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Need Help Modeling gun to belt

Remember how, in One more Danielle, the CoAS version of the "Danielle" model was not quite the same as the PoTC version? I had to modify the "Lukreci" texture and move the eyeball to get it to work with the PoTC model - and then had to move it back again so my armoured textures would work with the CoAS model.

The same applies here. The CoAS model is not quite the same as the PoTC model. By moving the eyeball, and also the teeth this time, I've made a texture file which works with the PoTC model. And so:
gipsygirl_select.jpg gipsygirl.jpg

The original model was "towngirl5", which was in the stock PoTC game. The PoTC mod has several versions with different textures, the Indian woman being one of them.
Now try this. It should be a CoAS-compatible version of Valerie Downing, complete with armoured variants - possibly the only female model with a dress and armour?


  • ValerieDowning.zip
    2.2 MB · Views: 157
Update: in PoTC, Havana port is a clone of Port Royale port with some added details and no street traders. But it has the same stalls and locators, which makes adding a new street trader to Havana port very easy. And that means "gipsygirl" has just found a new home...
Very nice, @Grey Roger!

One question though... Is she as tiny as she seems in that screenshot?
And do I recall correctly there is a scale factor for characters somewhere in the code?
Female models are generally a little smaller than male models, but the main reason she looks small is that she's on the other side of the stall. Everything looks smaller when it's further away.
Female models are generally a little smaller than male models, but the main reason she looks small is that she's on the other side of the stall. Everything looks smaller when it's further away.
Ah, so it's mainly just perspective then?
That's fine. For some reason, it looked a bit weird.
But if she's fine in the game, then that's what matters.
Start a new game using the basic "towngirl5" model, go to Havana, sidestep around the stall to stand next to the trader, then use free camera to put the viewpoint back to the customer's side of the stall:
That works!
Thank you for going through all the trouble of confirming it. :doff