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Nassau 1715, a game modification for ArmA3

This looks very promising! Can't wait to sail and handle ships with my mates!

It would be great to have a ship vs. ship multiplayer mode where you can steer, manage rigging, fire guns, as well as muskets and pistols, and board with axes and swords. I suppose that's what you're aiming for at first?
Sooo. Blackwake?
Sooo. Blackwake?

I tried that, and it was very wonky and a bit too silly for me.

This has a lot more potential, I think, especially for more realism, the engine being ideal for a combat simulator - and perhaps a sailing simulator to some degree? One can only hope.
Yes, that's what we're aiming for and most of what you describe is already functional. We currently working on ship boarding mechanics, clapping to and boarding. The only thing that eludes us right now is decent melee mechanics but there's a few melee options in ArmA that we're looking at.
By the way, Arma III is on offer on Humble Bundle for the next three days. Doesn't get much cheaper :)
I tried Arma3 - really fun and has loads of potential - even i can see that as a non-modder. Double keyboard presses - loads of pop-ups, keyboard and mouse combos, interchangeable kit and vehicles - really good looking game too.

Even the tutorial hints at ideas for a scenario - in Arma3 tutorial you have to help find a lost squad reading a map, recording bearings and triangulating points on the map yourself. Something under the hood checks your map notations and gives you a pass/fail on that - possibly enabling a coastal charting mission for a pirate surveyor on board where you have to do your best job to mark some reefs/landmarks and it is checked against a hidden game map?

Can't wait to try the Persephone mod
Even the tutorial hints at ideas for a scenario - in Arma3 tutorial you have to help find a lost squad reading a map, recording bearings and triangulating points on the map yourself. Something under the hood checks your map notations and gives you a pass/fail on that - possibly enabling a coastal charting mission for a pirate surveyor on board where you have to do your best job to mark some reefs/landmarks and it is checked against a hidden game map?
Actual navigation challenges as part of the gameplay? Niiice!:love
Yes - i thought so too and was quite enjoyable. I'm not sure how much of it was scripted or how much might be in the later levels - probably an element of it in high realism MP maybe?

But it seems you needed to place the map mark in the right spot for the tutorial to continue. The lost squad tells you they are "definitely West of Village A" as they remember passing through it. Then they tell you they can see a Church on a hill at bearing 130 - so the Sergeant tells you to "do a 180" and you calculate the bearing from the church to them and have to triangulate. The way they do it in the game has some issues (they assume exactly west of the village) when you mark on the map where you think they are from this info and it lets you proceed if you get it right. I didn't check how far off you could be when placing the mark - but I thought it was very promising with some real potential - all depends on how it checks your accuracy against the map I suppose.
all depends on how it checks your accuracy against the map I suppose.
I've got some ideas on how I would do it and I even made an Excel file in school once that does it (see attached).
It would make sense for the game mechanics to do something similar. It's easy enough once you've got the math worked out.


  • Terrestrial Position Fix.zip
    318.7 KB · Views: 610
That´s quite the excel file, Pieter :p

And yes, the mission with the lost squad was nice, but there was an even better one the original Operation Flashpoint, where you played a downed pilot (no weapons, no compass) in enemy territory at night and had to get to a certain pick-up point with nothing but the stars (!) to guide you. That mission was incredibly tense!
That´s quite the excel file, Pieter :p
I've got to admit, I might still be slightly proud of that one! :wp

And yes, the mission with the lost squad was nice, but there was an even better one the original Operation Flashpoint, where you played a downed pilot (no weapons, no compass) in enemy territory at night and had to get to a certain pick-up point with nothing but the stars (!) to guide you. That mission was incredibly tense!
Wow, that's cool! :woot
I've got some ideas on how I would do it and I even made an Excel file in school once that does it (see attached).
It would make sense for the game mechanics to do something similar. It's easy enough once you've got the math worked out.

Some spreadsheet alright - I recognize some of that from my days working with least squares adjustment, linear models, variance/covariance and normal equations??
That´s quite the excel file, Pieter :p

And yes, the mission with the lost squad was nice, but there was an even better one the original Operation Flashpoint, where you played a downed pilot (no weapons, no compass) in enemy territory at night and had to get to a certain pick-up point with nothing but the stars (!) to guide you. That mission was incredibly tense!

Yes sounds cool!
Some spreadsheet alright - I recognize some of that from my days working with least squares adjustment, linear models, variance/covariance and normal equations??
Sounds related, indeed. In my case, it was part of my education in nautical navigation.
It was probably a bit above the level necessary to safely navigate a ship in real life,
but it did help with understanding how position accuracy works and how they're calculated in, for example, GPS.
Plus... It gave me an excuse to make another crazy complicated Excel file with which to impress the teacher. :rofl
That´s quite the excel file, Pieter :p

And yes, the mission with the lost squad was nice, but there was an even better one the original Operation Flashpoint, where you played a downed pilot (no weapons, no compass) in enemy territory at night and had to get to a certain pick-up point with nothing but the stars (!) to guide you. That mission was incredibly tense!
Oh man, I remember that one. Probably the most tense mission there was for a long time. Rated higher than most anything I have ever played since, except for a couple of VR titles.
Took the sloop for a spin, for those interested, here are some pictures:


Behind the scenes, our coding wizard and the resident sailing expert are working on further improving the sailing model at the moment (e.g. rotational forces for the sails to assist in tacking/wearing).

Steady progress on delivering an authentic 1st/3rd person 18th century sailing experience, mates :)

P.S. We´re still looking for seasoned ship modelers!
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Aye...Arma can be pretty. But the goal is to make the sailing model at least as beautiful, gameplay is what really counts, after all.

And a less spectacular screen shot (at first sight :p):

It´s a working anchor. You drop it and PhysX does the rest :)
Aye...Arma can be pretty. But the goal is to make the sailing model at least as beautiful, gameplay is what really counts, after all.
Fair point. Of course BOTH AT THE SAME TIME is best and it sounds like you're doing exactly that. :cheers

And a less spectacular screen shot (at first sight :p):
It´s a working anchor. You drop it and PhysX does the rest :)
Seriously? That IS spectacular!
And it still looks good too. :onya
Wow - that sunset is beautiful, really looking forward to this mod.

Out of curiosity - as I dont know PhysX - does the anchor drag?
Haven´t tried it yet, but from the video I´ve seen, yes, the anchor does drag. It was dropped during full speed and the ship didn´t stop immediately but still made 50 meters or so until it came to a halt completely. Thankfully, there is no damage model for the anchor yet ^^

And sunsets....ummmm, sunsets....


I even managed to hoist the topsail properly this time :p
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