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Need Help Modeling gun to belt


Storm Modder
could some one put her gun on her belt for me plz..i seem to suck at maya gives me a headach=(


  • gun on hip.zip
    493 KB · Views: 192
Yes, it can be done with TOOL. @Nita, try this. I've added the "Gun_Hand" and "Gun_Belt" locators but haven't tried the model in a game. If the gun is out of place, you can either move the locators yourself, or give me a clue as to which one needs to move which way, and I'll have another go.


  • CitizenWom_1a.zip
    62.1 KB · Views: 155
its on her hip but now drawing sword is messed up and fireing gun tranfers it to her other hip..see pic for sword


  • CAS Game 1_10_2019 10_30_40 AM.png
    CAS Game 1_10_2019 10_30_40 AM.png
    2.5 MB · Views: 342
That makes no sense, I didn't change the sword locators!

Could you find out which animation files she uses and upload them? Both the .ani and .an files. Then I can use Animation View and TOOL to see if they show anything odd happening. It may be that the reason this model had no pistol locators is that the animation for pistols either doesn't exist or doesn't work properly. (I don't have CoAS but I do have AoP:CT, and on one occasion I tried to import some of the woman models from there into PoTC. It didn't work because AoP:CT's women have no combat animations at all so they can't even draw swords.)
ok here but woman_ab.ani has never came with a .an so i pretty sure the.an file is woman.an


  • ani.zip
    1.2 MB · Views: 212
Yes, "woman_ab.ani" does use "woman.an". In general, .an files are binaries, presumably containing the code to move parts of the model around. .ani files are plain text and can easily be edited, and if you look at "woman_ab.ani", it starts with the line 'animation = woman.an'.

Animation View shows that the animation for drawing and firing a pistol does exist, so I don't know what is going wrong. Perhaps @Jack Rackham, who is the absolute master of TOOL, can figure it out. Otherwise I'll see if I can adapt "woman_ab.ani" to work with PoTC, then see if "CitizenWom_1.gm" will work there with my locators.

Or it may simply be that the reason this model has no pistol locators is that whoever created the model found that it doesn't work with a pistol...
Looking through the GoF mod files, I found "BaynesDaughter_ab.gm" and "Lady01_ab.gm" which appear to be variants of "BaynesDaughter.gm" and "Lady01.gm" respectively; the "ab" versions have gun locators, the original versions don't. So I've tried importing their gun locators into two variants of "CitizenWom_1.gm". See if either of the model files included here will work.


  • CitizenWom_1.zip
    124.1 KB · Views: 181
we have a winner with 1b.gm trash the other and get ready for a big hug thx=)..if you could wright down how to do it and tools used in note pad form for me i would love to arm ever women in the game=)..there are so few women_ab just tons of dannys and beatrice..this makes me happy
Open your choice of .gm file with TOOL. Click on "Locators" -> "Write to File" and make up a name for a text file. This will write that model's locators into a plain text file which you can edit with Notepad or whatever else you like.

You can now add or remove lines. You can do the same thing to another file, write its locators into another text file. And now you can copy locators from one into the other.

For example, I did that to "CitizenWom_1.gm", "BaynesDaughter_ab.gm" and "Lady01_ab.gm" to get text files of all their locators. Then I copied the lines for the gun locators from "BaynesDaughter_ab" into the text file for "CitizenWom_1".

Finally, load the file you want to modify back into TOOL. Click on "Locators" -> "Read from File" and read in your modified text file. You can click on "View" -> "Locators" to see what the locators look like now. Save the model file, preferably to a new name in case it doesn't work.

The gun locators from "Lady01_ab.gm" went into "CitizenWom_1a.gm". Those from "BaynesDaughter_ab.gm" went into "CitizenWom_1b.gm". So "BaynesDaughter_ab" seems to have the correct gun locators for "CitizenWom_1". Presumably "Lady01_ab" has gun locators suitable for the other "Lady" models...
You can of course also write directly in the locator file. Add new lines, delete, or change.
I prefer it.

If so the procedure is very simple:
open .gm
do your changes
Apply changes
Save gm
You have to remove the added _x to the .gm file so it overwrites the old one

a safety trick here is to rename the old one blablabla_BU
before you remove the _x from the new one.
then you have a BackUp if things go wrong
You can of course also write directly in the locator file. Add new lines, delete, or change.
Both methods have advantages. Direct editing is certainly better for changing values, but I prefer using text files for copying locators from one model to another. Using text files also lets you add a locator somewhere other than at thr end of the file. Sometimes I use the text file to add, for example, a new "reload" locator next to all the other "reloads", then edit directly to set its co-ordinates.
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That's "lady03" with gun locators added and the model imported into PoTC. Out into the jungle for a bit of pistol practice...
CoAS_lady03_firing.jpg CoAS_lady03_after_firing.jpg

The attached zip file contains a model file with gun locators and a texture file with the eyeball and teeth needed for animated eyes and mouth.


  • lady03.zip
    522.7 KB · Views: 179
"Lady04" is basically "Lady01" with a different texture:

Again, the attached zip file contains both a model with gun locators and a texture file with eyeball and teeth.


  • lady04.zip
    586.9 KB · Views: 196
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Which model did you use as the start for that? It's almost a variant of PoTC's "towngirl5", except that the eyeball and teeth are out of place - presumably where the CoAS model wants them. I reckon I can modify the texture to put the eyeball and teeth where "towngirl5" expects them, then apply it to a new variant of "towngirl5" to make a PoTC gipsy girl - and if that does work, it's going to be trivially easy to set up the talking head model which PoTC uses for dialogs. Thanks! :onya

Also, if that does work, how would you like this lady, whom I created for a storyline in PoTC and who is also a "towngirl5" variant? If I'm right about the gipsy then all you need is to do the same in reverse - put the eyeball and teeth where CoAS expects them, and apply the texture to the same base model as the gipsy girl.


  • valerie_downing.jpg
    174.9 KB · Views: 226
are you could just rename one to point to gipsy texture not the same model she uses woman ani ... as she does not use woman3_ab will not work in theo..so adding a new towngirl with gun to hip already to point at said texture..but the texture lines up with female indian model from potc that uses towngirl5 model i belive..hope i made my self clear=)..what i am saying is i want her in potc=)
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