intended (and maybe check some more sidequests).
Okay, here are the latest (and last) changes for now.

I'll do some testing today, of sidequests, fetchquests, and whatever I can get my hands on.


  • NelsonStorylineUpdate 11-01-15.zip
    7.8 KB · Views: 313
How about RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\Nelson\QUESTBOOK\Beginning.txt?
How does one change the relationship of nations via the StartStoryline.c? If we want England to be at war with the U.S. in the Jack Aubrey storyline for example? As default England and the U.S. are neutral in the Napoleonic period.

(Such an option would also prove nice in relation to a Danish nation. Denmark'd be neutral in all periods as default, but they were allied with Napoleon after 1807, so that'll affect the relationships in the Jean Lafitte start for example.)
Have a look at the Bartolomeu version of that file; I think that one contains an override on nation relations at the bottom.
Ah, so I assume this is it.

// PB: Modify Default Relations
SetNationRelationBoth(ENGLAND, PORTUGAL, RELATION_FRIEND); // Bartolomeu: Required for story

Just a quick note that I would need any final updates to your starting scenario at the latest some time this weekend. :doff