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Nassau 1715, a game modification for ArmA3


HoO Team Member
3D Artist

"In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labour. In this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst is only a sour look or two at [hanging]? No, a merry life and a short one shall be my motto."

- Bartholomew Roberts
A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates (1724)

"Fear not the sea, for those born to hang will never drown."
- Ancient Proverb

Nassau 1715 is about the economic, social and power struggles that occurred in the West Indies during the early 18th century and the events leading to that, telling the true and brutal story behind some of history's most notorious criminals who plundered the seas and the bold and determined men who hunted them down.

This is a proof of concept release.

This is not meant to be a complete conversion for ArmA 3. Rather it's meant to show that this concept, 18th century naval warfare, is possible in ArmA. Another goal of the proof of concept is to attract more developers to help with the long term goal of creating a complete total modification for ArmA 3, DayZ or even ArmA 4. After the proof of concept release the project will be reevaluated for a viable total modification.

In the long term, the mod is planned to encompass some of the most significant events in Europe and the West Indies that led to the Golden Age of Piracy, including parts of the War of Spanish Succession and the English privateer voyages in the West Indies against the Spanish and French. These events come together with the wrecking of the Spanish Plate Fleet of 1715 off the coast of Florida, leading to the rise of the Pirate Republic at Nassau, New Providence Island. From there, Nassau 1715 explores the world of pirates of the West Indies and the East Coast of America, and the steps taken by the English government and colonies to suppress them, using real life events as a story backdrop for multiplayer gameplay in an open world setting.

The biggest feature of Nassau 1715 is being able to authentically sail large vessels, therefore sailing, while greatly simplified from real life, is difficult and challenging, requiring basic seamanship and knowledge. You must read the field manual in the game and review the Quick Sail Guide in order sail.









Included in this release are
  • Several Sloops (including: Adventure, Albas, Royal James and Antelope)
  • 1-Pounder Swivel Gun
  • 6-Pounder Naval Cannon
  • .62 Flintlock Pistol
  • .69 Naval Pattern Carbine
  • 17 Uniforms (not counting variants)
  • 3 Vests (not counting variants)
  • 4 Hats (not counting variants)
  • Map of Gun & Cat Cay
  • High Seas Map
  • Ingame Documentation/Field Manual
  • Some Basic Missions (SP & MP)
More content will be added over time.

Quick Sail Guide
Quick Sail Guide

Considerations while playing
You must learn how to sail in order to sail. This is not an arcade game, it's an authentic simulation of sailing. It will be difficult. You should expect to be frustrated and confused at first. Only after studying the art of sailing you will be good at sailing. In order to become a better sailor you should listen and follow the instructions of more experienced players who know how to sail. Sailing is a crew effort based on skill and knowledge. If you are a beginner you should avoid shoals at all cost or you'll run aground. Because this is an early proof of concept release, features, classnames and assets may change and/or be removed. This mod brings gameplay features that have never been attempted before in ArmA, so there will glitches and other issues. Lastly this was develop with the idea of being used on a multiplayer server.

We did not specifically develop this mod with compatibility to other popular mods in mind, therefore you may encounter some issues if you choose to use this mod with another mod. Compatibility with other mods isn't a priority since every other mod is from a different century.

End User License Agreement
  • Do not reupload any 3d or 2d assets, original or derivatives, including, but not limited to, the Steam Workshop
  • Do not retexture or remodel
  • Do not port to other game engines
  • Do not use on monetized servers
Some of our work has been kindly donated specifically for this project, therefore for development and copyright reasons we don't allow reuploads, derivatives or retextures of Nassau 1715. However, if you do want to create derivatives or retextures please consider actually becoming a part of the team to help create more content and/or modify existing content.

Thanks and Credits
Philipjn from the Pirates Ahoy! community for donating the base model of the sloop
Major (Retd) Kelly, Militaria, Army Badge and Uniform Button Dealers - www.KellyBadges.co.uk - www.KellyBadges.co.uk
Peter Davis - HMS Surprise Simulator
Keith H. Burgess, Wychwood Forest, Armidale NSW, A Woodsrunner's Diary

Team Members
Delta Hawk - Lead Artist, Shipwright
Bloodwyn - Lead Scripter
Luca - Lead Terrain Artist
Bava - Historical advisor and Shipwright
ppitm - Historical advisor, Research and Sailing Master
Kola - Artist
J0tA - Artist
Noklaschmi - Artist
LAxemann - Lead Sound Artist

How to connect with us
BI Forums
Pirates Ahoy!

Steam Workshop Please do not reupload anywhere else, this modification will probably change often with updates

Steam Workshop :: Nassau 1715


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Arma 3 + 18th century ships?? How did I miss this gem? Looks great!
Man, I loved modding Arma2 back in the days before the DayZ mod. The crazy scenarios we cooked up were great!
Yea, ArmA seems like an unlikely game to base this on, but we've made amazing progress on it. I almost can't believe it lol. There's definitely a lot of crazy scenarios we can come up with in this mod but we need some help.
Just wanted to say that the sailing system is pretty awesome already. There´s a noticeable difference between tacking and wearing and the ship behaves really nice and realistically. And the best thing: you´ve to do everything 'manually'. Wanna hoist the topsail? Pull a rope. Brace the gaff to larboard for tacking? Pull another rope. Wanna steer? Go to the rudder and turn it. Wanna get stuck in irons and make some serious sternway? No problem, this mod got you covered :p

The sloop can be operated by one person, but I´d hazard a guess to you´ll need at least 4 persons to sail the 6th rate.

Dunno if I´m allowed to post pictures so I can show you some details so I won´t :p

So, if you have models to donate or want to do some other things for the mod, write @Timb a message and join the fun. It´s really worth it :)
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Wonderful description!:D I got stuck in irons my first couple of times too :oops: Bloodwyn did a great job on scripting the sailing! (He's fixing the sternway issue)

I want to be careful about the information we release now, but the goal is to have every part of the ship that serves a purpose to have a function and be an important part of gameplay.

I suppose you could sail the frigate with 4 people, but good luck with tacking.

And yes, if you would like to donate feel free to drop a pm. It doesn't have to be perfect or even complete since it has to be modified a lot for the ArmA game engine and textures.
Just want to add one thing: the little white dots on the rudder, pumps and ropes are interaction points, so there´s plenty to do while sailing :)
Hey everyone! Just wanted to show this real quick. Bloodwyn from the ArmA community has been working on a sail system for ArmA. Everything is still very much work in progress but we feel we can show this.

This look very promising - i saw a few of the sail tooltips popping up as you walked around and the possibilities for a good sailing game are mouth watering. I'm not familiar with Arma3 - so not sure what what Mods might be like. Will they be FPS ship on ship, or is there also a 'campaign' element to the game, buying, selling etc - i tried the Dayz mod for Arma2 but didnt get too far into it.
This look very promising - i saw a few of the sail tooltips popping up as you walked around and the possibilities for a good sailing game are mouth watering. I'm not familiar with Arma3 - so not sure what what Mods might be like. Will they be FPS ship on ship, or is there also a 'campaign' element to the game, buying, selling etc - i tried the Dayz mod for Arma2 but didnt get too far into it.
Thats the nice thing about Arma, nearly everything is possible. FPS ship on ship combat will likely be only be possible with other people as far as boarding is concerned (unless someone is able ro rewrite the AI and if there are no engine limitations on that, I don't know). However we could also do a story driven singeplayer/multiplayer campaign or an "open world sandbox gamemode", similar to survival games if you like, or also completely different. Not saying we will, just that it is possible within Arma :)
ArmA 3 is a sand box, open world mil sim game. The developers, Bohemia Interactive, has release a in depth modding tool box for independent content developers to create their own modifications for the game and there is a large, supported modding community.

Because ArmA is a very moddable, open world mil sim platform independent content developers have created popular multiplayer mission, such as Exile, the original DayZ and Wasteland, where you can buy, sell and loot weapons, equipment and vehicles, interact with AI and other human players in an open world setting and complete side missions and mini-quests. This also includes character mechanics, such as the need for food, water and medicine.

This modification is being developed with a similar idea, an open world, sand box multiplayer game set in the early 18th century West Indies where players can form crews, buy, sell, loot, steal and trade weapons, equipment, ships, boats and goods, interact with other human crews and complete quests and missions on sea or land. Not only would it include player mechanics like the need for food and water, it would also include ship mechanics and needs. While all of this is still further down the road of development the basic proof of concept for this idea exists in current multiplayer games, though based on land.
This looks very promising! Can't wait to sail and handle ships with my mates!

It would be great to have a ship vs. ship multiplayer mode where you can steer, manage rigging, fire guns, as well as muskets and pistols, and board with axes and swords. I suppose that's what you're aiming for at first?